You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
451 lines
16 KiB
451 lines
16 KiB
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 萤火商城系统 [ 致力于通过产品和服务,帮助商家高效化开拓市场 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2017~2023 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed 这不是一个自由软件,不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发行
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: 萤火科技 <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace app\admin\controller;
use think\db\exception\DbException;
use think\response\Json;
use cores\exception\BaseException;
use app\store\model\Goods as GoodsModel;
use app\store\model\GoodsCategoryRel;
use app\store\model\GoodsSku;
use app\store\model\goods\Import as ImportModel;
use app\job\controller\goods\GoodsAddPrice as GoodsAddPriceJob;
* 商品管理控制器
* Class Goods
* @package app\store\controller
class Goods extends Controller
* 强制验证当前访问的控制器方法method
* @var array
protected array $allowAllAction = [
* 商品列表
* @return Json
* @throws DbException
public function list(int $pageSize = 15): Json
// 获取列表记录
$model = new GoodsModel;
$params = $this->request->param();
$params['store_id'] = 0;
//$params['role'] = $this->admin['user']['role'];
$platform = $this->getUserPlatform();
$params['channels'] = $platform ? array_column($platform->toArray(), "code") : [];
$list= $model->getAdminList($params, $pageSize);
return $this->renderSuccess(compact('list'));
* 根据商品ID集获取列表记录
* @param array $goodsIds
* @return Json
public function listByIds(array $goodsIds): Json
// 获取列表记录
$model = new GoodsModel;
$list = $model->getListByIds($goodsIds);
return $this->renderSuccess(compact('list'));
* 商品详情(详细信息)
* @param int $goodsId
* @return Json
* @throws BaseException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function detail(int $goodsId): Json
// 获取商品详情
$model = new GoodsModel;
$goodsInfo = $model->getDetail($goodsId);
return $this->renderSuccess(compact('goodsInfo'));
* 商品详情(基础信息)
* @param int $goodsId
* @return Json
* @throws BaseException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function basic(int $goodsId): Json
// 获取商品详情
$model = new GoodsModel;
$detail = $model->getBasic($goodsId);
return $this->renderSuccess(compact('detail'));
* 添加商品
* @return Json
* @throws BaseException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function add(): Json
$model = new GoodsModel;
$params = $this->postForm();
$params['channel'] = $this->getUserAddPlatform();
if ($model->add($params)) {
return $this->renderSuccess('添加成功');
return $this->renderError($model->getError() ?: '添加失败');
* 商品编辑
* @param int $goodsId
* @return Json
* @throws BaseException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function edit(int $goodsId): Json
// 商品详情
$model = GoodsModel::detail($goodsId);
// echo "<pre>";
// print_r($model);
// exit();
// 更新记录
if ($model->edit($this->postForm(), $model)) {
$list = GoodsModel::where('origin_goods_id', $goodsId)->field('goods_id')->select();
if (!$list) {
return $this->renderSuccess('更新成功');
$goods_sku = GoodsModel::where('goods_id', $goodsId)->where('store_id', 0)->find();
// var_dump($goods_sku->cost_price_min);
// var_dump($goods_sku->markup_rate);
list($cost_price, $profit, $profit_rate) = getGoodsCostAndProfitAndProfitRate($goods_sku->goods_price_min, $goods_sku->cost_price_min, $goods_sku->markup_rate);
$goods_sku->cost_price_min = $cost_price;
$goods_sku->profit = $profit;
$goods_sku->profit_rate = $profit_rate;
// var_dump($cost_price);
// var_dump($profit);
// var_dump($profit_rate);
// exit();
$goods_data = [
'goods_name' => $goods_sku->name,
'content' => $goods_sku->content,
'selling_point' => $goods_sku->selling_point,
'goods_price_min' => $goods_sku->goods_price_min,
'goods_price_max' => $goods_sku->goods_price_max,
'line_price_min' => $goods_sku->line_price_min,
'line_price_max' => $goods_sku->line_price_max,
'cost_price_min' => $goods_sku->cost_price_min,
'profit_rate' => $goods_sku->profit_rate,
'profit' => $goods_sku->profit,
'goods_source' => $goods_sku->goods_source,
'is_check' => $goods_sku->is_check,
'delivery_time' => $goods_sku->delivery_time,
// 'is_pool' => $goods_sku->is_pool,
// 'is_sale' => $goods_sku->is_sale,
'update_time' => time(),
if ($goods_sku->is_pool == 0 || $goods_sku->is_sale == 0) {
$goods_data['status'] = 20;
if ($goods_sku->is_pool == 1 && $goods_sku->is_sale == 1) {
$goods_data['status'] = 10;
GoodsModel::where('origin_goods_id', $goodsId)->update($goods_data);
$goods_sku_data = [
'goods_price' => $goods_sku->goods_price_min,
'cost_price' => $goods_sku->cost_price_min,
'update_time' => time(),
GoodsSku::whereIn('goods_id', array_column($list->toArray(), "goods_id"))->update($goods_sku_data);
return $this->renderSuccess('更新成功');
return $this->renderError($model->getError() ?: '更新失败');
* 修改商品状态(上下架)
* @param array $goodsIds 商品id集
* @param bool $state 为true表示上架
* @return Json
public function state(array $goodsIds, int $is_pool): Json
$model = new GoodsModel;
if (!$model->setIsPool($goodsIds, $is_pool)) {
return $this->renderError($model->getError() ?: '操作失败');
return $this->renderSuccess('操作成功');
* 修改商品状态(上下架)
* @param array $goodsIds 商品id集
* @param bool $state 为true表示上架
* @return Json
public function sale(array $goodsIds, int $is_sale): Json
$model = new GoodsModel;
if (!$model->setIsSale($goodsIds, $is_sale)) {
return $this->renderError($model->getError() ?: '操作失败');
return $this->renderSuccess('操作成功');
* 修改商品状态(上下架)
* @param array $goodsIds 商品id集
* @param bool $state 为true表示上架
* @return Json
public function jingpin(array $goodsIds, int $is_jingpin): Json
$model = new GoodsModel;
if (!$model->setIsJingpin($goodsIds, $is_jingpin)) {
return $this->renderError($model->getError() ?: '操作失败');
return $this->renderSuccess('操作成功');
* 修改商品状态(上下架)
* @param array $goodsIds 商品id集
* @param bool $state 为true表示上架
* @return Json
public function category(array $goodsIds, array $categoryIds): Json
$model = new GoodsModel;
foreach ($goodsIds as $key => $goodsId) {
$categoryIds = $model->dealCategory($categoryIds);
\app\store\model\GoodsCategoryRel::updates($goodsId, $categoryIds);
$model->whereIn('goods_id', $goodsIds)->update(['cate_status'=>1,'update_time' => time()]);
return $this->renderSuccess('操作成功');
* 删除商品
* @param array $goodsIds
* @return Json
public function delete(array $goodsIds): Json
$model = new GoodsModel;
if (!$model->setDelete($goodsIds)) {
return $this->renderError($model->getError() ?: '删除失败');
return $this->renderSuccess('删除成功');
public function export(){
$model = new GoodsModel;
$params = $this->request->param();
$params['store_id'] = 0;
$perSize = 10000;
$params['page'] = 1;
$platform = $this->getUserPlatform();
$params['channels'] = $platform ? array_column($platform->toArray(), "code") : [];
$data = $model->getAdminListExport($params, $perSize)->toArray();
// echo "<pre>";
// print_r($data);
// exit();
$titles = [
downLoadExcel('导出数据-'.date('Y-m-d', time()),$titles,$data['data']);
public function export1(){
$model = new GoodsModel;
$params = $this->request->param();
$params['store_id'] = 0;
$list = $model->getAdminListExport($params)->toArray();
$accessNum = $list['total'];
// echo $accessNum;
// exit();
ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M');
$columns = ['系统编码','标题','型号','该商品苏宁的链接','成本价','库存','京东的价拖链接','前台价']; //设置好告诉浏览器要下载excel文件的headers
header('Content-Encoding: UTF-8');
header('Content-Type: application/;charset=UTF-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="导出数据-'.date('Y-m-d', time()).'.csv"');
$fp = fopen('php://output', 'a');//打开output流
fwrite($fp, chr(0xEF).chr(0xBB).chr(0xBF));
//mb_convert_variables('GBK', 'UTF-8', $columns);
fputcsv($fp, $columns);//将数据格式化为CSV格式并写入到output流中
$accessNum = $list['total'];
$perSize = 10000;
$pages = ceil($accessNum / $perSize);
// echo $pages;
// exit();
for($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) {
$params['page'] = $i;
$db_data = $model->getAdminListExport($params, $perSize)->toArray();
// echo "<pre>";
// print_r($db_data);
// exit;
foreach($db_data['data'] as $key => $value) {
//$rowData = []; //获取每列数据,转换处理成需要导出的数据
//mb_convert_variables('GBK', 'UTF-8', $value);
fputcsv($fp, $value);
ob_flush();//必须同时使用 ob_flush() 和flush() 函数来刷新输出缓冲。
//return $this->renderSuccess(compact('list'));
* 多个商品批量加价
* [addPrice description]
* @param array $categoryIds [description]
* @param int $rate [description]
public function batchAddPrice(array $goodsIds, int $rate){
// ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M');
// set_time_limit(0);
$platform = $this->getUserPlatform();
$channels = $platform ? array_column($platform->toArray(), "code") : [];
$goodsList = GoodsModel::alias('g')
->whereIn('', $channels)
->order("g.goods_id asc")
if (!$goodsList) {
return $this->renderSuccess('没有需要加价的商品');
// 分批每次导入20条
$limit = 50;
// 根据商品总数量计算需要的队列任务数量
$jobCount = \count($goodsList) / $limit;
// 逐次发布队列任务
for ($i = 0; $i < $jobCount; $i++) {
$data = array_slice($goodsList, $i * $limit, $limit);
'list' => $data,
'rate' => $rate,
return $this->renderSuccess('加价成功');
* 加价
* [addPrice description]
* @param array $categoryIds [description]
* @param int $rate [description]
public function addPrice(array $categoryIds, int $rate){
// ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M');
// set_time_limit(0);
$platform = $this->getUserPlatform();
$channels = $platform ? array_column($platform->toArray(), "code") : [];
$goodsList = GoodsModel::alias('g')
->join('goods_category_rel c', 'g.goods_id = c.goods_id')
->whereIn('', $channels)
->order("g.goods_id asc")
// ->limit(100)
if (!$goodsList) {
return $this->renderSuccess('没有需要加价的商品');
// 分批每次导入20条
$limit = 50;
// 根据商品总数量计算需要的队列任务数量
$jobCount = \count($goodsList) / $limit;
// 逐次发布队列任务
for ($i = 0; $i < $jobCount; $i++) {
$data = array_slice($goodsList, $i * $limit, $limit);
'list' => $data,
'rate' => $rate,
return $this->renderSuccess('加价成功');
public function import(){
// 新增记录
$model = new ImportModel;
$params = $this->postData();
$params['channel'] = $this->admin['user']['channel'];
if ($model->goodsUpdateBatch($params)) {
return $this->renderSuccess('已添加到导入任务中,请在历史导入记录中查看结果');
return $this->renderError($model->getError() ?: '操作失败');