null, 'message' => null, //'type' => $response->isClientError() ? 'client' : 'server', 'type' => 'client', 'request_id' => null, 'parsed' => null ); $body = strval($response->getBody()); if (empty($body)) { $this->parseHeaders($request, $response, $data); return $data; } try { $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement(mb_convert_encoding($body, 'UTF-8')); $this->parseBody($xml, $data); return $data; } catch (\Exception $e) { $data['code'] = 'PhpInternalXmlParseError'; $data['message'] = 'A non-XML response was received'; return $data; } } /** * Parses additional exception information from the response headers * * @param RequestInterface $request Request that was issued * @param ResponseInterface $response The response from the request * @param array $data The current set of exception data */ protected function parseHeaders(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, array &$data) { $data['message'] = $response->getStatusCode() . ' ' . $response->getReasonPhrase(); $requestId = $response->getHeader('x-cos-request-id'); if (isset($requestId[0])) { $requestId = $requestId[0]; $data['request_id'] = $requestId; $data['message'] .= " (Request-ID: $requestId)"; } // Get the request $status = $response->getStatusCode(); $method = $request->getMethod(); // Attempt to determine code for 403s and 404s if ($status === 403) { $data['code'] = 'AccessDenied'; } elseif ($method === 'HEAD' && $status === 404) { $path = explode('/', trim($request->getUri()->getPath(), '/')); $host = explode('.', $request->getUri()->getHost()); $bucket = (count($host) >= 4) ? $host[0] : array_shift($path); $object = array_shift($path); if ($bucket && $object) { $data['code'] = 'NoSuchKey'; } elseif ($bucket) { $data['code'] = 'NoSuchBucket'; } } } /** * Parses additional exception information from the response body * * @param \SimpleXMLElement $body The response body as XML * @param array $data The current set of exception data */ protected function parseBody(\SimpleXMLElement $body, array &$data) { $data['parsed'] = $body; $namespaces = $body->getDocNamespaces(); if (isset($namespaces[''])) { // Account for the default namespace being defined and PHP not being able to handle it :( $body->registerXPathNamespace('ns', $namespaces['']); $prefix = 'ns:'; } else { $prefix = ''; } if ($tempXml = $body->xpath("//{$prefix}Code[1]")) { $data['code'] = (string) $tempXml[0]; } if ($tempXml = $body->xpath("//{$prefix}Message[1]")) { $data['message'] = (string) $tempXml[0]; } $tempXml = $body->xpath("//{$prefix}RequestId[1]"); if (empty($tempXml)) { $tempXml = $body->xpath("//{$prefix}RequestID[1]"); } if (isset($tempXml[0])) { $data['request_id'] = (string) $tempXml[0]; } } }