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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 萤火商城系统 [ 致力于通过产品和服务,帮助商家高效化开拓市场 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2017~2023 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed 这不是一个自由软件,不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发行
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: 萤火科技 <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace app\common\library\payment\gateway\driver\wechat;
use EasyWeChat\Factory;
use EasyWeChat\Payment\Notify\Paid;
use app\common\enum\Client as ClientEnum;
use app\common\library\Log;
use app\common\library\helper;
use cores\traits\ErrorTrait;
use cores\exception\BaseException;
* 微信支付驱动 [V2]
* Class Wechat
* @package app\common\library\payment\gateway\driver
class V2
use ErrorTrait;
// 统一下单API的返回结果
private array $result;
// 异步通知的请求参数 (由第三方支付发送)
private array $notifyParams;
* 异步通知回调结果
* @var Paid $notifyPaid
private Paid $notifyPaid;
* 支付的客户端
* @var string|null
protected ?string $client = null;
* 支付配置参数
* @var array
protected array $options = [];
* 设置支付配置参数
* @param array $options 配置信息
* @param string $client 下单客户端
* @return static|null
public function setOptions(array $options, string $client): ?V2
$this->client = $client ?: null;
$this->options = $options;
return $this;
* 统一下单API
* @param string $outTradeNo 交易订单号
* @param string $totalFee 实际付款金额
* @param array $extra 附加的数据 (需要携带openid)
* @return bool
* @throws BaseException
public function unify(string $outTradeNo, string $totalFee, array $extra = []): bool
// 下单的参数
$params = [
'body' => $outTradeNo,
'out_trade_no' => $outTradeNo,
'total_fee' => (int)helper::bcmul($totalFee, 100),
'notify_url' => $this->notifyUrl(), // 支付结果异步通知地址
'trade_type' => $this->tradeType(),
// 用户的openid (只有JSAPI支付时需要)
if ($this->tradeType() === 'JSAPI') {
$params[$this->isProvider() ? 'sub_openid' : 'openid'] = $extra['openid'];
try {
// 实例化微信支付sdk
$app = $this->getApp();
// 统一下单API
$unifyResult = $app->order->unify($params);
// 判断请求是否失败
// 记录统一下单api返回的数据
$this->result = $unifyResult;
// 生成app支付的配置
if ($this->client === ClientEnum::APP) {
$this->result = $app->jssdk->appConfig($unifyResult['prepay_id']);
// 生成jssdk支付的配置
if (in_array($this->client, [ClientEnum::WXOFFICIAL, ClientEnum::MP_WEIXIN])) {
$this->result = $app->jssdk->bridgeConfig($unifyResult['prepay_id'], false);
// 记录商户订单号
$this->result['out_trade_no'] = $outTradeNo;
// 记录日志
Log::append('Wechat-unify', [
'client' => $this->client,
'params' => $params,
'extra' => $extra,
'result' => $this->result
return true;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$this->throwError('unify', '微信支付API下单失败:' . $e->getMessage());
return false;
* 交易查询 (主动查询订单支付状态)
* @param string $outTradeNo 交易订单号
* @return array|null
* @throws BaseException
public function tradeQuery(string $outTradeNo): ?array
try {
// 微信支付订单的查询
$result = $this->getApp()->order->queryByOutTradeNumber($outTradeNo);
// 判断请求是否失败
// 记录日志
Log::append('Wechat-tradeQuery', ['outTradeNo' => $outTradeNo, 'result' => $result]);
// 判断订单支付成功
return [
// 支付状态: true成功 false失败
'paySuccess' => $result['trade_state'] === 'SUCCESS',
// 第三方交易流水号
'tradeNo' => $result['transaction_id'] ?? ''
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$this->throwError('tradeQuery', '微信支付交易查询失败:' . $e->getMessage());
return null;
* 支付成功后的异步通知
* @return bool
* @throws \EasyWeChat\Kernel\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException
public function notify(): bool
// 异步通知管理类
$this->notifyPaid = new Paid($this->getApp());
try {
// 异步通知的数据
$this->notifyParams = $this->notifyPaid->getMessage();
// 记录日志
Log::append('Wechat-notify', ['params' => $this->notifyParams]);
// 通信状态是否成功
if ($this->notifyParams['return_code'] !== 'SUCCESS') {
return false;
// 用户支付失败
if ($this->notifyParams['result_code'] !== 'SUCCESS') {
$this->notifyPaidError('订单支付失败', false);
return false;
// 记录日志
Log::append('Wechat-notify', ['message' => '微信异步回调验证成功']);
} catch (\EasyWeChat\Payment\Kernel\Exceptions\InvalidSignException $e) {
// 签名验证错误
return false;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
// 其他异常
$this->notifyPaidError('异步通知错误:' . $e->getMessage());
return false;
return true;
* 微信支付退款API
* @param string $outTradeNo 第三方交易单号
* @param string $refundAmount 退款金额
* @param array $extra 附加数据 (需要携带订单付款总金额)
* @return bool
* @throws BaseException
public function refund(string $outTradeNo, string $refundAmount, array $extra = []): bool
try {
// 微信支付订单退款
$refundNumber = time() . '-' . uniqid();
$result = $this->getApp()->refund->byOutTradeNumber(
(int)helper::bcmul($extra['totalFee'], 100),
(int)helper::bcmul($refundAmount, 100)
// 判断请求是否失败
// 记录日志
Log::append('Wechat-refund', [
'outTradeNo' => $outTradeNo,
'refundAmount' => $refundAmount,
'result' => $result
// 请求成功
return true;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$this->throwError('refund', '微信退款api请求失败:' . $e->getMessage());
return false;
* 企业付款到零钱API [已废弃]
* @param string $outTradeNo 交易订单号
* @param string $totalFee 实际付款金额
* @param array $extra 附加的数据 (需要携带openid、desc)
* @return bool
* @throws BaseException
public function transfers(string $outTradeNo, string $totalFee, array $extra = []): bool
try {
// 请求的参数
$params = [
'partner_trade_no' => $outTradeNo, // 商户订单号,需保持唯一性(只能是字母或者数字,不能包含有符号)
'openid' => $extra['openid'], // 用户的openid
'check_name' => 'NO_CHECK', // NO_CHECK:不校验真实姓名, FORCE_CHECK:强校验真实姓名
// 're_user_name' => '王小帅', // 如果 check_name 设置为FORCE_CHECK,则必填用户真实姓名
'amount' => (int)helper::bcmul($totalFee, 100), // 企业付款金额,单位为分
'desc' => $extra['desc'], // 企业付款操作说明信息。必填
// 微信支付订单退款
$result = $this->getApp()->transfer->toBalance($params);
// 判断请求是否失败
// 记录日志
Log::append('Wechat-transfers', ['outTradeNo' => $outTradeNo, 'result' => $result]);
// 请求成功
return true;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$this->throwError('transfers', '企业付款到零钱api请求失败:' . $e->getMessage());
return false;
* 获取异步回调的请求参数
* @return array
public function getNotifyParams(): array
return [
// 第三方交易流水号
'tradeNo' => $this->notifyParams['transaction_id']
* 返回异步通知结果的输出内容
* @return string
* @throws \EasyWeChat\Kernel\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException
public function getNotifyResponse(): string
return $this->notifyPaid->toResponse()->getContent();
* 返回统一下单API的结果 (用于前端)
* @return array
* @throws BaseException
public function getUnifyResult(): array
if (empty($this->result)) {
$this->throwError('getUnifyResult', '当前没有unify结果');
// 允许输出的字段 (防止泄露敏感信息)
$result = helper::pick($this->result, [
'nonce_str', 'prepay_id', 'sign', 'trade_type', 'mweb_url',
'appid', 'partnerid', 'noncestr', 'prepayid', 'timestamp', 'package', 'sign',
'appId', 'timeStamp', 'nonceStr', 'package', 'signType', 'paySign',
// 当前的时间戳
$result['time_stamp'] = (string)time();
return $result;
* 设置异步通知的错误信息
* @param string $error 错误信息
* @param bool $outputFail 是否输出fail信息 (会使微信服务器重复发起通知)
private function notifyPaidError(string $error, bool $outputFail = true)
$this->error = $error;
$outputFail && $this->notifyPaid->fail($error);
Log::append('Wechat-notify', ['errMessage' => $error]);
* 输出错误信息
* @param string $action 当前的操作
* @param string $errMessage 错误信息
* @throws BaseException
private function throwError(string $action, string $errMessage)
$this->error = $errMessage;
Log::append("Wechat-{$action}", ['errMessage' => $errMessage]);
* 根据客户端选择对应的微信支付方式
* @return string
* @throws BaseException
private function tradeType(): string
$tradeTypes = [
ClientEnum::H5 => 'MWEB',
ClientEnum::WXOFFICIAL => 'JSAPI',
ClientEnum::MP_WEIXIN => 'JSAPI',
ClientEnum::APP => 'APP'
if (!isset($tradeTypes[$this->client])) {
$this->throwError('tradeType', '未找到当前客户端适配的微信支付方式');
return $tradeTypes[$this->client];
* 请求错误时错误信息
* @throws BaseException
private function resultError(array $result)
// 无请求结果
empty($result) && throwError('API无返回结果');
// 请求失败
if ($result['return_code'] === 'FAIL') {
$this->throwError('resultError', $result['return_msg'] ?: 'return_code 未知错误');
if ($result['result_code'] === 'FAIL') {
$this->throwError('resultError', $result['err_code_des'] ?: 'result_code 未知错误');
* 获取微信支付应用类
* @return \EasyWeChat\Payment\Application
private function getApp(): \EasyWeChat\Payment\Application
$config = $this->getConfig();
return Factory::payment($config);
* 构建微信支付配置
* @return string[]
private function getConfig(): array
if ($this->isProvider()) {
$config = [
'app_id' => $this->options['provider']['spAppId'],
'mch_id' => $this->options['provider']['spMchId'],
'key' => $this->options['provider']['spApiKey'],
'cert_path' => $this->options['provider']['spApiclientCertPath'],
'key_path' => $this->options['provider']['spApiclientKeyPath'],
'sub_mch_id' => $this->options['provider']['subMchId'],
'sub_appid' => $this->options['provider']['subAppId'],
} else {
$config = [
'app_id' => $this->options['normal']['appId'],
'mch_id' => $this->options['normal']['mchId'],
'key' => $this->options['normal']['apiKey'],
'cert_path' => $this->options['normal']['apiclientCertPath'],
'key_path' => $this->options['normal']['apiclientKeyPath'],
// 微信支付异步回调地址
// $config['notify_url'] = $this->notifyUrl();
return $config;
* 异步回调地址
* @return string
private function notifyUrl(): string
// 例如:
return base_url() . 'wxpayNoticeV2.php';
* 当前是否为服务商模式
* @return bool
private function isProvider(): bool
return $this->options['mchType'] === 'provider';