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namespace app\api\controller;
use app\api\model\dealer\User as DealerUserModel;
use app\api\model\Invite\InviteLog;
use app\api\model\wholesaler\Apply;
use app\api\service\User as UserService;
use app\common\enum\WholesalerEnum;
use app\common\model\invite\InviteConfig;
use cores\exception\BaseException;
use think\db\exception\DbException;
use think\response\Json;
use app\common\model\UploadFile;
use app\common\model\dealer\Setting;
use app\store\model\User;
use app\store\model\user\GradeLog;
class Invite extends Controller
* @notes:基本信息
* @return Json
* @throws BaseException
* @author: wanghousheng
public function index(): Json
$info = InviteConfig::detail([], ['coupon']);
$data = [];
if ($info) {
$data['one_order_rate'] = $info['one_order_rate'];
$data['integral'] = $info['integral'];
$data['coupon_name'] = $info['coupon']['name'];
$model = new InviteLog();
$data['money'] = $model->sumMoney();
$data['count_people'] = $model->countPeople();
return $this->renderSuccess($data);
* @notes:邀请记录
* @throws BaseException
* @throws DbException
* @author: wanghousheng
public function getList(): Json
$model = new InviteLog();
$list = $model->getList();
return $this->renderSuccess(compact('list'));
* @notes:
* @return Json
* @throws BaseException
* @author: wanghousheng
public function statistics(): Json
$refuse_num = 0;
$adoption_num = 0;
$money = 0;
$model = new InviteLog();
$user_ids = $model->inviteeUserIds();
if ($user_ids) {
$applyModel = new Apply();
$adoption_num = $applyModel->whereIn('user_id', $user_ids)->where(['status' => WholesalerEnum::ADOPT])->count();
$refuse_num = $applyModel->whereIn('user_id', $user_ids)->where(['status' => WholesalerEnum::REFUSE])->count();
// 当前用户ID
$userId = UserService::getCurrentLoginUserId();
// 分销商用户详情
$dealer = DealerUserModel::detail($userId, []);
if (!empty($dealer->freeze_money)) {
$money = $dealer->freeze_money;
$data = compact('refuse_num', 'adoption_num', 'money');
return $this->renderSuccess($data);
* @notes:邀请采购商列表
* @return Json
* @throws BaseException
* @throws DbException
* @author: wanghousheng
public function inviteWholesalerList(): Json
$setting = Setting::where(['key'=>'commission'])->field('values')->find();
$setting = json_decode($setting,true);
$invite_num = $setting['values']['invite_num'] ?? 10;
$data['list'] = [];
$adoption_num = 0;
$data['total'] = 0;
$data['adoption_num'] = $adoption_num."/".$invite_num;
$data['invite_num'] = 0;
$data['refuse_num'] = 0;
$model = new InviteLog();
$storeId = $this->storeId;
$user_ids = $model->inviteeUserIds();
$status = intval($this->request->post('status'));
if (!$status) {
$status = WholesalerEnum::ADOPT;
if ($user_ids) {
$applyModel = new Apply();
$list = $applyModel->whereIn('user_id', $user_ids)
->where(['status' => $status])
->order('id desc')
foreach ($list as &$item) {
$item['user_type'] = User::withoutGlobalScope()->where('user_id',$item['user_id'])->value('user_type');
$item['avatar_url'] = (UploadFile::withoutGlobalScope()->where('file_id',$item['avatar_id'])->find())['preview_url'];
$item['desensitization_mobile'] = hide_mobile($item['mobile']);
$data['list'] = $list->items();
$data['total'] = $list->total();
$setting = Setting::where(['key'=>'condition'])->field('values')->find();
$setting = json_decode($setting,true);
$invite_num = $setting['values']['invite_num'] ?? 10;
$adoption_num = $applyModel->whereIn('user_id', $user_ids)->where(['status' => WholesalerEnum::ADOPT])->count();
$data['invite_num'] = $adoption_num;
$data['adoption_num'] = $adoption_num."/".$invite_num;
$data['refuse_num'] = $applyModel->whereIn('user_id', $user_ids)->where(['status' => WholesalerEnum::REFUSE])->count();
return $this->renderSuccess($data);
public function upgradeWholesaler(): Json
$storeId = $this->storeId;
$setting = Setting::where(['key'=>'commission'])->field('values')->find();
$setting = json_decode($setting,true);
$invite_num = $setting['values']['invite_num'] ?? 10;
$model = new InviteLog();
$user_ids = $model->inviteeUserIds();
if (count($user_ids) < $invite_num) {
return $this->renderError('邀请人数不够');
// 获取当前日期时间
$now = time();
// 获取明年今天的日期时间
$nextYearToday = strtotime("+1 year", $now);
// 格式化日期时间为 Y-m-d H:i:s
$formattedDate = date("Y-m-d", $nextYearToday);
$applyModel = new Apply();
$list_count = $applyModel->whereIn('user_id', $user_ids)
->where(['status' => 20])
if($list_count >= $invite_num){
$data = [
'user_type' => 30,
'fx_effective_time' => $formattedDate,
$gradeLog = [
'user_id' => $this->user['user_id'],
'store_id' => $storeId,
'change_type' => 20,
'remark' => '邀请人数达到升级服务商',
'create_time' => time(),
return $this->renderSuccess('升级成功');
return $this->renderError('升级失败,邀请人数不够');