// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- declare (strict_types=1); namespace app\common\model; use app\common\enum\goods\Status as GoodsStatusEnum; use app\common\enum\order\DeliveryType as DeliveryTypeEnum; use app\common\library\helper; use app\store\model\GoodsCategoryRel as GoodsCategoryRelModel; use cores\BaseModel; use think\db\BaseQuery; use think\db\exception\DbException; use think\model\Collection; use think\model\relation\BelongsTo; use think\model\relation\HasMany; use think\model\relation\HasOne; use think\Paginator; use app\store\model\GoodsImage as GoodsImageModel; use app\store\model\UploadFile as UploadFileModel; use app\common\model\Region; use app\common\model\Store; /** * 商品模型 * Class Goods * @package app\common\model */ class Goods extends BaseModel { // 定义表名 protected $name = 'goods'; // 定义主键 protected $pk = 'goods_id'; // 追加字段 protected $append = ['goods_sales']; // public function __construct(){ // self::$storeId = 0; // // app()->request->setStoreId(0); // } /** * 关联模型:主图视频文件 * @return HasOne */ public function video(): HasOne { return $this->hasOne('UploadFile', 'file_id', 'video_id'); } /** * 关联模型:主图视频封面图片文件 * @return HasOne */ public function videoCover(): HasOne { return $this->hasOne('UploadFile', 'file_id', 'video_cover_id'); } /** * 计算显示销量 (初始销量 + 实际销量) * @param $value * @param $data * @return mixed */ public function getGoodsSalesAttr($value, $data) { return ($data['sales_initial'] ?? 0) + ($data['sales_actual'] ?? 0); } /** * 商品详情:HTML实体转换回普通字符 * @param $value * @return string */ public function getContentAttr($value): string { return $value ? htmlspecialchars_decode($value) : ""; } /** * 获取器:单独设置折扣的配置 * @param $json * @return mixed */ public function getAloneGradeEquityAttr($json) { return helper::jsonDecode($json); } /** * 获取器:商品配送方式 * 如果配送方式为空,默认返回所有配送方式(用于后台商品管理时默认选中) * @param $json * @return mixed */ public function getDeliveryTypeAttr($json) { $values = helper::jsonDecode($json); return $values ?: array_keys(DeliveryTypeEnum::data()); } /** * 修改器:单独设置折扣的配置 * @param $data * @return false|string */ public function setAloneGradeEquityAttr($data) { return helper::jsonEncode($data); } /** * 修改器:商品配送方式 * @param $data * @return false|string */ public function setDeliveryTypeAttr($data) { return helper::jsonEncode($data); } /** * 关联商品规格表 * @return HasMany */ public function skuList(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany('GoodsSku', 'spu_id')->order(['id' => 'asc']); } /** * 关联商品规格表 * @return HasMany */ public function skuList1(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany('GoodsSku', 'goods_id')->order(['id' => 'asc']); } /** * 关联商品规格关系表 * @return HasMany */ public function specRel(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany('GoodsSpecRel'); } /** * 关联商品图片表 * @return HasMany */ public function images(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany('GoodsImage')->order(['id']); } /** * 关联运费模板表 * @return BelongsTo */ public function delivery(): BelongsTo { return $this->BelongsTo('Delivery'); } /** * 关联订单评价表 * @return HasMany */ public function commentData(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany('Comment'); } /** * 中文销售区域处理 * [dealGoodsSaleArea description] * @param [type] $sale_areas [description] * @return [type] [description] */ public static function dealGoodsSaleArea($sale_areas){ //批量导入销售区域处理 $region = []; $region_text = []; if ($sale_areas) { $sale_areas = explode("、", $sale_areas); $cityNames = []; foreach ($sale_areas as $value) { if (strpos($value, "-") === false) { $province = Region::withoutGlobalScope()->where('name', $value)->where('level', 1)->find(); $citys = Region::withoutGlobalScope()->where('pid', $province['id'] ?? 0)->where('level', 2)->select()->toArray(); $citys = array_column($citys, "name"); } else { list($province, $city) = explode("-", $value); $citys = [$city]; } $cityNames = array_merge($cityNames, $citys); } $regions = Region::withoutGlobalScope()->whereIn('name', $cityNames)->where('level', 2)->select()->toArray(); $regionsnew = []; foreach ($regions as $key => $value) { $regionsnew[$value['pid']][] = $value; } // echo "
            // print_r($regionsnew);
            foreach ($regionsnew as $pid => $value) {
                $privince = Region::withoutGlobalScope()->where('id', $pid)->find();
                $region_text[$pid]['name'] = $privince['name'] ?? "";
                $citys = [];

                foreach ($value as $val) {
                    $region[] = $val['id'];
                    $citys[] = ['name' => $val['name']];
                $region_text[$pid]['citys'] = $citys;

            foreach ($region_text as $pid => &$item) {
                if (count($item['citys']) == Region::withoutGlobalScope()->whereIn('pid', $pid)->count()) {
                    $item['citys'] = [];
        return [$region, $region_text];
     * 获取商品列表
     * @param array $param 查询条件
     * @param int $listRows 分页数量
     * @return mixed
     * @throws DbException
    public function getAdminListExport(array $param = [], int $listRows = 15)
        $storeId = self::$storeId;
        self::$storeId = 0;

        $storeIds = [$storeId];
        if (isset($param['storeInfo']['p_store_id']) && $param['storeInfo']['p_store_id']) {
            $storeIds[] = $param['storeInfo']['p_store_id'];

        // 筛选条件
        $query = $this->getQueryFilter($param);
        // 设置显示的销量 goods_sales
        //$query->field(['(sales_initial + sales_actual) as goods_sales', '(line_price_max - goods_price_min) as discount']);
        // 排序条件
        $sort = $this->setQuerySort($param);
        $order = request()->get()['order'] ?? '';
        $sort = request()->get()['sort'] ?? '';
        if ($order && $sort) {
            $sort = [
                $sort => $order,
        } else {
            $sort = [
                $this->getPk() => 'desc',
        // $field = $this->getAliasFields($this->name, ['content']);
        // $field[] = 'selling_point';
        // 执行查询
        $list = $query
            ->field(['goods.goods_id', 'goods.goods_name', 'cmmdty_model', 'remark', 'cost_price_min', 'stock_total', 'is_check', 'goods_price_min','goods_no','goods_source','delivery_time','delivery_id','status','link','link_other','channel','is_use_jd_stock','video_id','region_text'])
            ->whereIn('goods.store_id', $storeIds)
            ->where('is_delete', '=', 0)
        foreach ($list as &$goods) {
            if (!$goods->link_other) {
                $goods->link_other = "0";
        // 整理列表数据并返回
        return $list;

     * 获取商品列表
     * @param array $param 查询条件
     * @param int $listRows 分页数量
     * @return mixed
     * @throws DbException
    public function getAdminList(array $param = [], int $listRows = 15)
        // 筛选条件
        $query = $this->getQueryFilter($param);
        // 设置显示的销量 goods_sales
        $query->field(['(sales_initial + sales_actual) as goods_sales', '(line_price_max - goods_price_min) as discount']);
        // 排序条件
        $sort = $this->setQuerySort($param);
        $order = request()->get()['order'] ?? '';
        $sort = request()->get()['sort'] ?? '';
        if ($order && $sort) {
            $sort = [
                $sort => $order,
        } else {
            $sort = [
                $this->getPk() => 'desc',
        $field = $this->getAliasFields($this->name, ['content']);
        $field[] = 'selling_point';
        // 执行查询
        $list = $query->with(['images.file'])
            ->where('is_delete', '=', 0)

        // 整理列表数据并返回
        foreach ($list as &$goods) {
            $goods['dic'] = 'admin';
            $goods['after_markup_price'] = round($goods['cost_price_min'] / (1 - ($goods['markup_rate'] / 100)), 0);
            $goods['import_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $goods['import_time']);
            $goods = $this->setGoodsData($goods, null);
        return $list;
        //return $this->setGoodsListData($list);

     * 获取商品列表
     * @param array $param 查询条件
     * @param int $listRows 分页数量
     * @return mixed
     * @throws DbException
    public function getList(array $param = [], int $listRows = 15)
        $storeId = self::$storeId;
        self::$storeId = 0;
        // 筛选条件
        $query = $this->getQueryFilter($param);
        // 设置显示的销量 goods_sales
        $query->field(['(sales_initial + sales_actual) as goods_sales', '(line_price_max - goods_price_min) as discount']);
        // 排序条件
        $sort1 = $this->setQuerySort($param);
        // var_dump($sort);
        // exit();
        $order = request()->get()['order'] ?? '';
        $sort = request()->get()['sort'] ?? '';
        if ($order && $sort) {
            $sort = [
                $sort => $order,
        } else {
            if ($sort1) {
                $sort = $sort1;
            } else {
                $sort = [
                    $this->getPk() => 'desc',
        $field = $this->getAliasFields($this->name, ['content']);
        $field[] = 'selling_point';

        //关键字搜索 wanghousheng
        if (!empty($param['keyword'])) {
            $query = $query->whereRaw('goods_name like ? or goods_no like ?', ["%{$param['keyword']}%", "%{$param['keyword']}%"]);
        if (!empty($param['keywords'])) {
            $where = explode(',',$param['keywords']);
            foreach ($where as $key => $val){
                $query = $query->whereRaw('goods_name like ? or goods_no like ?', ["%{$val}%", "%{$val}%"]);
        $storeIds = [$storeId ? $storeId : ($param['storeInfo']['store_id'] ?? 0)];

        if (isset($param['storeInfo']['p_store_id']) && $param['storeInfo']['p_store_id']) {
            $storeIds[] = $param['storeInfo']['p_store_id'];
        if (isset($param['fliter_condition']) && $param['fliter_condition']) {
            $fliter_condition = json_decode($param['fliter_condition'], true);
            $categorys = [];
            $str = "";
            foreach ($fliter_condition as $value) {
                $categorys = array_merge($categorys, $value['category']);
                $strConditon = "(";
                $strConditon .= "goods_category_rel.category_id in (".implode(",", $value['category']).")";
                $strConditon .= " and goods.profit >= ".$value['profit'];
                $strConditon .= " and goods.profit_rate >= ".$value['profit_rate'] . ") or ";
                $str .= $strConditon;
            $str = trim($str, "or ");
            if (!$param['categoryId'] || in_array($param['categoryId'], $categorys)) {
                // 执行查询
                $list = $query->with(['images.file'])
                    ->whereIn('goods.store_id', $storeIds)
                    ->where('is_delete', '=', 0)
            } else {
                // 执行查询
                $list = $query->with(['images.file'])
                    ->whereIn('goods.store_id', $storeIds)
                    ->where('is_delete', '=', 0)
        } else {

            // 执行查询
            $list = $query->with(['images.file'])
                ->whereIn('goods.store_id', $storeIds)
                ->where('is_delete', '=', 0)


        // 整理列表数据并返回
        return $this->setGoodsListData($list, null, $param['storeInfo'] ?? []);

     * 检索排序条件
     * @param array $param
     * @return array|string[]
    private function setQuerySort(array $param = []): array
        $params = $this->setQueryDefaultValue($param, [
            'sortType' => 'all',    // 排序类型 (all默认 sales销量 price价格)
            'sortPrice' => false,   // 价格排序 (true高到低 false低到高)
        // 排序规则
        $sort = [];
        if ($params['sortType'] === 'all') {
            $sort = ['sort' => 'asc'];
        } elseif ($params['sortType'] === 'sales') {
            $sort = ['goods_sales' => 'desc'];
        } elseif ($params['sortType'] === 'price') {
            $sort = $params['sortPrice'] ? ['goods_price_max' => 'desc'] : ['goods_price_min' => 'asc'];
        return array_merge($sort, [$this->getPk() => 'desc']);

     * 检索查询条件
     * @param array $param
     * @return BaseQuery
    private function getQueryFilter(array $param): BaseQuery

        // 商品列表获取条件
        $params = $this->setQueryDefaultValue($param, [
            'listType' => 'all',     // 列表模式 (全部:all 出售中:on_sale 已下架:off_sale 已售罄:sold_out)
            'categoryId' => null,    // 商品分类ID
            'goodsName' => null,     // 商品名称
            'goodsNo' => null,       // 商品编码
            'status' => 0,           // 商品状态(0全部 10上架 20下架)
            'goods_price_min' => '',
            'goods_price_max' => '',
            'date_type' => '',
            'is_pool' => '',
            'is_self' => '',
            'is_sale' => '',
            'keywords' => '',
            'role' => '',

        // 实例化新查询对象
        $query = $this->getNewQuery();
        // 筛选条件
        $filter = [];
        // 列表模式
        if ($params['listType'] === 'on_sale') {
            $filter[] = ['status', '=', GoodsStatusEnum::ON_SALE];        // 出售中
        } elseif ($params['listType'] === 'off_sale') {
            $filter[] = ['status', '=', GoodsStatusEnum::OFF_SALE];        // 已下架
        } elseif ($params['listType'] === 'sold_out') {
            $filter[] = ['stock_total', '=', 0];    // 已售罄
        } elseif ($params['listType'] === 'out_pool') {
            $filter[] = ['is_pool', '=', 2];    // 已售罄
        } elseif ($params['listType'] === 'in_pool') {
            $filter[] = ['is_pool', '=', 1];    // 已售罄
        if (isset($params['is_sale']) && $params['is_sale'] != "") {
            if ($params['is_sale'] == 1) {
                $filter[] = ['is_sale', '=', 1];        // 出售中
            } elseif ($params['is_sale'] == 0) {
                $filter[] = ['is_sale', '=', 0];       // 已下架
            } elseif ($params['is_sale'] == 2) {
                $filter[] = ['stock_total', '=', 0];    // 已售罄

        if (isset($params['data_type']) && $params['data_type'] != "") {
            if ($params['data_type'] == 1) {
                $filter[] = ['data_type', '=', 1];        // 出售中
            } elseif ($params['data_type'] == 0) {
                $filter[] = ['data_type', '=', 0];       // 已下架
            } elseif ($params['data_type'] == 2) {
                $filter[] = ['is_pool', '=', 1];    // 已售罄

        // 商品状态
        $params['status'] > 0 && $filter[] = ['status', '=', (int)$params['status']];
        //$a = 1;
        // 商品分类
        if ($params['categoryId'] > 0 || (isset($params['fliter_condition']) && $params['fliter_condition'])) {
            // 关联商品与分类关系记录表
            $GoodsCategoryRelName = (new GoodsCategoryRelModel())->getName();
            $query->join($GoodsCategoryRelName, "{$GoodsCategoryRelName}.goods_id = {$this->name}.goods_id");
            if ($params['categoryId'] > 0) {
                // 设置分类ID条件
                $query->where('goods_category_rel.category_id', 'in', explode(",", (string)$params['categoryId']));

        if (isset($param['goodsIds']) && $param['goodsIds'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.goods_id', 'in', explode(",", $param['goodsIds'])];
        if (isset($param['goodsId']) && $param['goodsId'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.goods_id', 'in', explode(",", $param['goodsId'])];
        // 商品名称
        if (!empty($params['goodsName'])) {
            $goods_name = str_replace(" ", "", $params['goodsName']);
            $query->where("REPLACE(`goods_name`, ' ', '')  LIKE  '%". $goods_name . "%'");
            //$filter[] = ["REPLACE(`goods_name`, ' ', '')", 'like', "%{$goods_name}%"];
        // 商品编码
        !empty($params['goodsNo']) && $filter[] = ['goods_no', 'like', "%{$params['goodsNo']}%"];

        // if (!empty($param['is_brand'])) {
        //     $filter[] = ['is_brand', '=', intval($param['is_brand'])];
        // }
        // if (!empty($param['is_new'])) {
        //     $filter[] = ['is_new', '=', intval($param['is_new'])];
        // }

        if (isset($param['spec_type']) && $param['spec_type'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['spec_type', '=', $params['spec_type']];
        //gj -前台小程序
        if (isset($param['merchantId']) && $param['merchantId']) {
            $filter[] = ['goods.merchant_id', '=', $param['merchantId']];
        if (isset($param['merchant_id']) && $param['merchant_id']) {
            $filter[] = ['goods.merchant_id', '=', $param['merchant_id']];
        //if (isset($param['is_in_store']) && $param['is_in_store'] !== '') {
        // if (isset($param['is_in_store']) && $param['is_in_store']) {
        //     $filter[] = ['is_in_store', '=', $params['is_in_store']];
        // }

        if (isset($param['store_id']) && $param['store_id'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.store_id', '=', $params['store_id']];
        if (isset($param['channel']) && $param['channel'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.channel', '=', $params['channel']];
        } else {
            if (isset($param['channels']) && $param['channels']) {
                $filter[] = ['goods.channel', 'in', $param['channels']];
        if (isset($param['is_grab']) && $param['is_grab'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.is_grab', '=', intval($params['is_grab'])];
        if (isset($param['is_self']) && $param['is_self'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.is_self', '=', $params['is_self']];
        // if (isset($params['data_type']) && $params['data_type'] != '') {
        //     $filter[] = ['goods.data_type', '=', $params['data_type']];
        // }
        if (isset($param['is_pool']) && $param['is_pool'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.is_pool', '=', $params['is_pool']];
        if (isset($param['is_jingpin']) && $param['is_jingpin'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.is_jingpin', '=', $params['is_jingpin']];
        if (isset($param['is_brand']) && $param['is_brand'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.is_brand', '=', $params['is_brand']];
        if (isset($param['is_new']) && $param['is_new'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.is_new', '=', $params['is_new']];
        if (isset($param['is_in_store']) && $param['is_in_store'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.is_in_store', '=', $params['is_in_store']];
        // if (!empty($param['paihang'])) {
        //     $filter[] = ['paihang', '>', 0];
        //     $query->order('paihang asc');
        // }
        if (isset($param['is_paihang']) && $param['is_paihang'] !== '') {
            if ($param['is_paihang'] > 0 ) {
                $filter[] = ['goods.paihang', '>', 0];
                $query->order('paihang asc');
            } else {
                $filter[] = ['goods.paihang', '=', 0];
        if (isset($param['start_time']) && $param['start_time'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.create_time', '>=', strtotime($params['start_time'])];
        if (isset($param['end_time']) && $param['end_time'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.create_time', '<=', strtotime($params['end_time'])];
        if (isset($param['goods_price_min']) && $param['goods_price_min'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.goods_price_min', '>=', $params['goods_price_min']];
        if (isset($param['goods_price_max']) && $param['goods_price_max'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.goods_price_min', '<=', $params['goods_price_max']];
        if (isset($param['distribute_price_max']) && $param['distribute_price_max'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.distribute_price', '<=', $params['distribute_price_max']];
        if (isset($param['distribute_price_min']) && $param['distribute_price_min'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.distribute_price', '>=', $params['distribute_price_min']];
        if (isset($param['shop_price_min']) && $param['shop_price_min'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.shop_price', '>=', $params['shop_price_min']];
        if (isset($param['shop_price_max']) && $param['shop_price_max'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.shop_price', '<=', $params['shop_price_max']];
        if (isset($param['profit_rate_min']) && $param['profit_rate_min'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.profit_rate', '>=', $params['profit_rate_min']];
        if (isset($param['profit_rate_max']) && $param['profit_rate_max'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.profit_rate', '<=', $params['profit_rate_max']];
        if (isset($param['goods_source']) && $param['goods_source'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.goods_source', '=', $params['goods_source']];
        if (isset($param['is_has_banner']) && $param['is_has_banner'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.is_has_banner', '=', $params['is_has_banner']];
        if (isset($param['is_has_detail']) && $param['is_has_detail'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.is_has_detail', '=', $params['is_has_detail']];
        if (isset($param['is_jd_remove']) && $param['is_jd_remove'] !== '') {
            $filter[] = ['goods.is_jd_remove', '=', $params['is_jd_remove']];
        // 实例化新查询对象
        return $query->where($filter);
     * 使用总后台的商品的图片作为商城商品的图片
     * [storeUsePlatformGoodsImage description]
     * @param  array  $origin_goods_ids [description]
     * @return [type]                   [description]
    public function storeUsePlatformGoodsImage(array $origin_goods_ids){
        $goods_images = GoodsImageModel::withoutGlobalScope()->whereIn('goods_id', $origin_goods_ids)->select()->toArray();
        $goods_image_ids = array_column($goods_images, "image_id");
        $files = UploadFileModel::withoutGlobalScope()->whereIn('file_id', $goods_image_ids)->select()->toArray();

        $files = array_column($files, null, "file_id");
        $arr = [];
        foreach ($goods_images as &$goods_image) {
            $goods_image['file'] = $files[$goods_image['image_id']] ?? [];
            $arr[$goods_image['goods_id']][] = $goods_image;
        return $arr;
     * 使用总后台的商品信息
     * [storeUsePlatformGoodsImage description]
     * @param  array  $origin_goods_ids [description]
     * @return [type]                   [description]
    public function storeUsePlatformGoods(array $origin_goods_ids){
        $goods = self::withoutGlobalScope()->whereIn('goods_id', $origin_goods_ids)->field('goods_id,goods_name,goods_no,content')->select()->toArray();
        $goods = array_column($goods, null, "goods_id");
        return $goods;

     * 设置商品展示的数据
     * @param Collection|Paginator $list 商品列表
     * @param callable|null $callback 回调函数
     * @return mixed
    protected function setGoodsListData($list, callable $callback = null, $storeInfo = [])
        if ($list->isEmpty()) {
            return $list;
        $goodsList = $list->toArray()['data'] ?? $list->toArray();
        $origin_goods_ids = array_column($goodsList, 'origin_goods_id');
        $goods_images = $this->storeUsePlatformGoodsImage($origin_goods_ids);
        $goodsList = $this->storeUsePlatformGoods($origin_goods_ids);
        // 遍历商品列表整理数据
        foreach ($list as &$goods) {
            if ($goods->origin_goods_id && $goods->store_id > 0) {
                $goods->images = $goods_images[$goods->origin_goods_id] ?? [];
                $goods->content = $goodsList[$goods->origin_goods_id]['content'] ?? "";
                $goods->goods_no = $goodsList[$goods->origin_goods_id]['goods_no'] ?? "";
                $goods->goods_name = $goodsList[$goods->origin_goods_id]['goods_name'] ?? "";
            if ($storeInfo && $storeInfo['p_store_id'] > 0) {
               $goods->cost_price_min = round($goods->cost_price_min / (1 - $storeInfo['markup_rate'] * 0.01));
            $goods = $this->setGoodsData($goods, $callback);

        return $list;

     * 整理商品数据
     * @param Collection|static $goodsInfo
     * @param callable|null $callback
     * @return mixed
    protected function setGoodsData($goodsInfo, callable $callback = null)
        $channel = Channel::withoutGlobalScope()->where('code', $goodsInfo['channel'])->find();
        if (isset($goodsInfo['dic']) && $goodsInfo['dic'] == 'admin') {
            $goodsInfo['channel_name'] = (isset($channel['name'])&& $channel['name']) ? $channel['alias']."-".$channel['name'] : "";
        } else {
            $goodsInfo['channel_name'] = $channel['alias'] ?? "";
        $goodsInfo['selling_point'] = "";
        $goodsInfo['goods_images'] = helper::getArrayColumn($goodsInfo['images'], 'file');
        // 商品主图
        $goodsInfo['goods_image'] = $goodsInfo['goods_images'] ? current($goodsInfo['goods_images'])['preview_url'] : "";
        // 商品销量(实际显示=初始虚拟销量+实际销量)
        $goodsInfo['goods_sales'] = $goodsInfo['sales_initial'] + $goodsInfo['sales_actual'];
        if (in_array($goodsInfo['channel'], ['sn','sn1']) && $goodsInfo['link_other']) {
            $goodsInfo['link'] = $goodsInfo['link_other'];

        // 回调函数
        is_callable($callback) && call_user_func($callback, $goodsInfo);
        return $goodsInfo;

     * 根据商品id集获取商品列表
     * @param array $goodsIds
     * @param null $status
     * @return array|mixed
    public function getListByIds(array $goodsIds, $status = null)
        // 筛选条件
        $filter = [['goods_id', 'in', $goodsIds]];
        // 商品状态
        $status > 0 && $filter[] = ['status', '=', $status];
        // 获取商品列表数据
        $data = self::withoutGlobalScope()->withoutField(['content'])
            ->where('is_delete', '=', 0)
            ->orderRaw('field(goods_id, ' . implode(',', $goodsIds) . ')')
        // 整理列表数据并返回
        return $this->setGoodsListData($data);

     * 获取商品记录
     * @param int $goodsId
     * @param array $with
     * @return static|array|null
    public static function detail(int $goodsId, array $with = [])
        self::$storeId = 0;
        return static::get($goodsId, $with);