You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
521 lines
19 KiB
521 lines
19 KiB
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace app\api\controller;
use app\api\model\{Goods as GoodsModel, Store as StoreModel};
use app\api\model\Region;
use app\api\service\{Goods as GoodsService, User as UserService};
use app\common\library\wechat\ShortLink;
use app\common\model\GoodsImage as GoodsImageModel;
use app\common\model\UploadFile as UploadFileModel;
use app\common\model\wxapp\Setting as WxappSettingModel;
use app\common\service\qrcode\Goods as GoodsPoster;
use cores\exception\BaseException;
use think\db\exception\DbException;
use think\response\Json;
use app\common\enum\goods\GoodsDeliveryTime;
use think\facade\Cache;
use EasyWeChat\Factory;
use app\api\service\Setting as SettingService;
use app\common\service\Jd;
* 商品控制器
* Class Goods
* @package app\api\controller
class Goods extends Controller
* 商品列表
* @return Json
* @throws DbException
public function list(): Json
// 获取列表数据
$model = new GoodsModel;
$param = $this->request->param();
$param['channels'] = $this->storeInfo['open_channel'] ? array_merge(['zy'], explode(",", $this->storeInfo['open_channel'])) : [];
$param['fliter_condition'] = $this->storeInfo['fliter_condition'];
$list = $model->getList($param, 10);
return $this->renderSuccess(compact('list'));
* 获取商品详情(详细信息)
* @param int $goodsId 商品ID
* @param bool $verifyStatus 是否验证商品状态(上架)
* @return Json
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws BaseException
public function detail(int $goodsId, bool $verifyStatus = true): Json
// wmc商品详情
$model = new GoodsModel;
$goodsInfo = $model->getDetails($goodsId, $verifyStatus);
if (!empty($goodsInfo['content'])) {
$goodsInfo['content'] = str_ireplace('onload="if(this.width>750){this.height=this.height*(750.0/this.width); this.width = 750;}', '', $goodsInfo['content']);
if ($goodsInfo['channel'] == 'sn') {
$goodsInfo['link'] = "";
$merchantId = $goodsInfo['merchant_id'];
$storeId = $goodsInfo['store_id'];
$service = new SettingService;
$setting = $service->getGoodsCustomer($merchantId,$storeId);
$goodsInfo['setting'] = $setting;
$jd = new Jd();
$jd_short_url = $jd->getJdShortLink($goodsInfo['goods_no']);
$goodsInfo['jd_short_url'] = $jd_short_url[0]['link'] ?? "";
return $this->renderSuccess(['detail' => $goodsInfo]);
* 获取商品详情(详细信息)
* @param int $goodsId 商品ID
* @param bool $verifyStatus 是否验证商品状态(上架)
* @return Json
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws BaseException
public function getGoodsStock(): Json
// wmc商品详情
$params = $this->request->param();
if (!$params['list'] || !$params['province'] || !$params['city'] || !$params['district']) {
return $this->renderError('参数错误!');
$return = [];
foreach ($params['list'] as $value) {
$res = "无货";
$goods = GoodsModel::where('goods_id', $value['goods_id'])->find();
if (!$goods) {
return $this->renderError('商品不存在');
$city = Region::withoutGlobalScope()->where('name', $params['city'])->where('level', 2)->find();
// var_dump($goods);
// exit();
if ($goods['region'] && !in_array($city->id, json_decode($goods['region']))) {
$data = [
'state' => "无货",
'goods_name' => $goods['goods_name'],
'goods_id' => $goods['goods_id'],
'promise_info' => "预计".(GoodsDeliveryTime::data()[$goods['delivery_time']]['name'] ?? "72小时")."内发货",
$return[] = $data;
switch ($goods->channel) {
case 'sn':
case 'sn1':
//$city = Region::withoutGlobalScope()->where('name', $params['city'])->where('level', 2)->find();
$district = Region::withoutGlobalScope()->where('name', $params['district'])->where('level', 3)->find();
$suning = new \app\common\service\Suning();
$goods->num = $param['num'] ?? 1;
$data = $suning->shoppingCartPrice([$goods->toArray()], $city->sn_code, $district->sn_code);
$data['goods_name'] = $goods['goods_name'];
$data['goods_id'] = $goods['goods_id'];
//$data['promise_info'] = "预计".(GoodsDeliveryTime::data()[$goods['delivery_time']] ?? "72小时")."内发货";
$data['promise_info'] = "预计48小时内发货";
case 'jd':
case 'jd1':
case 'jd2':
$province = Region::withoutGlobalScope()->where('name', $params['province'])->where('level', 1)->find();
$district = Region::withoutGlobalScope()->where('name', $params['district'])->where('level', 3)->find();
$jd = new \app\common\service\Jd();
$arr = [];
$ret = $jd->getGoodsStock($province->jd_code, $city->jd_code, $district->jd_code, $goods['goods_no'], $value['num'] ?? 1);
// echo "<pre>";
// print_r($ret);
if ($ret) {
$res = $ret['stockResp']['desc'] ?? "无货";
if (strpos($res, "无货") !== false) {
$res = "无货";
} elseif (strpos($res, "有货") == false) {
$res = "有货";
$data = [
'state' => $res,
'goods_name' => $goods['goods_name'],
'goods_id' => $goods['goods_id'],
//'promise_info' => $ret['promiseInfo'] ?? "预计72小时内发货",
'promise_info' => "预计48小时内发货",
if ($goods->is_use_jd_stock) {//是否使用京东库存
$province = Region::withoutGlobalScope()->where('name', $params['province'])->where('level', 1)->find();
$district = Region::withoutGlobalScope()->where('name', $params['district'])->where('level', 3)->find();
$jd = new \app\common\service\Jd();
$arr = [];
$ret = $jd->getGoodsStock($province->jd_code, $city->jd_code, $district->jd_code, $goods['goods_no'], $value['num'] ?? 1);
// echo "<pre>";
// print_r($ret);
if ($ret) {
$res = $ret['stockResp']['desc'] ?? "无货";
if (strpos($res, "无货") !== false) {
$res = "无货";
} elseif (strpos($res, "有货") == false) {
$res = "有货";
$data = [
'state' => $res,
'goods_name' => $goods['goods_name'],
'goods_id' => $goods['goods_id'],
//'promise_info' => $ret['promiseInfo'] ?? "预计72小时内发货",
'promise_info' => "预计48小时内发货",
} else {
if ($goods->stock_total >= ($value['num'] ?? 1)) {
$res = "有货";
$data = [
'state' => $res,
'goods_name' => $goods['goods_name'],
'goods_id' => $goods['goods_id'],
'promise_info' => "预计".(GoodsDeliveryTime::data()[$goods['delivery_time']]['name'] ?? "72小时")."内发货",
$return[] = $data;
return $this->renderSuccess($return);
public function browseLog(): Json
$model = new GoodsModel;
$goodsInfo = $model->browseLogList();
return $this->renderSuccess($goodsInfo);
public function presale()
$param = $this->request->param();
$model = new GoodsModel;
$goodsInfo = $model->presale($param);
if ($goodsInfo) {
return $this->renderSuccess('预约成功');
return $this->renderError('您已经预约过了');
public function browseDel()
$param = $this->request->param();
$model = new GoodsModel;
$goodsInfo = $model->browseDel($param);
if ($goodsInfo) {
return $this->renderSuccess('删除成功');
return $this->renderError('删除失败');
public function presaleList()
$param = $this->request->param();
$model = new GoodsModel;
$list = $model->presaleList($param)->toArray();
if (!$list) {
return $this->renderSuccess(compact('list'));
foreach ($list['data'] as $key => &$value) {
$goods_image = GoodsImageModel::where('goods_id', $value['goods_id'])->find();
$file_path = UploadFileModel::where('file_id', $goods_image['image_id'])->find();
$value['image'] = getUrl($file_path['file_path'], $file_path['domain']);
return $this->renderSuccess(compact('list'));
public function presaleCateList()
$param = $this->request->param();
$model = new GoodsModel;
$list = $model->presaleCateList($param);
return $this->renderSuccess($list);
public function presaleGoodsList(): Json
$param = $this->request->param();
$model = new GoodsModel;
$list = $model->presaleGoods($param);
return $this->renderSuccess(compact('list'));
public function canlpresale()
$param = $this->request->param();
$model = new GoodsModel;
$goodsInfo = $model->canlpresale($param);
if ($goodsInfo) {
return $this->renderSuccess('成功');
return $this->renderError('失败');
* 获取商品详情(基础信息)
* @param int $goodsId 商品ID
* @param bool $verifyStatus 是否验证商品状态(上架)
* @return Json
* @throws BaseException
public function basic(int $goodsId, bool $verifyStatus = true): Json
// 获取商品详情
$model = new GoodsModel;
$detail = $model->getBasic($goodsId, $verifyStatus);
return $this->renderSuccess(compact('detail'));
* 获取商品规格数据
* @param int $goodsId
* @return Json
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function specData(int $goodsId): Json
// 获取商品详情
$model = new GoodsModel;
$specData = $model->getSpecData($goodsId);
return $this->renderSuccess(compact('specData'));
* 获取商品的指定SKU信息
* @param int $goodsId 商品ID
* @param string $goodsSkuId 商品SKU标识
* @return Json
public function skuInfo(int $goodsId, string $goodsSkuId): Json
$skuInfo = GoodsService::getSkuInfo($goodsId, $goodsSkuId);
return $this->renderSuccess(compact('skuInfo'));
* 推荐的商品列表
* @return Json
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function recommended(): Json
$service = new GoodsService;
$cache_key = "goods_recommended".$this->storeId.($this->user ? $this->user->user_type : 0);
// if(Cache::has($cache_key)) {
// $goodsList = Cache::get($cache_key);
// return $this->renderSuccess(compact('goodsList'));
// }
$goodsList = $service->recommended();
//Cache::set($cache_key, $goodsList, 60*60);
return $this->renderSuccess(compact('goodsList'));
* 推荐的商品列表
* @return Json
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function recommendedNew(): Json
$param = $this->request->param();
$service = new GoodsService;
$goodsList = $service->recommendedNew($param);
return $this->renderSuccess(compact('goodsList'));
* 商品大牌和新品
* @return Json
public function brandList(): Json
$service = new GoodsService;
$goodsList = $service->brandList();
return $this->renderSuccess($goodsList);
public function getCommonConfig(): Json
$service = new GoodsService;
$storeInfo = StoreModel::info();
if (empty($storeInfo)) {
return $this->renderError("商铺信息不存在");
$type = intval($this->request->get('type', 1));
$goodsList = $service->getCommonConfig($storeInfo, $type);
return $this->renderSuccess($goodsList);
public function charts(): Json
$service = new GoodsService;
$storeid = request()->header()['storeid'];
$goodsList = $service->charts($storeid);
return $this->renderSuccess($goodsList);
* 排行行查看更多
* @return Json
public function chartsGoodsList(): Json
$service = new GoodsService;
$storeid = request()->header()['storeid'];
$goodsList = $service->chartsGoodsList($storeid);
return $this->renderSuccess($goodsList);
* 首页分类商品排行榜 默认返回3条
* @return Json
public function chartsGoodsJing(): Json
$service = new GoodsService;
$goodsList = $service->chartsGoodsJing();
return $this->renderSuccess($goodsList);
public function cityInfo(): Json
$service = new GoodsService;
$storeId = $this->request->storeId();
$goodsList = $service->cityInfo($storeId);
return $this->renderSuccess($goodsList);
public function hotWord(): Json
$service = new GoodsService;
$list = $service->hotWord($this->request->param('page'));
return $this->renderSuccess($list);
* 生成商品海报
* @param int $goodsId 商品ID
* @param string $channel 二维码渠道(小程序码、h5码)
* @throws BaseException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function poster(int $goodsId, string $channel = 'H5'): Json
// 获取商品详情
$model = new GoodsModel;
$goodsInfo = $model->setEnableGradeMoney(false)->getBasic($goodsId);
// 生成商品海报图
$userId = UserService::getCurrentLoginUserId();
$Qrcode = new GoodsPoster($goodsInfo, $userId, $channel);
return $this->renderSuccess(['imageUrl' => $Qrcode->getImage()]);
public function shortUrl(): Json
$page_url = $this->request->post('page_url');
if (empty($page_url)) {
return $this->renderError('缺少参数page_url');
$page_url = urldecode($page_url);
//$page_url = "pages/goods/detail?refereeId=10472&goodsId=985456";
$page_title = $this->request->post('page_title');
if (empty($page_title)) {
return $this->renderError('缺少参数page_title');
$store_id = GoodsModel::$storeId;
$wxConfig = WxappSettingModel::getConfigBasic($store_id);
$config = [
'app_id' => $wxConfig['app_id'],
'secret' => $wxConfig['app_secret'],
'response_type' => 'array',// 指定 API 调用返回结果的类型:array(default)/collection/object/raw/自定义类名
'log' => [
'level' => 'debug',
'file' => app()->getRuntimePath().'wechat.log',
$app = Factory::miniProgram($config);
$data = $app->short_link->getShortLink($page_url, "", false);
$url = "";
if ($data['errcode'] == 0) {
$url = $data['link'];
// 请求api获取短连接
// $link_obj = new ShortLink($wxConfig['app_id'], $wxConfig['app_secret']);
// $url = $link_obj->shortUrl($page_url, "");
return $this->renderSuccess(['url' => $url]);
public function detailTest(int $goodsId, bool $verifyStatus = true): Json
// wmc商品详情
$model = new GoodsModel;
$goodsInfo = $model->getDetails($goodsId, $verifyStatus);
if (!empty($goodsInfo['content'])) {
$goodsInfo['content'] = str_ireplace('onload="if(this.width>750){this.height=this.height*(750.0/this.width); this.width = 750;}', '', $goodsInfo['content']);
if ($goodsInfo['channel'] == 'sn') {
$goodsInfo['link'] = "";
$merchantId = $goodsInfo['merchant_id'];
$storeId = $goodsInfo['store_id'];
$service = new SettingService;
$setting = $service->getGoodsCustomer($merchantId,$storeId);
$goodsInfo['setting'] = $setting;
return $this->renderSuccess(['detail' => $goodsInfo]);