<palign="center">Socialite is an <ahref="https://oauth.net/2/">OAuth2</a> Authentication tool. It is inspired by <ahref="https://github.com/laravel/socialite">laravel/socialite</a>, You can easily use it in any PHP project. <ahref="/README_CN.md">中文文档</a></p>
<palign="center">This tool now supports platforms such as Facebook, GitHub, Google, LinkedIn, Outlook, QQ, Tapd, Alipay, Taobao, Baidu, DingTalk, Weibo, WeChat, Douyin, Feishu, Douban, WeWork, Tencent Cloud, Line, Gitee.</p>
- [Redirect with `state` parameter](#redirect-with-state-parameter)
- [Validate the callback `state`](#validate-the-callback-state)
- [Additional parameters](#additional-parameters)
- [User interface](#user-interface)
- [Standard user api:](#standard-user-api)
- [Get raw response from OAuth API](#get-raw-response-from-oauth-api)
- [Get the token response when you use userFromCode()](#get-the-token-response-when-you-use-userfromcode)
- [Get user with access token](#get-user-with-access-token)
- [Enjoy it! :heart:](#enjoy-it-heart)
- [Reference](#reference)
- [PHP 扩展包开发](#php-扩展包开发)
- [License](#license)
# Requirement
PHP >= 7.4
# Installation
$ composer require "overtrue/socialite" -vvv
# Usage
Users just need to create the corresponding configuration variables, then create the authentication application for each platform through the tool, and easily obtain the access_token and user information for that platform. The implementation logic of the tool is referred to OAuth2 documents of major platforms for details.
The tool is used in the following steps:
1. Configurate platform config
2. Use this tool to create a platform application
3. Let the user redirect to platform authentication
4. The server receives a Code callback from the platform, and uses the Code to exchange the user information on the platform (including access_token).
Packages created for Laravel users are easier to integrate: [overtrue/laravel-socialite](https://github.com/overtrue/laravel-socialite)
You can create application from you custom provider easily,you have to ways to do this:
1. Using custom creator:
As shown in the following code, the service provider name is defined for the Foo application, but the tool itself does not support it, so use the creator `extend()` to create an instance of the service provider as a closure function.
// This can also be named as 'app_id' like the official documentation.
'client_id' => 'your-app-id',
// Please refer to the official documentation, in the official management background configuration RSA2.
// Note: This is your own private key.
// Note: Do not allow the private key content to have extra characters.
// Recommendation: For security, you can read directly from the file. But here as long as the value, please remember to remove the head and tail of the decoration.
'rsa_private_key' => 'your-rsa-private-key',
// Be sure to set this value and make sure that it is the same address value as set in the official admin system.
// This can also be named as 'redirect_url' like the official documentation.
> Note: using the Douyin create that if you get user information directly using access token, set up the openid first. the openid can be obtained by code when access is obtained, so call `userFromCode()` automatically configured for you openid, if call `userFromToken()` first call `withOpenId()`
$config = [
'douyin' => [
'client_id' => 'your app id',
'client_secret' => 'your app secret',
'redirect' => 'redirect URL'
$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);
$user = $socialite->create('douyin')->userFromCode('here is auth code');
$user = $socialite->create('douyin')->withOpenId('openId')->userFromToken('here is the access token');
We support Open Platform Third-party Platform webpage authorizations on behalf of Official Account.
You just need input your config like below config. Official Accounts authorizations only doesn't need.
'wechat' =>
'client_id' => 'client_id',
'client_secret' => 'client_secret',
'redirect' => 'redirect-url',
// Open Platform - Third-party Platform Need
'component' => [
'id' => 'component-app-id',
'token' => 'component-access-token', // or Using a callable as value.
## Some Skill
### Scopes
Before redirecting the user, you may also set "scopes" on the request using the `scopes()` method. This method will overwrite all existing scopes:
$response = $socialite->create('github')
->scopes(['scope1', 'scope2'])->redirect();
### Redirect URL
You may also want to dynamically set `redirect_uri`,you can use the following methods to change the `redirect_uri` URL:
$url = 'your callback url.';
// or
### State
Your app can use a state parameter for making sure the response belongs to a request initiated by the same user, therefore preventing cross-site request forgery (CSFR) attacks. A CSFR attack occurs when a malicious attacker tricks the user into performing unwanted actions that only the user is authorized to perform on a trusted web application, and all will be done without involving or alerting the user.
Here's the simplest example of how providing the state can make your app more secure. in this example, we use the session ID as the state parameter, but you can use whatever logic you want to create value for the state.
Once the user has authorized your app, the user will be redirected back to your app's redirect_uri. The OAuth server will return the state parameter unchanged. Check if the state provided in the redirect_uri matches the state generated by your app:
$state = request()->query('state');
$code = request()->query('code');
// Check the state received with current session id
You can fetch the user attribute as a array keys like these:
$user['id']; // 1472352
$user['nickname']; // "overtrue"
$user['name']; // "安正超"
$user['email']; // "anzhengchao@gmail.com"
Or using the method:
mixed $user->getId();
?string $user->getNickname();
?string $user->getName();
?string $user->getEmail();
?string $user->getAvatar();
?string $user->getRaw();
?string $user->getAccessToken();
?string $user->getRefreshToken();
?int $user->getExpiresIn();
?array $user->getTokenResponse();
### Get raw response from OAuth API
The `$user->getRaw()` method will return an **array** of the API raw response.
### Get the token response when you use userFromCode()
The `$user->getTokenResponse()` method will return an **array** of the get token(access token) API response.
> Note: This method only return a **valid array** when you use `userFromCode()`, else will return **null** because use `userFromToken()` have no token response.