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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 萤火商城系统 [ 致力于通过产品和服务,帮助商家高效化开拓市场 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2017~2023 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed 这不是一个自由软件,不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发行
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: 萤火科技 <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace app\api\service;
use app\api\model\User as UserModel;
use app\api\model\UserOauth as UserOauthModel;
use app\common\enum\Client as ClientEnum;
use app\common\enum\dealer\DealerUserEnum;
use app\common\enum\user\UserTypeEnum;
use app\common\service\User as UserService;
use cores\exception\BaseException;
use think\facade\Cache;
* 用户服务类
* Class User
* @package app\api\service
class User extends UserService
// 当前登录的会员信息
private static $currentLoginUser;
* 获取当前登录的用户信息 (快捷)
* 可在api应用中的任意模块中调用此方法(controller model service)
* 已登录情况下返回用户信息, 未登录返回false
* @param bool $isForce 是否强制验证登录, 如果未登录将抛错
* @return false|UserModel
* @throws BaseException
public static function getCurrentLoginUser(bool $isForce = false)
$service = new static;
if (empty(static::$currentLoginUser)) {
static::$currentLoginUser = $service->getLoginUser();
if (empty(static::$currentLoginUser)) {
$isForce && throwError($service->getError(), config('status.not_logged'));
return false;
return static::$currentLoginUser;
* 获取当前登录的用户ID
* getCurrentLoginUser方法的二次封装
* @param bool $isForce 是否强制验证登录, 如果未登录将抛错
* @return int|false
* @throws BaseException
public static function getCurrentLoginUserId(bool $isForce = true)
$userInfo = static::getCurrentLoginUser($isForce);
return $userInfo ? $userInfo['user_id'] : false;
* @notes:是否PLUS会员
* @return bool
* @throws BaseException
* @author: wanghousheng
public static function isPlusMember(): bool
$userType = static::getCurrentLoginUserType();
if ($userType && $userType == UserTypeEnum::MEMBER && self::checkEffectiveTime()) {
return true;
return false;
* @notes:是否分销商
* @return bool
* @throws BaseException
* @author: wanghousheng
public static function isDealerMember(): bool
$userType = static::getCurrentLoginUserType();
if ($userType && $userType == UserTypeEnum::DEALER) {
$userId = self::getCurrentLoginUserId();
$dealerInfo = \app\api\model\dealer\User::detail($userId, []);
if (!$dealerInfo->isEmpty() && self::checkEffectiveTime()) {
return true;
return false;
* @notes:是否分销商-工程师
* @return bool
* @throws BaseException
* @author: wanghousheng
public static function isDealerEngineer(): bool
$userType = static::getCurrentLoginUserType();
if ($userType && $userType == UserTypeEnum::DEALER) {
$userId = self::getCurrentLoginUserId();
$dealerInfo = \app\api\model\dealer\User::detail($userId, []);
if (!$dealerInfo->isEmpty() && self::checkEffectiveTime() && $dealerInfo['type'] == DealerUserEnum::ENGINEER) {
return true;
return false;
* @notes:是否店主
* @return bool
* @throws BaseException
* @author: wanghousheng
public static function isStore(): bool
$userType = static::getCurrentLoginUserType();
if ($userType && $userType == UserTypeEnum::STORE) {
$userId = self::getCurrentLoginUserId();
$model = new \app\api\model\Store();
$store_id = $model->where(['user_id' => $userId])->value('store_id');
if ($store_id && $store_id == (new self())->getStoreId()) {
return $userId;
return false;
* @notes:是否普通会员
* @return bool
* @throws BaseException
* @author: wanghousheng
public static function isNormalMember(): bool
$userType = static::getCurrentLoginUserType();
if ($userType && $userType == UserTypeEnum::NORMAL) {
return true;
return false;
* @notes:检测plus会员 分销商是否到期
* @return bool
* @throws BaseException
* @author: wanghousheng
private function checkEffectiveTime(): bool
$userInfo = static::getCurrentLoginUser();
if (!empty($userInfo) && !empty($userInfo['effective_time'])) {
$effective_time = strtotime($userInfo['effective_time'] . ' 23:59:59');
if (time() < $effective_time) {
return true;
return false;
* 获取当前登录的用户身份
* getCurrentLoginUser方法的二次封装
* @param bool $isForce 是否强制验证登录, 如果未登录将抛错
* @return int|false
* @throws BaseException
public static function getCurrentLoginUserType(bool $isForce = true)
$userInfo = static::getCurrentLoginUser($isForce);
return $userInfo ? $userInfo['user_type'] : 10;
* 获取第三方用户信息
* @param int $userId 用户ID
* @param string $oauthType 第三方登陆类型
* @return array|\think\Model|null
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public static function getOauth(int $userId, string $oauthType = ClientEnum::MP_WEIXIN)
return UserOauthModel::getOauth($userId, $oauthType);
* 验证是否已登录
* @param bool $isForce 是否强制验证登录, 如果未登录将抛错
* @return bool
* @throws BaseException
public static function isLogin(bool $isForce = false): bool
return !empty(static::getCurrentLoginUser($isForce));
* 获取当前登录的用户信息
* @return UserModel|array|false|null
* @throws BaseException
private function getLoginUser()
// 获取用户认证Token
if (!$token = $this->getToken()) {
return false;
// 获取用户信息
if (!$user = UserModel::getUserByToken($token)) {
$this->error = '没有找到用户信息';
return false;
return $user;
* 获取用户认证Token
* @return bool|string
protected function getToken()
// 获取请求中的token
$token = $this->request->header('Access-Token');
// 调试模式下可通过param
if (empty($token) && is_debug()) {
$token = $this->request->param('Access-Token');
// 不存在token报错
if (empty($token)) {
$this->error = '缺少必要的参数token, 请先登录';
return false;
return $token;
* 记忆上门自提联系人
* @param int $userId
* @param string $linkman
* @param string $phone
* @return bool
public static function setLastExtract(int $userId, string $linkman, string $phone): bool
// 缓存时间30天
$expire = 86400 * 30;
return Cache::set("{$userId}_LastExtract", compact('linkman', 'phone'), $expire);
* 记忆上门自提联系人
* @param int $userId
* @return mixed
public static function getLastExtract(int $userId)
if ($lastExtract = Cache::get("{$userId}_LastExtract")) {
return $lastExtract;
return ['linkman' => '', 'phone' => ''];