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ChangeLog - Aliyun OSS SDK for PHP
v2.4.3 / 2021-08-25
- Fixed: integer overflow in PHP5.x.
v2.4.2 / 2021-06-04
- Compatible with PHP8.
- Fixed: compatible with PHP5.4.
- Fixed: the signature is incorrect in some scenarios
- Update: change $requestUrl from a member variable to a local variable.
v2.4.1 / 2020-09-29
- Fixed: the getBucketPolicy bug.
v2.4.0 / 2020-08-31
- Added: disable Expect: 100-continue
- Added: support getBucketInfo
- Added: support getBucketStat
- Added: support bucket policy
- Added: support bucket encryption
- Added: support bucket tagging
- Added: support bucket worm
- Added: support versioning
- Added: support request payment
- Added: support object tagging
- Added: support code archive
- Added: support process object
- Added: support traffic limit paramter
- Added: support upload object from file handle
- Added: support getSimplifiedObjectMeta
- Fixed: the object name can not be '0' stirng.
- Update: endpoint validity check
- Update: add new pre-signed url api
v2.3.1 / 2019-01-15
- translate chinese comments into english
- Added: endpoint validity check
v2.3.0 / 2018-01-05
- Fixed: putObject support creating empty files
- Fixed: createBucket support IA/Archive
- Added: support restoreObject
- Added: support the Symlink feature
- Added: support getBucketLocation
- Added: support getBucketMeta
- Added: support proxy server Proxy
v2.2.4 / 2017-04-25
- Fixed getObject to local file bug
v2.2.3 / 2017-04-14
- Fixed md5 check
v2.2.2 / 2017-01-18
- Resolve to run the connection number and memory bug on php7
v2.2.1 / 2016-12-01
- No HTTP curl is allowed to automatically populate accept-encoding
v2.2.0 / 2016-11-22
- Fixed PutObject/CompleteMultipartUpload return values(#26 )
v2.1.0 / 2016-11-12
- AddedRTMPinterface
- Add supportimage service
v2.0.7 / 2016-06-17
- Support append object
- Trim access key id/secret and endpoint
- Refine tests and setup travis CI
- Added Add/Delete/Get BucketCname interface
- Added Put/Get Object Acl interface
- Fixing the constants in Util is defined in a PHP version that is less than 5.6.
- The problem of content-type cannot be specified when restoring multipart uploads
- Increase the ListObjects/ListMultipartUploads special characters
- Provides the interface to get the details of the OssException
- Large version upgrade, no longer compatible with previous interface, new version has made great improvements to ease of use, suggesting that users migrate to a new version.
Modify the content
- PHP 5.2 is no longer supported
Add the cotent
- Introduce namespace
- Interface naming and modification, using hump naming
- The interface is modified, and the common parameters are extracted from the Options parameter.
- The interface returns the result modification, processing the return result, and the user can directly get the data structure easily processed
- OssClient's constructor changes
- The Endpoint address that support CNAME and IP formats
- Rearrange the sample file organization structure and use function to organize the function points
- Add an interface that sets the connection timeout and requests timeout
- Remove the outdated interface associated with the Object Group
- The message in the OssException is changed to English
Repair problem
- The object name is not complete