You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

54 lines
1.5 KiB

6 months ago
namespace app\command;
use app\common\service\GoodsCateEs;
use app\common\service\GoodsEs;
use think\console\Command;
use think\console\Output;
use think\console\Input;
use app\store\model\Goods as GoodsModel;
use think\facade\Db;
class SyncGoodsToPerMinute extends Command
protected function configure()
// 指令配置
protected function execute(Input $input, Output $output)
ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M');
$goods_id = $input->getArgument("goods_id");
$div = $input->getArgument("div");
$mod = $input->getArgument("mod");
$minute = $input->getArgument("minute");
$min_time = time() - $minute * 60;
$limit = 100;
while (TRUE) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `yoshop_goods` WHERE goods_id > " . $goods_id . " AND goods_id % ". $div . " = ". $mod ." AND update_time > ".$min_time." order by update_time asc LIMIT ".$limit;
$list = Db::query($sql);
if (!$list) {
6 months ago
echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s").PHP_EOL;
6 months ago
return true;
$obj = new GoodsCateEs();
$res = $obj->addOrUpdateGoodsAndGoodsCate($list);
$goods_id = end($list)['goods_id'];