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1 year ago
namespace League\Flysystem;
interface FilesystemAdapter
* @throws FilesystemException
public function fileExists(string $path): bool;
* @throws UnableToWriteFile
* @throws FilesystemException
public function write(string $path, string $contents, Config $config): void;
* @param resource $contents
* @throws UnableToWriteFile
* @throws FilesystemException
public function writeStream(string $path, $contents, Config $config): void;
* @throws UnableToReadFile
* @throws FilesystemException
public function read(string $path): string;
* @return resource
* @throws UnableToReadFile
* @throws FilesystemException
public function readStream(string $path);
* @throws UnableToDeleteFile
* @throws FilesystemException
public function delete(string $path): void;
* @throws UnableToDeleteDirectory
* @throws FilesystemException
public function deleteDirectory(string $path): void;
* @throws UnableToCreateDirectory
* @throws FilesystemException
public function createDirectory(string $path, Config $config): void;
* @throws InvalidVisibilityProvided
* @throws FilesystemException
public function setVisibility(string $path, string $visibility): void;
* @throws UnableToRetrieveMetadata
* @throws FilesystemException
public function visibility(string $path): FileAttributes;
* @throws UnableToRetrieveMetadata
* @throws FilesystemException
public function mimeType(string $path): FileAttributes;
* @throws UnableToRetrieveMetadata
* @throws FilesystemException
public function lastModified(string $path): FileAttributes;
* @throws UnableToRetrieveMetadata
* @throws FilesystemException
public function fileSize(string $path): FileAttributes;
* @return iterable<StorageAttributes>
* @throws FilesystemException
public function listContents(string $path, bool $deep): iterable;
* @throws UnableToMoveFile
* @throws FilesystemException
public function move(string $source, string $destination, Config $config): void;
* @throws UnableToCopyFile
* @throws FilesystemException
public function copy(string $source, string $destination, Config $config): void;