You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

258 lines
8.1 KiB

11 months ago
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace app\admin\controller;
use app\common\library\wxserver\Wholesaler;
use app\job\controller\Wxholesaler as WxserverJob;
use PHPQRCode\QRcode;
use think\db\exception\DbException;
use think\facade\Db;
use think\response\Json;
class Wxwholesaler extends Controller
* @notes:生成授权二维码
* @return Json
* @author: wanghousheng
public function qrcode(): Json
$obj = new Wholesaler();
11 months ago
$url = $this->request->domain(true) . '/api/wxwholesaler/redirect';
11 months ago
$jumUrl = $obj->jumpH5Url($url);
$savePath = root_path() . "public/wxserve";
!is_dir($savePath) && mkdir($savePath, 0755, true);
$savePath .= '/auth_qrcode.png';
QRcode::png($jumUrl, $savePath, 'L', 8, 1);
return $this->renderSuccess(['img_url' => $this->request->domain(true) . '/wxserve/auth_qrcode.png?time=' . time()]);
* @notes:授权列表
* @return Json
* @throws DbException
* @author: wanghousheng
public function authList(): Json
$store_ids = [];
$where = [];
$store_id = intval($this->request->get('store_id'));
if ($store_id) {
$where[] = ['store_id', '=', $store_id];
$nick_name = $this->request->get('nick_name');
if ($nick_name) {
$where[] = ['nick_name', 'like', "%$nick_name%"];
$appid = $this->request->get('appid');
if ($appid) {
$where[] = ['nick_name', '=', "%$appid%"];
$result = Db::table('yoshop_wxwholesaler_account')
$list = $result->items();
$total = $result->total();
if ($total) {
foreach ($list as &$item) {
$store_ids[] = $item['store_id'];
$item['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['create_time']);
if ($item['exp_info']) {
$item['exp_info'] = json_decode($item['exp_info'], true);
if (!empty($item['exp_info']['exp_time'])) {
$item['exp_info']['exp_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['exp_info']['exp_time']);
} else {
$item['exp_info']['exp_time'] = '无';
$item['exp_info']['exp_version'] = '无';
if ($item['release_info']) {
$item['release_info'] = json_decode($item['release_info'], true);
if (!empty($item['release_info']['release_time'])) {
$item['release_info']['release_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['release_info']['release_time']);
} else {
$item['release_info']['release_time'] = '无';
$item['release_info']['release_version'] = '无';
if (!empty($item['experience_code'])) {
$item['experience_code'] = $this->request->domain(true) . $item['experience_code'] . '?time=' . time();
if ($item['audit_status'] == 0) {
$item['audit_status_text'] = '--';
} elseif ($item['audit_status'] == 1) {
$item['audit_status_text'] = '审核中';
} elseif ($item['audit_status'] == 2) {
$item['audit_status_text'] = '审核通过';
} elseif ($item['audit_status'] == 3) {
$item['audit_status_text'] = '审核失败';
} elseif ($item['audit_status'] == 4) {
$item['audit_status_text'] = '延时审核';
$store_list = Db::table('yoshop_store')
->whereIn('store_id', $store_ids)
->column('store_name', 'store_id');
foreach ($list as &$item) {
$item['store_name'] = $store_list[$item['store_id']] ?? '';
return $this->renderSuccess(['list' => $list, 'total' => $total]);
* @notes:草稿箱列表
* @return Json
* @author: wanghousheng
public function templatedraftlist(): Json
$type = intval($this->request->get('type', 0));
$obj = new Wholesaler();
$list = $obj->getTemplateDraftList($type);
return $this->renderSuccess($list);
* @notes:添加草稿到模板中
* @return Json
* @author: wanghousheng
public function addTotemplate(): Json
$draft_id = $this->request->get('draft_id');
if ($draft_id) {
$obj = new Wholesaler();
$res = $obj->addTotemplate($draft_id);
if ($res) {
return $this->renderSuccess('success');
return $this->renderError('操作失败');
* @notes:获取模板列表
* @return Json
* @author: wanghousheng
public function templatelist(): Json
$type = intval($this->request->get('type', 0));
$obj = new Wholesaler();
$list = $obj->getTemplatelist($type);
return $this->renderSuccess($list);
* @notes:删除模板
* @return Json
* @author: wanghousheng
public function delTemplatelist(): Json
$template_id = $this->request->get('template_id');
if ($template_id) {
$obj = new Wholesaler();
$res = $obj->deleTetemplate($template_id);
if ($res) {
return $this->renderSuccess('success');
return $this->renderError('操作失败');
* @notes:提交体验版
* @return Json
* @author: wanghousheng
public function commit(): Json
$appid = $this->request->get('appid');
$template_id = $this->request->get('template_id');
$appids = explode(',', $appid);
if ($appids && $template_id) {
foreach ($appids as $item) {
WxserverJob::dispatch(['appid' => $item, 'template_id' => $template_id]);
return $this->renderSuccess('success');
return $this->renderError('操作失败');
8 months ago
public function commitOne(): Json
$appid = $this->request->get('appid');
$obj = new Wholesaler();
$msg = $obj->privacyInfo($appid);
if ($msg == 'ok') {
$msg = $obj->submitAudit($appid);
if ($msg == 'ok') {
return $this->renderSuccess('success');
return $this->renderError($msg);
11 months ago
* @notes:获取版本信息
* @return Json
* @author: wanghousheng
public function getVersion(): Json
$appid = $this->request->get('appid');
if ($appid) {
$obj = new Wholesaler();
if ($obj->getVersioninfo($appid)) {
return $this->renderSuccess('success');
return $this->renderError('操作失败');
* @notes:提交正式版审核
* @return Json
* @author: wanghousheng
public function audit(): Json
$appid = $this->request->get('appid');
$appids = explode(',', $appid);
if ($appids) {
foreach ($appids as $item) {
WxserverJob::dispatch(['appid' => $item]);
return $this->renderSuccess('success');
return $this->renderError('操作失败');
* @notes:发布正式版前检查
* @return Json
* @author: wanghousheng
public function auditBeforeCheck(): Json
$msg = '操作失败';
$appid = $this->request->get('appid');
if ($appid) {
$obj = new Wholesaler();
$msg = $obj->privacyInfo($appid);
if ($msg == 'ok') {
return $this->renderSuccess('success');
return $this->renderError($msg);