addAllowedHeader("x-oss-header"); $rule->addAllowedOrigin(""); $rule->addAllowedMethod("POST"); $rule->setMaxAgeSeconds(10); $corsConfig->addRule($rule); $ossClient->putBucketCors($bucket, $corsConfig); Common::println("bucket $bucket corsConfig created:" . $corsConfig->serializeToXml()); // Get cors configuration $corsConfig = $ossClient->getBucketCors($bucket); if ($corsConfig->getResponseVary()){ printf("Response Vary : true" .PHP_EOL); }else{ printf("Response Vary : false" .PHP_EOL); } foreach ($corsConfig->getRules() as $key => $rule){ if($rule->getAllowedHeaders()){ foreach($rule->getAllowedHeaders() as $header){ printf("Allowed Headers :" .$header .PHP_EOL); } } if ($rule->getAllowedMethods()){ foreach($rule->getAllowedMethods() as $method){ printf("Allowed Methods :" .$method . PHP_EOL); } } if($rule->getAllowedOrigins()){ foreach($rule->getAllowedOrigins() as $origin){ printf("Allowed Origins :" .$origin , PHP_EOL); } } if($rule->getExposeHeaders()){ foreach($rule->getExposeHeaders() as $exposeHeader){ printf("Expose Headers :" .$exposeHeader . PHP_EOL); } } printf("Max Age Seconds :" .$rule->getMaxAgeSeconds() .PHP_EOL); } // Delete cors configuration $ossClient->deleteBucketCors($bucket); Common::println("bucket $bucket corsConfig deleted"); //******************************* For complete usage, see the following functions ***************************************************** putBucketCors($ossClient, $bucket); getBucketCors($ossClient, $bucket); deleteBucketCors($ossClient, $bucket); getBucketCors($ossClient, $bucket); /** * Set bucket cores * * @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance * @param string $bucket bucket name * @return null */ function putBucketCors($ossClient, $bucket) { $corsConfig = new CorsConfig(); $rule = new CorsRule(); $rule->addAllowedHeader("x-oss-header"); $rule->addAllowedOrigin(""); $rule->addAllowedMethod("POST"); $rule->setMaxAgeSeconds(10); $corsConfig->addRule($rule); try { $ossClient->putBucketCors($bucket, $corsConfig); } catch (OssException $e) { printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n"); printf($e->getMessage() . "\n"); return; } print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n"); } /** * Get and print the cors configuration of a bucket * * @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance * @param string $bucket bucket name * @return null */ function getBucketCors($ossClient, $bucket) { $corsConfig = null; try { $corsConfig = $ossClient->getBucketCors($bucket); if ($corsConfig->getResponseVary()){ printf("Response Vary : true" .PHP_EOL); }else{ printf("Response Vary : false" .PHP_EOL); } foreach ($corsConfig->getRules() as $key => $rule){ if($rule->getAllowedHeaders()){ foreach($rule->getAllowedHeaders() as $header){ printf("Allowed Headers :" .$header .PHP_EOL); } } if ($rule->getAllowedMethods()){ foreach($rule->getAllowedMethods() as $method){ printf("Allowed Methods :" .$method . PHP_EOL); } } if($rule->getAllowedOrigins()){ foreach($rule->getAllowedOrigins() as $origin){ printf("Allowed Origins :" .$origin , PHP_EOL); } } if($rule->getExposeHeaders()){ foreach($rule->getExposeHeaders() as $exposeHeader){ printf("Expose Headers :" .$exposeHeader . PHP_EOL); } } printf("Max Age Seconds :" .$rule->getMaxAgeSeconds() .PHP_EOL); } } catch (OssException $e) { printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n"); printf($e->getMessage() . "\n"); return; } print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n"); } /** * Delete all cors configuraiton of a bucket * * @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance * @param string $bucket bucket name * @return null */ function deleteBucketCors($ossClient, $bucket) { try { $ossClient->deleteBucketCors($bucket); } catch (OssException $e) { printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n"); printf($e->getMessage() . "\n"); return; } print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n"); }