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Instructions for create a gRPC client for google cloud services
This instruction includes a step by step guide for creating a gRPC client to test the google cloud service from an empty linux VM, using GCE ubuntu 16.04 TLS instance.
The main steps are followed as steps below:
- Environment prerequisite
- Install protobuf plugin and gRPC-PHP/protobuf extension
- Generate client API from .proto files
- Create the client and send/receive RPC.
Environment Prerequisite
$ [sudo] apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool pkg-config zip unzip zlib1g-dev
5.5 or above, 7.0 or abovepecl
$ [sudo] apt-get install php php-dev
$ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ [sudo] mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Install protobuf plugin and gRPC-PHP/protobuf extension
is used to generate client API from *.proto
files. Currently,
The only way to install grpc_php_plugin
is to build from the gRPC source.
Install protobuf, gRPC, which will install the plugin
$ git clone -b $(curl -L https://grpc.io/release) https://github.com/grpc/grpc
$ cd grpc
$ git submodule update --init
# install protobuf
$ cd third_party/protobuf
$ ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make -j8
$ [sudo] make install
$ [sudo] ldconfig
# install gRPC
$ cd ../..
$ make -j8
$ [sudo] make install
It will generate grpc_php_plugin
under /usr/local/bin
Install gRPC-PHP extension
$ [sudo] pecl install protobuf
$ [sudo] pecl install grpc
It will generate protobuf.so
and grpc.so
under PHP's extension directory.
Note gRPC-PHP extension installed by pecl doesn't work on RHEL6 system.
Generate client API from .proto files
The common way to generate the client API is to use grpc_php_plugin
Since the plugin won't find the dependency by itself. It works if all your
service proto files and dependent proto files are inside one directory. The
command looks like:
$ mkdir $HOME/project
$ protoc --proto_path=./ --php_out=$HOME/project \
--grpc_out=$HOME/project \
--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=./bins/opt/grpc_php_plugin \
path/to/your/proto_dependency_directory1/*.proto \
path/to/your/proto_dependency_directory2/*.proto \
Take Firestore
service under googleapis github repo
for example. The proto files required for generating client API are
Thus the command looks like:
$ protoc --proto_path=googleapis --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which grpc_php_plugin` \
--php_out=./ --grpc_out=./ google/api/annotations.proto google/api/http.proto \
google/api/httpbody.proto google/longrunning/operations.proto google/rpc/code.proto \
google/rpc/error_details.proto google/rpc/status.proto google/type/latlng.proto \
google/firestore/v1beta1/firestore.proto google/firestore/v1beta1/common.proto \
google/firestore/v1beta1/query.proto google/firestore/v1beta1/write.proto \
Since most of cloud services already publish proto files under
googleapis github repo,
you can use it's Makefile to generate the client API.
The Makefile
will help you generate the client API as
well as find the dependencies. The command will simply be:
$ cd $HOME
$ mkdir project
$ git clone https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis.git
$ cd googleapis
$ make LANGUAGE=php OUTPUT=$HOME/project
# (It's okay if you see error like Please add 'syntax = "proto3";'
# to the top of your .proto file.)
The client API library is generated under $HOME/project
Take Firestore
as example, the Client API is under
depends on your
package name inside .proto file. An easy way to find your client is
$ find ./ -name [service_name]Client.php
Create the client and send/receive RPC.
Now it's time to use the client API to send and receive RPCs.
$ cd $HOME/project
Install gRPC-PHP composer library
$ vim composer.json
######## you need to change the path and service namespace.
"require": {
"google/cloud": "^0.52.1"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"FireStore\\": "src/",
"Google\\Cloud\\Firestore\\V1beta1\\": "Google/Cloud/Firestore/V1beta1/"
$ composer install
Set credentials file
$ vim $HOME/key.json
## Paste you credential file downloaded from your cloud project
## which you can find in APIs&Services => credentials => create credentials
## => Service account key => your credentials
Implement Service Client
Take a unary-unary RPC listDocument
from FirestoreClient
as example.
Create a file name ListDocumentClient.php
- import library
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Google\Cloud\Firestore\V1beta1\FirestoreClient;
use Google\Cloud\Firestore\V1beta1\ListDocumentsRequest;
use Google\Auth\ApplicationDefaultCredentials;
- Google Auth
$host = "firestore.googleapis.com";
$credentials = \Grpc\ChannelCredentials::createSsl();
// WARNING: the environment variable "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS" needs to be set
$auth = ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getCredentials();
$opts = [
'credentials' => $credentials,
'update_metadata' => $auth->getUpdateMetadataFunc(),
- Create Client
$firestoreClient = new FirestoreClient($host, $opts);
- Make and receive RPC call
$argument = new ListDocumentsRequest();
$project_id = xxxxxxx;
list($Response, $error) = $firestoreClient->ListDocuments($argument)->wait();
- print RPC response
$documents = $Response->getDocuments();
$index = 0;
foreach($documents as $document) {
$name = $document->getName();
echo "=> Document $index: $name\n";
$fields = $document->getFields();
foreach ($fields as $name => $value) {
echo "$name => ".$value->getStringValue()."\n";
- run the script
$ php -d extension=grpc.so -d extension=protobuf.so ListDocumentClient.php
For different kinds of RPC(unary-unary, unary-stream, stream-unary, stream-stream), please check grpc.io PHP part for reference.