You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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1 year ago
namespace Stringy;
use BadMethodCallException;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionMethod;
* Class StaticStringy
* @method static string append(string $str, string $stringAppend, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string at(string $str, int $index, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string between(string $str, string $start, string $end, int $offset = 0, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string camelize(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string chars(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string collapseWhitespace(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool contains(string $str, string $needle, bool $caseSensitive = true, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool containsAll(string $str, string[] $needle, bool $caseSensitive = true, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool containsAny(string $str, string[] $needle, bool $caseSensitive = true, string $encoding = null)
* @method static int count(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static int countSubstr(string $str, string $substring, bool $caseSensitive = true, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string dasherize(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string delimit(string $str, string $delimiter, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool endsWith(string $str, string $substring, bool $caseSensitive = true, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool endsWithAny(string $str, string[] $substrings, bool $caseSensitive = true, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string ensureLeft(string $str, string $substring, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string ensureRight(string $str, string $substring, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string first(string $str, int $n, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool hasLowerCase(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool hasUpperCase(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string htmlDecode(string $str, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string htmlEncode(string $str, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string humanize(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static int indexOf(string $str, string $needle, int $offset = 0, string $encoding = null)
* @method static int indexOfLast(string $str, string $needle, int $offset = 0, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string insert(string $str, string $substring, int $index = 0, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool isAlpha(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool isAlphanumeric(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool isBase64(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool isBlank(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool isHexadecimal(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool isJson(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool isLowerCase(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool isSerialized(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool isUpperCase(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string last(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static int length(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string[] lines(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string longestCommonPrefix(string $str, string $otherStr, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string longestCommonSuffix(string $str, string $otherStr, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string longestCommonSubstring(string $str, string $otherStr, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string lowerCaseFirst(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string pad(string $str, int $length, string $padStr = ' ', string $padType = 'right', string $encoding = null)
* @method static string padBoth(string $str, int $length, string $padStr = ' ', string $encoding = null)
* @method static string padLeft(string $str, int $length, string $padStr = ' ', string $encoding = null)
* @method static string padRight(string $str, int $length, string $padStr = ' ', string $encoding = null)
* @method static string prepend(string $str, string $string, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string regexReplace(string $str, string $pattern, string $replacement, string $options = 'msr', string $encoding = null)
* @method static string removeLeft(string $str, string $substring, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string removeRight(string $str, string $substring, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string repeat(string $str, int $multiplier, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string replace(string $str, string $search, string $replacement, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string reverse(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string safeTruncate(string $str, int $length, string $substring = '', string $encoding = null)
* @method static string shuffle(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string slugify(string $str, string $replacement = '-', string $encoding = null)
* @method static string slice(string $str, int $start, int $end = null, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string split(string $str, string $pattern, int $limit = null, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool startsWith(string $str, string $substring, bool $caseSensitive = true, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool startsWithAny(string $str, string[] $substrings, bool $caseSensitive = true, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string stripWhitespace(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string substr(string $str, int $start, int $length = null, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string surround(string $str, string $substring, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string swapCase(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string tidy(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string titleize(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string toAscii(string $str, string $language = 'en', bool $removeUnsupported = true, string $encoding = null)
* @method static bool toBoolean(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string toLowerCase(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string toSpaces(string $str, int $tabLength = 4, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string toTabs(string $str, int $tabLength = 4, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string toTitleCase(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string toUpperCase(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string trim(string $str, string $chars = null, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string trimLeft(string $str, string $chars = null, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string trimRight(string $str, string $chars = null, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string truncate(string $str, int $length, string $substring = '', string $encoding = null)
* @method static string underscored(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string upperCamelize(string $str, string $encoding = null)
* @method static string upperCaseFirst(string $str, string $encoding = null)
class StaticStringy
* A mapping of method names to the numbers of arguments it accepts. Each
* should be two more than the equivalent Stringy method. Necessary as
* static methods place the optional $encoding as the last parameter.
* @var string[]
protected static $methodArgs = null;
* Creates an instance of Stringy and invokes the given method with the
* rest of the passed arguments. The optional encoding is expected to be
* the last argument. For example, the following:
* StaticStringy::slice('fòôbàř', 0, 3, 'UTF-8'); translates to
* Stringy::create('fòôbàř', 'UTF-8')->slice(0, 3);
* The result is not cast, so the return value may be of type Stringy,
* integer, boolean, etc.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed[] $arguments
* @return Stringy
* @throws \BadMethodCallException
public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)
if (!static::$methodArgs) {
$stringyClass = new ReflectionClass('Stringy\Stringy');
$methods = $stringyClass->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC);
foreach ($methods as $method) {
$params = $method->getNumberOfParameters() + 2;
static::$methodArgs[$method->name] = $params;
if (!isset(static::$methodArgs[$name])) {
throw new BadMethodCallException($name . ' is not a valid method');
$numArgs = count($arguments);
$str = ($numArgs) ? $arguments[0] : '';
if ($numArgs === static::$methodArgs[$name]) {
$args = array_slice($arguments, 1, -1);
$encoding = $arguments[$numArgs - 1];
} else {
$args = array_slice($arguments, 1);
$encoding = null;
$stringy = Stringy::create($str, $encoding);
$result = call_user_func_array([$stringy, $name], $args);
$cast = function($val) {
if (is_object($val) && $val instanceof Stringy) {
return (string) $val;
} else {
return $val;
return is_array($result) ? array_map($cast, $result) : $cast($result);