You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
113 lines
3.7 KiB
113 lines
3.7 KiB
* @fileoverview 自动构建程序
* @author Jin Yufeng
// 载入 gulp 插件
const gulp = require('gulp')
const htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin')
const babel = require('gulp-babel')
const uglify = require('gulp-uglify')
const cleanCss = require('gulp-clean-css')
const clean = require('gulp-clean')
const gulpif = require('gulp-if')
const plumber = require('gulp-plumber')
const size = require('gulp-size')
// 载入构建工具
const config = require('./tools/config')
const converter = require('./tools/converter')
const ifdef = require('./tools/ifdef')
const minifier = require('./tools/minifier')
const plugin = require('./tools/plugin')
// 载入环境信息
const isDev = process.argv.includes('--dev')
let platform = process.argv[3]
if (!platform) {
throw Error('缺少平台信息')
platform = platform.substr(2)
* @description 清理文件夹
gulp.task('clean', () => {
return gulp.src(`${isDev ? 'dev' : 'dist'}/${platform === 'all' ? '' : platform + '/'}*`, {
read: false,
allowEmpty: true
* @description 生成原生组件包(含插件)
* @returns {NodeJS.ReadWriteStream}
function packComp () {
return gulp.src(['plugins/**/*', 'src/**/*'], {
nodir: true
// 公共处理
.pipe(plumber()) // 错误处理
.pipe( // 构建插件
.pipe(ifdef(platform)) // 条件编译
// wxml 处理
.pipe(gulpif(file => file.extname === '.wxml', minifier.wxs())) // 压缩内联 wxs
.pipe(gulpif(file => file.extname === '.wxml', htmlmin(config.htmlmin))) // 压缩 wxml
.pipe(gulpif(file => file.extname === '.html', htmlmin(Object.assign({}, config.htmlmin, { // 压缩 html
minifyCSS: true
// js 处理
.pipe(gulpif(file => file.extname === '.js' && !file.stem.includes('.min') && (platform !== 'uni-app' || file.relative.includes('static')), babel(config.babel))) // es6 转 es5
.pipe(gulpif(file => file.extname === '.js' && !file.stem.includes('.min') && !isDev && (platform !== 'uni-app' || file.relative.includes('static')), uglify(config.uglify))) // 压缩 js
// wxss(css)处理
.pipe(gulpif(file => file.extname.includes('ss'), cleanCss(config.cleanCss))) // 压缩 wxss
.pipe(plugin.importCss()) // 引入插件中的 css 文件
// json 处理
.pipe(gulpif(file => file.extname === '.json', minifier.json())) // 压缩 json
// 公共处理
.pipe(converter(platform)) // 将微信端的代码转换到各个平台
.pipe(gulpif(!isDev, size({
title: `${platform} 包生成完毕`
.pipe(gulp.dest(file => {
return `${isDev ? 'dev' : 'dist'}/${platform}/${(platform === 'uni-app' && !file.relative.includes('components') && !file.relative.includes('static')) || (platform !== 'uni-app' && isDev) ? 'components/mp-html/' : ''}`
gulp.task('build', gulp.series('clean', packComp))
* @description 生成原生示例项目
* @returns {NodeJS.ReadWriteStream}
function packDemo () {
return gulp.src(['tools/demo/**/*', 'test/content.js'], {
nodir: true
.pipe(gulpif(platform !== 'uni-app', converter(platform)))
gulp.task('dev', gulp.series('clean', gulp.parallel(packComp, packDemo)))
* @description 监听文件变化
gulp.task('watch-demo', () => {
|['tools/demo/**/*', 'test/content.js']).on('all', (type, file) => {
console.log(type + ':' + file)
gulp.task('watch-comp', () => {
|['src/**/*', 'src/common/**/*', 'plugins/**/*']).on('all', (type, file) => {
console.log(type + ':' + file)
gulp.task('watch', gulp.parallel('watch-demo', 'watch-comp'))