You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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26 KiB

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2006~2019 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed ( )
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: liu21st <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
declare (strict_types = 1);
namespace think;
use ArrayAccess;
use Closure;
use JsonSerializable;
use think\contract\Arrayable;
use think\contract\Jsonable;
use think\db\BaseQuery as Query;
* Class Model
* @package think
* @mixin Query
* @method void onAfterRead(Model $model) static after_read事件定义
* @method mixed onBeforeInsert(Model $model) static before_insert事件定义
* @method void onAfterInsert(Model $model) static after_insert事件定义
* @method mixed onBeforeUpdate(Model $model) static before_update事件定义
* @method void onAfterUpdate(Model $model) static after_update事件定义
* @method mixed onBeforeWrite(Model $model) static before_write事件定义
* @method void onAfterWrite(Model $model) static after_write事件定义
* @method mixed onBeforeDelete(Model $model) static before_write事件定义
* @method void onAfterDelete(Model $model) static after_delete事件定义
* @method void onBeforeRestore(Model $model) static before_restore事件定义
* @method void onAfterRestore(Model $model) static after_restore事件定义
abstract class Model implements JsonSerializable, ArrayAccess, Arrayable, Jsonable
use model\concern\Attribute;
use model\concern\RelationShip;
use model\concern\ModelEvent;
use model\concern\TimeStamp;
use model\concern\Conversion;
* 数据是否存在
* @var bool
private $exists = false;
* 是否强制更新所有数据
* @var bool
private $force = false;
* 是否Replace
* @var bool
private $replace = false;
* 数据表后缀
* @var string
protected $suffix;
* 更新条件
* @var array
private $updateWhere;
* 数据库配置
* @var string
protected $connection;
* 模型名称
* @var string
protected $name;
* 主键值
* @var string
protected $key;
* 数据表名称
* @var string
protected $table;
* 初始化过的模型.
* @var array
protected static $initialized = [];
* 软删除字段默认值
* @var mixed
protected $defaultSoftDelete;
* 全局查询范围
* @var array
protected $globalScope = [];
* 延迟保存信息
* @var bool
private $lazySave = false;
* Db对象
* @var DbManager
protected static $db;
* 容器对象的依赖注入方法
* @var callable
protected static $invoker;
* 服务注入
* @var Closure[]
protected static $maker = [];
* 方法注入
* @var Closure[][]
protected static $macro = [];
* 设置服务注入
* @access public
* @param Closure $maker
* @return void
public static function maker(Closure $maker)
static::$maker[] = $maker;
* 设置方法注入
* @access public
* @param string $method
* @param Closure $closure
* @return void
public static function macro(string $method, Closure $closure)
if (!isset(static::$macro[static::class])) {
static::$macro[static::class] = [];
static::$macro[static::class][$method] = $closure;
* 设置Db对象
* @access public
* @param DbManager $db Db对象
* @return void
public static function setDb(DbManager $db)
self::$db = $db;
* 设置容器对象的依赖注入方法
* @access public
* @param callable $callable 依赖注入方法
* @return void
public static function setInvoker(callable $callable): void
self::$invoker = $callable;
* 调用反射执行模型方法 支持参数绑定
* @access public
* @param mixed $method
* @param array $vars 参数
* @return mixed
public function invoke($method, array $vars = [])
if (self::$invoker) {
$call = self::$invoker;
return $call($method instanceof Closure ? $method : Closure::fromCallable([$this, $method]), $vars);
return call_user_func_array($method instanceof Closure ? $method : [$this, $method], $vars);
* 架构函数
* @access public
* @param array $data 数据
public function __construct(array $data = [])
$this->data = $data;
if (!empty($this->data)) {
// 废弃字段
foreach ((array) $this->disuse as $key) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->data)) {
// 记录原始数据
$this->origin = $this->data;
if (empty($this->name)) {
// 当前模型名
$name = str_replace('\\', '/', static::class);
$this->name = basename($name);
if (!empty(static::$maker)) {
foreach (static::$maker as $maker) {
call_user_func($maker, $this);
// 执行初始化操作
* 获取当前模型名称
* @access public
* @return string
public function getName(): string
return $this->name;
* 创建新的模型实例
* @access public
* @param array $data 数据
* @param mixed $where 更新条件
* @param array $options 参数
* @return Model
public function newInstance(array $data = [], $where = null, array $options = []): Model
$model = new static($data);
if ($this->connection) {
if ($this->suffix) {
if (empty($data)) {
return $model;
return $model;
* 设置模型的更新条件
* @access protected
* @param mixed $where 更新条件
* @return void
protected function setUpdateWhere($where): void
$this->updateWhere = $where;
* 设置当前模型的数据库连接
* @access public
* @param string $connection 数据表连接标识
* @return $this
public function setConnection(string $connection)
$this->connection = $connection;
return $this;
* 获取当前模型的数据库连接标识
* @access public
* @return string
public function getConnection(): string
return $this->connection ?: '';
* 设置当前模型数据表的后缀
* @access public
* @param string $suffix 数据表后缀
* @return $this
public function setSuffix(string $suffix)
$this->suffix = $suffix;
return $this;
* 获取当前模型的数据表后缀
* @access public
* @return string
public function getSuffix(): string
return $this->suffix ?: '';
* 获取当前模型的数据库查询对象
* @access public
* @param array $scope 设置不使用的全局查询范围
* @return Query
public function db($scope = []): Query
/** @var Query $query */
$query = self::$db->connect($this->connection)
->name($this->name . $this->suffix)
if (!empty($this->table)) {
$query->table($this->table . $this->suffix);
->json($this->json, $this->jsonAssoc)
->setFieldType(array_merge($this->schema, $this->jsonType));
// 软删除
if (property_exists($this, 'withTrashed') && !$this->withTrashed) {
// 全局作用域
if (is_array($scope)) {
$globalScope = array_diff($this->globalScope, $scope);
// 返回当前模型的数据库查询对象
return $query;
* 初始化模型
* @access private
* @return void
private function initialize(): void
if (!isset(static::$initialized[static::class])) {
static::$initialized[static::class] = true;
* 初始化处理
* @access protected
* @return void
protected static function init()
protected function checkData(): void
protected function checkResult($result): void
* 更新是否强制写入数据 而不做比较(亦可用于软删除的强制删除)
* @access public
* @param bool $force
* @return $this
public function force(bool $force = true)
$this->force = $force;
return $this;
* 判断force
* @access public
* @return bool
public function isForce(): bool
return $this->force;
* 新增数据是否使用Replace
* @access public
* @param bool $replace
* @return $this
public function replace(bool $replace = true)
$this->replace = $replace;
return $this;
* 刷新模型数据
* @access public
* @param bool $relation 是否刷新关联数据
* @return $this
public function refresh(bool $relation = false)
if ($this->exists) {
$this->data = $this->db()->find($this->getKey())->getData();
$this->origin = $this->data;
$this->get = [];
if ($relation) {
$this->relation = [];
return $this;
* 设置数据是否存在
* @access public
* @param bool $exists
* @return $this
public function exists(bool $exists = true)
$this->exists = $exists;
return $this;
* 判断数据是否存在数据库
* @access public
* @return bool
public function isExists(): bool
return $this->exists;
* 判断模型是否为空
* @access public
* @return bool
public function isEmpty(): bool
return empty($this->data);
* 延迟保存当前数据对象
* @access public
* @param array|bool $data 数据
* @return void
public function lazySave($data = []): void
if (false === $data) {
$this->lazySave = false;
} else {
if (is_array($data)) {
$this->lazySave = true;
* 保存当前数据对象
* @access public
* @param array $data 数据
* @param string $sequence 自增序列名
* @return bool
public function save(array $data = [], string $sequence = null): bool
// 数据对象赋值
if ($this->isEmpty() || false === $this->trigger('BeforeWrite')) {
return false;
$result = $this->exists ? $this->updateData() : $this->insertData($sequence);
if (false === $result) {
return false;
// 写入回调
// 重新记录原始数据
$this->origin = $this->data;
$this->get = [];
$this->lazySave = false;
return true;
* 检查数据是否允许写入
* @access protected
* @return array
protected function checkAllowFields(): array
// 检测字段
if (empty($this->field)) {
if (!empty($this->schema)) {
$this->field = array_keys(array_merge($this->schema, $this->jsonType));
} else {
$query = $this->db();
$table = $this->table ? $this->table . $this->suffix : $query->getTable();
$this->field = $query->getConnection()->getTableFields($table);
return $this->field;
$field = $this->field;
if ($this->autoWriteTimestamp) {
array_push($field, $this->createTime, $this->updateTime);
if (!empty($this->disuse)) {
// 废弃字段
$field = array_diff($field, $this->disuse);
return $field;
* 保存写入数据
* @access protected
* @return bool
protected function updateData(): bool
// 事件回调
if (false === $this->trigger('BeforeUpdate')) {
return false;
// 获取有更新的数据
$data = $this->getChangedData();
if (empty($data)) {
// 关联更新
if (!empty($this->relationWrite)) {
return true;
if ($this->autoWriteTimestamp && $this->updateTime) {
// 自动写入更新时间
$data[$this->updateTime] = $this->autoWriteTimestamp();
$this->data[$this->updateTime] = $data[$this->updateTime];
// 检查允许字段
$allowFields = $this->checkAllowFields();
foreach ($this->relationWrite as $name => $val) {
if (!is_array($val)) {
foreach ($val as $key) {
if (isset($data[$key])) {
// 模型更新
$db = $this->db();
$db->transaction(function () use ($data, $allowFields, $db) {
$this->key = null;
$where = $this->getWhere();
$result = $db->where($where)
->setOption('key', $this->key)
// 关联更新
if (!empty($this->relationWrite)) {
// 更新回调
return true;
* 新增写入数据
* @access protected
* @param string $sequence 自增名
* @return bool
protected function insertData(string $sequence = null): bool
if (false === $this->trigger('BeforeInsert')) {
return false;
$data = $this->data;
// 时间戳自动写入
if ($this->autoWriteTimestamp) {
if ($this->createTime && !isset($data[$this->createTime])) {
$data[$this->createTime] = $this->autoWriteTimestamp();
$this->data[$this->createTime] = $data[$this->createTime];
if ($this->updateTime && !isset($data[$this->updateTime])) {
$data[$this->updateTime] = $this->autoWriteTimestamp();
$this->data[$this->updateTime] = $data[$this->updateTime];
// 检查允许字段
$allowFields = $this->checkAllowFields();
$db = $this->db();
$db->transaction(function () use ($data, $sequence, $allowFields, $db) {
$result = $db->strict(false)
->insert($data, true);
// 获取自动增长主键
if ($result) {
$pk = $this->getPk();
if (is_string($pk) && (!isset($this->data[$pk]) || '' == $this->data[$pk])) {
$this->data[$pk] = $result;
// 关联写入
if (!empty($this->relationWrite)) {
// 标记数据已经存在
$this->exists = true;
$this->origin = $this->data;
// 新增回调
return true;
* 获取当前的更新条件
* @access public
* @return mixed
public function getWhere()
$pk = $this->getPk();
if (is_string($pk) && isset($this->origin[$pk])) {
$where = [[$pk, '=', $this->origin[$pk]]];
$this->key = $this->origin[$pk];
} elseif (is_array($pk)) {
foreach ($pk as $field) {
if (isset($this->origin[$field])) {
$where[] = [$field, '=', $this->origin[$field]];
if (empty($where)) {
$where = empty($this->updateWhere) ? null : $this->updateWhere;
return $where;
* 保存多个数据到当前数据对象
* @access public
* @param iterable $dataSet 数据
* @param boolean $replace 是否自动识别更新和写入
* @return Collection
* @throws \Exception
public function saveAll(iterable $dataSet, bool $replace = true): Collection
$db = $this->db();
$result = $db->transaction(function () use ($replace, $dataSet) {
$pk = $this->getPk();
if (is_string($pk) && $replace) {
$auto = true;
$result = [];
$suffix = $this->getSuffix();
foreach ($dataSet as $key => $data) {
if ($this->exists || (!empty($auto) && isset($data[$pk]))) {
$result[$key] = static::update($data, [], [], $suffix);
} else {
$result[$key] = static::create($data, $this->field, $this->replace, $suffix);
return $result;
return $this->toCollection($result);
* 删除当前的记录
* @access public
* @return bool
public function delete(): bool
if (!$this->exists || $this->isEmpty() || false === $this->trigger('BeforeDelete')) {
return false;
// 读取更新条件
$where = $this->getWhere();
$db = $this->db();
$db->transaction(function () use ($where, $db) {
// 删除当前模型数据
// 关联删除
if (!empty($this->relationWrite)) {
$this->exists = false;
$this->lazySave = false;
return true;
* 写入数据
* @access public
* @param array $data 数据数组
* @param array $allowField 允许字段
* @param bool $replace 使用Replace
* @param string $suffix 数据表后缀
* @return static
public static function create(array $data, array $allowField = [], bool $replace = false, string $suffix = ''): Model
$model = new static();
if (!empty($allowField)) {
if (!empty($suffix)) {
return $model;
* 更新数据
* @access public
* @param array $data 数据数组
* @param mixed $where 更新条件
* @param array $allowField 允许字段
* @param string $suffix 数据表后缀
* @return static
public static function update(array $data, $where = [], array $allowField = [], string $suffix = '')
$model = new static();
if (!empty($allowField)) {
if (!empty($where)) {
if (!empty($suffix)) {
return $model;
* 删除记录
* @access public
* @param mixed $data 主键列表 支持闭包查询条件
* @param bool $force 是否强制删除
* @return bool
public static function destroy($data, bool $force = false): bool
if (empty($data) && 0 !== $data) {
return false;
$model = new static();
$query = $model->db();
if (is_array($data) && key($data) !== 0) {
$data = null;
} elseif ($data instanceof \Closure) {
$data = null;
$resultSet = $query->select($data);
foreach ($resultSet as $result) {
return true;
* 解序列化后处理
public function __wakeup()
* 修改器 设置数据对象的值
* @access public
* @param string $name 名称
* @param mixed $value 值
* @return void
public function __set(string $name, $value): void
$this->setAttr($name, $value);
* 获取器 获取数据对象的值
* @access public
* @param string $name 名称
* @return mixed
public function __get(string $name)
return $this->getAttr($name);
* 检测数据对象的值
* @access public
* @param string $name 名称
* @return bool
public function __isset(string $name): bool
return !is_null($this->getAttr($name));
* 销毁数据对象的值
* @access public
* @param string $name 名称
* @return void
public function __unset(string $name): void
// ArrayAccess
public function offsetSet($name, $value)
$this->setAttr($name, $value);
public function offsetExists($name): bool
return $this->__isset($name);
public function offsetUnset($name)
public function offsetGet($name)
return $this->getAttr($name);
* 设置不使用的全局查询范围
* @access public
* @param array $scope 不启用的全局查询范围
* @return Query
public static function withoutGlobalScope(array $scope = null)
$model = new static();
return $model->db($scope);
* 切换后缀进行查询
* @access public
* @param string $suffix 切换的表后缀
* @return Model
public static function suffix(string $suffix)
$model = new static();
return $model;
* 切换数据库连接进行查询
* @access public
* @param string $connection 数据库连接标识
* @return Model
public static function connect(string $connection)
$model = new static();
return $model;
public function __call($method, $args)
if (isset(static::$macro[static::class][$method])) {
return call_user_func_array(static::$macro[static::class][$method]->bindTo($this, static::class), $args);
return call_user_func_array([$this->db(), $method], $args);
public static function __callStatic($method, $args)
if (isset(static::$macro[static::class][$method])) {
return call_user_func_array(static::$macro[static::class][$method]->bindTo(null, static::class), $args);
$model = new static();
return call_user_func_array([$model->db(), $method], $args);
* 析构方法
* @access public
public function __destruct()
if ($this->lazySave) {