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189 lines
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189 lines
6.6 KiB
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 萤火商城系统 [ 致力于通过产品和服务,帮助商家高效化开拓市场 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2017~2023 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed 这不是一个自由软件,不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发行
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: 萤火科技 <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace app\common\service\qrcode;
use Exception;
use Grafika\Color;
use Grafika\Grafika;
use app\common\model\Goods as GoodsModel;
* 商品海报
* Class Goods
* @package app\common\service\qrcode
class Goods extends BaseQRcode
// 当前客户端 (默认H5)
private string $channel;
// 商品信息
private GoodsModel $goods;
// 用户ID
private ?int $userId;
* 构造方法
* Goods constructor.
* @param $goods
* @param int|null $userId
* @param string $channel 二维码渠道(小程序码、h5码)
public function __construct(GoodsModel $goods, ?int $userId = null, string $channel = 'H5')
// 商品信息
$this->goods = $goods;
// 当前用户id
$this->userId = $userId;
// 当前客户端
$this->channel = $channel;
* 拼接海报图
* @return string
* @throws \cores\exception\BaseException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws Exception
public function getImage(): string
// 判断海报图文件存在则直接返回url
if (file_exists($this->getPosterPath())) {
return $this->getPosterUrl();
// 商城ID
$storeId = $this->goods['store_id'];
// 商品海报背景图
$backdrop = __DIR__ . '/resource/goods_bg.png';
// 下载商品首图
$goodsUrl = $this->saveTempImage($storeId, $this->goods['goods_image'], 'goods');
// 小程序码参数
$scene = "gid:{$this->goods['goods_id']},uid:" . ($this->userId ?: '');
// 下载小程序码
$qrcode = $this->getQrcode($storeId, $scene, 'pages/goods/detail', $this->channel);
// 拼接海报图
return $this->savePoster($backdrop, $goodsUrl, $qrcode);
* 拼接海报图
* @param string $backdrop 背景图路径
* @param string $goodsUrl 商品图路径
* @param string $qrcode 二维码图路径
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
private function savePoster(string $backdrop, string $goodsUrl, string $qrcode): string
// 实例化图像编辑器
$editor = Grafika::createEditor(['Gd']);
// 字体文件路径
$fontPath = Grafika::fontsDir() . '/' . 'st-heiti-light.ttc';
// 打开海报背景图
$editor->open($backdropImage, $backdrop);
// 打开商品图片
$editor->open($goodsImage, $goodsUrl);
// 重设商品图片宽高
$editor->resizeExact($goodsImage, 690, 690);
// 商品图片添加到背景图
$editor->blend($backdropImage, $goodsImage, 'normal', 1.0, 'top-left', 30, 30);
// 商品名称处理换行
$fontSize = 30;
$goodsName = $this->wrapText($fontSize, 0, $fontPath, $this->goods['goods_name'], 680, 2);
// 写入商品名称
$editor->text($backdropImage, $goodsName, $fontSize, 30, 750, new Color('#333333'), $fontPath);
// 写入商品价格
$editor->text($backdropImage, $this->goods['goods_price_min'], 38, 62, 964, new Color('#ff4444'));
// 打开小程序码
$editor->open($qrcodeImage, $qrcode);
// 重设小程序码宽高
$editor->resizeExact($qrcodeImage, 140, 140);
// 小程序码添加到背景图
$editor->blend($backdropImage, $qrcodeImage, 'normal', 1.0, 'top-left', 570, 914);
// 保存图片
$editor->save($backdropImage, $this->getPosterPath());
return $this->getPosterUrl();
* 处理文字超出长度自动换行
* @param integer $fontsize 字体大小
* @param integer $angle 角度
* @param string $fontface 字体名称
* @param string $string 字符串
* @param integer $width 预设宽度
* @param int|null $maxLine 最多行数
* @return string
private function wrapText(int $fontsize, int $angle, string $fontface, string $string, int $width, int $maxLine = null): string
// 这几个变量分别是 字体大小, 角度, 字体名称, 字符串, 预设宽度
$content = "";
// 将字符串拆分成一个个单字 保存到数组 letter 中
$letter = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < mb_strlen($string, 'UTF-8'); $i++) {
$letter[] = mb_substr($string, $i, 1, 'UTF-8');
$line_count = 0;
foreach ($letter as $l) {
$testbox = imagettfbbox($fontsize, $angle, $fontface, $content . ' ' . $l);
// 判断拼接后的字符串是否超过预设的宽度
if (($testbox[2] > $width) && ($content !== "")) {
if ($maxLine && $line_count >= $maxLine) {
$content = mb_substr($content, 0, -1, 'UTF-8') . "...";
$content .= "\n";
$content .= $l;
return $content;
* 海报图文件路径
* @return string
private function getPosterPath(): string
// 保存路径
$tempPath = web_path() . "temp/{$this->goods['store_id']}/";
!is_dir($tempPath) && mkdir($tempPath, 0755, true);
return $tempPath . $this->getPosterName();
* 海报图文件名称
* @return string
private function getPosterName(): string
return 'goods_' . md5("{$this->userId}_{$this->goods['goods_id']}_{$this->channel}") . '.png';
* 海报图url
* @return string
private function getPosterUrl(): string
return \base_url() . 'temp/' . $this->goods['store_id'] . '/' . $this->getPosterName() . '?t=' . time();
} |