client = $client; $this->nodePool = $nodePool; $this->logger = $logger; } public function getClient(): ClientInterface { return $this->client; } public function getNodePool(): NodePoolInterface { return $this->nodePool; } public function getLogger(): LoggerInterface { return $this->logger; } public function setHeader(string $name, string $value): self { $this->headers[$name] = $value; return $this; } /** * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setRetries(int $num): self { if ($num < 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The retries number must be a positive integer'); } $this->retries = $num; return $this; } public function getRetries(): int { return $this->retries; } public function getHeaders(): array { return $this->headers; } public function setUserInfo(string $user, string $password = ''): self { $this->user = $user; $this->password = $password; return $this; } public function setUserAgent(string $name, string $version): self { $this->headers['User-Agent'] = sprintf( "%s/%s (%s %s; PHP %s)", $name, $version, PHP_OS, $this->getOSVersion(), phpversion() ); return $this; } /** * Set the x-elastic-client-meta header * * The header format is specified by the following regex: * ^[a-z]{1,}=[a-z0-9\.\-]{1,}(?:,[a-z]{1,}=[a-z0-9\.\-]+)*$ */ public function setElasticMetaHeader(string $clientName, string $clientVersion, bool $async = false): self { $phpSemVersion = sprintf("%d.%d.%d", PHP_MAJOR_VERSION, PHP_MINOR_VERSION, PHP_RELEASE_VERSION); $meta = sprintf( "%s=%s,php=%s,t=%s,a=%d", $clientName, $this->purgePreReleaseTag($clientVersion), $phpSemVersion, $this->purgePreReleaseTag(self::VERSION), $async ? 1 : 0 // 0=syncronous, 1=asynchronous ); $lib = $this->getClientLibraryInfo(); if (!empty($lib)) { $meta .= sprintf(",%s=%s", $lib[0], $lib[1]); } $this->headers['x-elastic-client-meta'] = $meta; return $this; } /** * Remove pre-release suffix with a single 'p' letter */ private function purgePreReleaseTag(string $version): string { return str_replace(['alpha', 'beta', 'snapshot', 'rc', 'pre'], 'p', strtolower($version)); } public function getLastRequest(): RequestInterface { return $this->lastRequest; } public function getLastResponse(): ResponseInterface { return $this->lastResponse; } /** * Setup the headers, if not already present */ private function setupHeaders(RequestInterface $request): RequestInterface { foreach ($this->headers as $name => $value) { if (!$request->hasHeader($name)) { $request = $request->withHeader($name, $value); } } return $request; } /** * Setup the user info, if not already present */ private function setupUserInfo(RequestInterface $request): RequestInterface { $uri = $request->getUri(); if (empty($uri->getUserInfo())) { if (isset($this->user)) { $request = $request->withUri($uri->withUserInfo($this->user, $this->password)); } } return $request; } /** * Setup the connection Uri */ private function setupConnectionUri(Node $node, RequestInterface $request): RequestInterface { $uri = $node->getUri(); $path = $request->getUri()->getPath(); $nodePath = $uri->getPath(); // If the node has a path we need to use it as prefix for the existing path // @see if (!empty($nodePath)) { $path = sprintf("%s/%s", rtrim($nodePath, '/'), ltrim($path,'/')); } // If the user information is not in the request, we check if it is present in the node uri // @see if (empty($request->getUri()->getUserInfo()) && !empty($uri->getUserInfo())) { $userInfo = explode(':', $uri->getUserInfo()); $request = $request->withUri( $request->getUri() ->withUserInfo($userInfo[0], $userInfo[1] ?? null) ); } return $request->withUri( $request->getUri() ->withHost($uri->getHost()) ->withPort($uri->getPort()) ->withScheme($uri->getScheme()) ->withPath($path) ); } private function decorateRequest(RequestInterface $request): RequestInterface { $request = $this->setupHeaders($request); return $this->setupUserInfo($request); } private function logHeaders(MessageInterface $message): void { $this->logger->debug(sprintf( "Headers: %s\nBody: %s", json_encode($message->getHeaders()), (string) $message->getBody() )); } private function logRequest(string $title, RequestInterface $request): void { $this->logger->info(sprintf( "%s: %s %s", $title, $request->getMethod(), (string) $request->getUri() ), [ 'request' => $request ]); $this->logHeaders($request); } private function logResponse(string $title, ResponseInterface $response, int $retry): void { $this->logger->info(sprintf( "%s (retry %d): %d", $title, $retry, $response->getStatusCode() ), [ 'response' => $response, 'retry' => $retry ]); $this->logHeaders($response); } /** * @throws NoNodeAvailableException * @throws ClientExceptionInterface */ public function sendRequest(RequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface { if (empty($request->getUri()->getHost())) { $node = $this->nodePool->nextNode(); $request = $this->setupConnectionUri($node, $request); } $request = $this->decorateRequest($request); $this->lastRequest = $request; $this->logRequest("Request", $request); $count = -1; while ($count < $this->getRetries()) { try { $count++; $response = $this->client->sendRequest($request); $this->lastResponse = $response; $this->logResponse("Response", $response, $count); return $response; } catch (NetworkExceptionInterface $e) { $this->logger->error(sprintf("Retry %d: %s", $count, $e->getMessage())); if (isset($node)) { $node->markAlive(false); $node = $this->nodePool->nextNode(); $request = $this->setupConnectionUri($node, $request); } } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) { $this->logger->error(sprintf("Retry %d: %s", $count, $e->getMessage())); throw $e; } } $exceededMsg = sprintf("Exceeded maximum number of retries (%d)", $this->getRetries()); $this->logger->error($exceededMsg); throw new NoNodeAvailableException($exceededMsg); } public function setAsyncClient(HttpAsyncClient $asyncClient): self { $this->asyncClient = $asyncClient; return $this; } /** * @throws NoAsyncClientException */ public function getAsyncClient(): HttpAsyncClient { if (!empty($this->asyncClient)) { return $this->asyncClient; } if ($this->client instanceof HttpAsyncClient) { return $this->client; } try { $this->asyncClient = HttpAsyncClientDiscovery::find(); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new NoAsyncClientException(sprintf( "I did not find any HTTP library with HttpAsyncClient interface. " . "Make sure to install a package providing \"php-http/async-client-implementation\". " . "You can also set a specific async library using %s::setAsyncClient()", self::class )); } return $this->asyncClient; } public function setAsyncOnSuccess(OnSuccessInterface $success): self { $this->onAsyncSuccess = $success; return $this; } public function getAsyncOnSuccess(): OnSuccessInterface { if (empty($this->onAsyncSuccess)) { $this->onAsyncSuccess = new OnSuccessDefault(); } return $this->onAsyncSuccess; } public function setAsyncOnFailure(OnFailureInterface $failure): self { $this->onAsyncFailure = $failure; return $this; } public function getAsyncOnFailure(): OnFailureInterface { if (empty($this->onAsyncFailure)) { $this->onAsyncFailure = new OnFailureDefault(); } return $this->onAsyncFailure; } /** * @throws Exception */ public function sendAsyncRequest(RequestInterface $request): Promise { $client = $this->getAsyncClient(); $node = null; if (empty($request->getUri()->getHost())) { $node = $this->nodePool->nextNode(); $request = $this->setupConnectionUri($node, $request); } $request = $this->decorateRequest($request); $this->lastRequest = $request; $this->logRequest("Async Request", $request); $count = 0; $promise = $client->sendAsyncRequest($request); // onFulfilled callable $onFulfilled = function (ResponseInterface $response) use (&$count) { $this->lastResponse = $response; $this->logResponse("Async Response", $response, $count); return $this->getAsyncOnSuccess()->success($response, $count); }; // onRejected callable $onRejected = function (Exception $e) use ($client, $request, &$count, $node) { $this->logger->error(sprintf("Retry %d: %s", $count, $e->getMessage())); $this->getAsyncOnFailure()->failure($e, $request, $count, $node ?? null); if (isset($node)) { $node->markAlive(false); $node = $this->nodePool->nextNode(); $request = $this->setupConnectionUri($node, $request); } $count++; return $client->sendAsyncRequest($request); }; // Add getRetries() callables using then() for ($i=0; $i < $this->getRetries(); $i++) { $promise = $promise->then($onFulfilled, $onRejected); } // Add the last getRetries()+1 callable for managing the exceeded error $promise = $promise->then($onFulfilled, function(Exception $e) use (&$count) { $exceededMsg = sprintf("Exceeded maximum number of retries (%d)", $this->getRetries()); $this->logger->error(sprintf("Retry %d: %s", $count, $e->getMessage())); $this->logger->error($exceededMsg); throw new NoNodeAvailableException(sprintf("%s: %s", $exceededMsg, $e->getMessage())); }); return $promise; } /** * Get the OS version using php_uname if available * otherwise it returns an empty string */ private function getOSVersion(): string { if (!isset($this->OSVersion)) { $disable_functions = (string) ini_get('disable_functions'); $this->OSVersion = strpos(strtolower($disable_functions), 'php_uname') !== false ? '' : php_uname("r"); } return $this->OSVersion; } /** * Returns the name and the version of the Client HTTP library used * Here a list of supported libraries: * gu => guzzlehttp/guzzle * sy => symfony/http-client */ private function getClientLibraryInfo(): array { $clientClass = get_class($this->client); if (false !== strpos($clientClass, 'GuzzleHttp\Client')) { return ['gu', InstalledVersions::getPrettyVersion('guzzlehttp/guzzle')]; } if (false !== strpos($clientClass, 'Symfony\Component\HttpClient')) { return ['sy', InstalledVersions::getPrettyVersion('symfony/http-client')]; } return []; } }