You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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11 months ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 萤火商城系统 [ 致力于通过产品和服务,帮助商家高效化开拓市场 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2017~2023 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed 这不是一个自由软件,不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发行
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: 萤火科技 <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace cores;
8 months ago
use app\common\library\helper;
use cores\exception\BaseException;
use cores\extension\ModelExt;
use cores\traits\ErrorTrait;
11 months ago
use think\db\Query;
use think\helper\Str;
8 months ago
use think\Model;
11 months ago
use think\model\Collection;
8 months ago
use think\Paginator;
11 months ago
* 模型基类
* Class BaseModel
* @package app\common\model
abstract class BaseModel extends Model
use ErrorTrait;
// 当前访问的商城ID
public static ?int $storeId;
public static ?int $merchantId;
11 months ago
// 定义表名
protected $name;
// 模型别名
protected string $alias = '';
// 定义全局的查询范围
protected $globalScope = ['store_id'];
// 是否允许全局查询store_id
protected bool $isGlobalScopeStoreId = true;
// 模型基类扩展
/* @var ?ModelExt $ModelExt */
private static ?ModelExt $ModelExt = null;
* 模型基类初始化
* @throws BaseException
public static function init()
// 绑定store_id
// 绑定ModelExt
if (!self::$ModelExt) {
self::$ModelExt = ModelExt::getInstance();
* 获取当前操作的商城ID
* @return int|null
private static function getStoreId(): ?int
if (empty(self::$storeId)) {
self::$storeId = app()->request->storeId();
return self::$storeId;
* 获取当前调用来源的应用名称
* 例如:admin, api, store
* @return string
protected final static function getCalledModule(): string
if (preg_match('/app\\\(\w+)/', get_called_class(), $class)) {
return $class[1];
return 'common';
* 查找单条记录
* @param mixed $data 查询条件
* @param array $with 关联查询
* @return array|static|null
public static function get($data, array $with = [])
try {
$query = (new static)->with($with);
return is_array($data) ? $query->where($data)->find() : $query->find((int)$data);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return null;
* 获取当前表名称 (不含前缀)
* @return string
public static final function getTableName(): string
$model = new static;
return Str::snake($model->name);
* 定义全局的查询范围
* @param Query $query
public function scopeStore_id(Query $query)
if (!$this->isGlobalScopeStoreId)
$storeId = self::getStoreId();
$storeId > 0 && $query->where($query->getTable() . '.store_id', $storeId);
* 设置默认的检索数据
* @param array $query
* @param array $default
* @return array
public function setQueryDefaultValue(array $query, array $default = []): array
return helper::setQueryDefaultValue($query, $default);
* 设置基础查询条件(用于简化基础alias和field)
* @param string $alias
* @param array $join
* @return $this
public function setBaseQuery(string $alias = '', array $join = [])
// 设置别名
$aliasValue = $alias ?: $this->alias;
$query = $this->alias($aliasValue)->field("{$aliasValue}.*");
// join条件
if (!empty($join)) : foreach ($join as $item):
$query->join($item[0], "{$item[0]}.{$item[1]}={$aliasValue}." . ($item[2] ?? $item[1]));
endforeach; endif;
return $query;
* 批量更新多条数据(支持带where条件)
* @param iterable $dataSet [0 => ['data'=>[], 'where'=>[]]]
* @return array|false
public function updateAll(iterable $dataSet)
if (empty($dataSet)) {
return false;
return $this->transaction(function () use ($dataSet) {
$result = [];
foreach ($dataSet as $key => $item) {
$result[$key] = self::updateBase($item['data'], $item['where']);
return $result;
* 批量新增数据
* @param iterable $dataSet [0 => ['id'=>10001, 'name'=>'wang']]
* @return array|false
public function addAll(iterable $dataSet)
if (empty($dataSet)) {
return false;
return $this->transaction(function () use ($dataSet) {
$result = [];
foreach ($dataSet as $key => $item) {
$result[$key] = self::create($item, $this->field);
return $result;
* 删除记录
* @param array $where
* 方式1: ['goods_id' => $goodsId]
* 方式2: [
* ['store_user_id', '=', $storeUserId],
* ['role_id', 'in', $deleteRoleIds]
* ]
* @return bool|int 这里实际返回的是数量int
public static function deleteAll(array $where)
return (new static)->where($where)->delete();
* 字段值增长
* @param array|int|bool $where
* @param string $field
* @param float $step
* @return mixed
protected function setInc($where, string $field, float $step = 1)
if (is_numeric($where)) {
$where = [$this->getPk() => (int)$where];
return $this->where($where)->inc($field, $step)->update();
* 字段值消减
* @param array|int|bool $where
* @param string $field
* @param float $step
* @return mixed
protected function setDec($where, string $field, float $step = 1)
if (is_numeric($where)) {
$where = [$this->getPk() => (int)$where];
return $this->where($where)->dec($field, $step)->update();
* 实例化新查询对象
* @return \think\db\BaseQuery
protected function getNewQuery(): \think\db\BaseQuery
return $this->db();
* 新增hidden属性
* @param array $hidden
* @return $this
protected function addHidden(array $hidden): BaseModel
$this->hidden = array_merge($this->hidden, $hidden);
return $this;
* 生成字段列表(字段加上$alias别名)
* @param string $alias 别名
* @param array $withoutFields 排除的字段
* @return array
protected function getAliasFields(string $alias, array $withoutFields = []): array
$fields = array_diff($this->getTableFields(), $withoutFields);
foreach ($fields as &$field) {
$field = "$alias.$field";
return $fields;
* 更新数据[单条]
* @param array $data 更新的数据内容
* @param array|int $where 更新条件默认array, 也支持传参int, 但必须是主键id
* @return bool
public static function updateOne(array $data, $where): bool
$model = new static;
return self::$ModelExt->updateOne($model, $where, $data);
* 更新数据[批量] 如果只更新单条记录请使用 updateOne方法
* @param array $data 更新的数据内容
* @param array $where 更新条件
* @param array $allowField 允许的字段
* @return bool
public static function updateBase(array $data, array $where, array $allowField = []): bool
$model = new static;
return self::$ModelExt->updateBase($model, $data, $where, $allowField);
* 设置模型的更新条件
* @access protected
* @param mixed $where 更新条件
* @return static
public function mySetUpdateWhere($where): BaseModel
return $this;
* 合并设置项
* @param array $confusion
* @param array $variable
* @param string $_
* @param bool $__
* @return array
protected static function reorganize(array $confusion, array $variable, string $_ = 'cache', bool $__ = false): array
return self::$ModelExt->reorganize($confusion, $variable, $_, $__);
* 仅返回values数据
* @param array $setting 全部设置
* @param bool $setKey 是否设置键值
* @return array
public final static function getValues(array $setting, bool $setKey = true): array
return self::$ModelExt->getValues($setting, $setKey);
* 加载附加数据 [列表数据类型]
* @param iterable $dataSet 数据集
* @param array $with 关联方法名 例如: ['user']; 支持嵌套['user.avatar'] ['user' => 'avatar']
* @param bool $isToArray 是否用数组格式输出
* @return Collection|Paginator|iterable
public static final function preload(iterable $dataSet, array $with, bool $isToArray = false)
return self::$ModelExt->preload($dataSet, $with, $isToArray);
* 加载附加数据 [单条数据类型]
* @param mixed $model
* @param array $with 关联方法名 例如: ['user']; 不支持嵌套和下划线
* @return Model|static|false
public static final function related($model, array $with)
return self::$ModelExt->related($model, $with);
* 获取隐藏的属性
* @param array $hidden
* @return array
public static function getHidden(array $hidden = []): array
$model = new static;
return self::$ModelExt->getHidden($model, $hidden);