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1 year ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 萤火商城系统 [ 致力于通过产品和服务,帮助商家高效化开拓市场 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2017~2023 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed 这不是一个自由软件,不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发行
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: 萤火科技 <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace app\common\model;
use cores\BaseModel;
use app\common\library\helper;
use think\model\relation\HasOne;
use app\common\enum\goods\SpecType as SpecTypeEnum;
* 商品SKU模型
* Class GoodsSku
* @package app\common\model
class GoodsSku extends BaseModel
// 定义表名
protected $name = 'goods_sku';
// 定义主键
protected $pk = 'id';
* 关联模型:规格图片
* @return HasOne
public function image(): HasOne
return $this->hasOne('UploadFile', 'file_id', 'image_id');
* 获取器:规格值ID集
* @param $value
* @return array|mixed
public function getSpecValueIdsAttr($value)
return helper::jsonDecode($value);
* 获取器:规格属性
* @param $value
* @return array|mixed
public function getGoodsPropsAttr($value)
return helper::jsonDecode($value);
* 设置器:规格值ID集
* @param $value
* @return string
public function setSpecValueIdsAttr($value): string
return helper::jsonEncode($value);
* 设置器:规格属性
* @param $value
* @return string
public function setGoodsPropsAttr($value): string
return helper::jsonEncode($value);
* 获取sku信息详情
* @param int $goodsId
* @param string $goodsSkuId
* @return static|array|null
public static function detail(int $goodsId, string $goodsSkuId)
return static::get(['goods_id' => $goodsId, 'goods_sku_id' => $goodsSkuId], ['image']);
* 获取商品SKU列表
* @param int $goodsId 商品ID
* @param bool $withImage 是否携带sku封面图
* @return \think\Collection
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public static function getSkuList(int $goodsId, bool $withImage = false): \think\Collection
return (new static)->with($withImage ? ['image'] : [])
1 year ago
//->where('goods_id', '=', $goodsId)
->where('spu_id', '=', $goodsId)
1 year ago
* 生成skuList数据(写入goods_sku_id)
* @param array $newSpecList
* @param array $skuList
* @return array
public static function getNewSkuList(array $newSpecList, array $skuList): array
foreach ($skuList as &$skuItem) {
$skuItem['specValueIds'] = static::getSpecValueIds($newSpecList, $skuItem['skuKeys']);
$skuItem['goodsProps'] = static::getGoodsProps($newSpecList, $skuItem['skuKeys']);
$skuItem['goods_sku_id'] = implode('_', $skuItem['specValueIds']);
return $skuList;
* 根据$skuKeys生成规格值id集
* @param array $newSpecList
* @param array $skuKeys
* @return array
private static function getSpecValueIds(array $newSpecList, array $skuKeys): array
$goodsSkuIdArr = [];
foreach ($skuKeys as $skuKey) {
$groupItem = helper::arraySearch($newSpecList, 'key', $skuKey['groupKey']);
$specValueItem = helper::arraySearch($groupItem['valueList'], 'key', $skuKey['valueKey']);
$goodsSkuIdArr[] = $specValueItem['spec_value_id'];
return $goodsSkuIdArr;
* 根据$skuKeys生成规格属性记录
* @param array $newSpecList
* @param array $skuKeys
* @return array
private static function getGoodsProps(array $newSpecList, array $skuKeys): array
$goodsPropsArr = [];
foreach ($skuKeys as $skuKey) {
$groupItem = helper::arraySearch($newSpecList, 'key', $skuKey['groupKey']);
$specValueItem = helper::arraySearch($groupItem['valueList'], 'key', $skuKey['valueKey']);
$goodsPropsArr[] = [
'group' => ['name' => $groupItem['spec_name'], 'id' => $groupItem['spec_id']],
'value' => ['name' => $specValueItem['spec_value'], 'id' => $specValueItem['spec_value_id']]
return $goodsPropsArr;
* 新增商品sku记录
* @param int $goodsId
* @param array $newSkuList
* @param int $specType
* @param int|null $storeId 商城ID
* @return array|bool|false
public static function add(int $goodsId, int $specType = SpecTypeEnum::SINGLE, array $newSkuList = [], int $storeId = null)
// 单规格模式
if ($specType === SpecTypeEnum::SINGLE) {
return (new static)->save(array_merge($newSkuList, [
'goods_id' => $goodsId,
1 year ago
'spu_id' => $goodsId,
1 year ago
'goods_sku_id' => 0,
'store_id' => $storeId ?: self::$storeId
} // 多规格模式
elseif ($specType === SpecTypeEnum::MULTI) {
// 批量写入商品sku记录
return static::increasedFroMulti($goodsId, $newSkuList, $storeId);
return false;
* 批量写入商品sku记录
* @param int $goodsId
* @param array $skuList
* @param int|null $storeId 商城ID
* @return array|false
private static function increasedFroMulti(int $goodsId, array $skuList, int $storeId = null)
$dataset = [];
foreach ($skuList as $skuItem) {
$dataset[] = array_merge($skuItem, [
'id' => null, // 此处的id必须是数据库自增
'goods_sku_id' => $skuItem['goods_sku_id'],
'goods_price' => $skuItem['goods_price'] ?: 0.01,
'line_price' => $skuItem['line_price'] ?: 0.00,
'goods_sku_no' => $skuItem['goods_sku_no'] ?: '',
'stock_num' => $skuItem['stock_num'] ?: 0,
'goods_weight' => $skuItem['goods_weight'] ?: 0,
'goods_props' => $skuItem['goodsProps'],
'spec_value_ids' => $skuItem['specValueIds'],
'goods_id' => $goodsId,
'store_id' => $storeId ?: self::$storeId
return (new static)->addAll($dataset);
* 获取库存总数量 (根据sku列表数据)
* @param array $skuList
* @return float|int
public static function getStockTotal(array $skuList)
return (int)helper::getArrayColumnSum($skuList, 'stock_num');
* 获取商品价格高低区间 (根据sku列表数据)
* @param array $skuList
* @return array
public static function getGoodsPrices(array $skuList): array
$goodsPriceArr = helper::getArrayColumn($skuList, 'goods_price');
return empty($goodsPriceArr) ? [0, 0] : [min($goodsPriceArr), max($goodsPriceArr)];
* 获取划线价格高低区间 (根据sku列表数据)
* @param array $skuList
* @return array
public static function getLinePrices(array $skuList): array
$linePriceArr = helper::getArrayColumn($skuList, 'line_price');
return empty($linePriceArr) ? [0, 0] : [min($linePriceArr), max($linePriceArr)];