You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

528 lines
20 KiB

1 year ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2023 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace app\services\user;
use app\dao\user\UserRechargeDao;
use app\services\BaseServices;
use app\services\order\StoreOrderCreateServices;
use app\services\pay\PayServices;
use app\services\pay\RechargeServices;
use app\services\statistic\CapitalFlowServices;
use app\services\system\config\SystemGroupDataServices;
use app\services\wechat\WechatUserServices;
use crmeb\exceptions\AdminException;
use crmeb\exceptions\ApiException;
use crmeb\services\FormBuilder as Form;
use crmeb\services\pay\Pay;
use think\facade\Route as Url;
* Class UserRechargeServices
* @package app\services\user
* @method be($map, string $field = '') 查询一条数据是否存在
* @method getDistinctCount(array $where, $field, ?bool $search = true)
* @method getTrendData($time, $type, $timeType)
class UserRechargeServices extends BaseServices
* UserRechargeServices constructor.
* @param UserRechargeDao $dao
public function __construct(UserRechargeDao $dao)
$this->dao = $dao;
* 获取单条数据
* @param int $id
* @param array $field
public function getRecharge(int $id, array $field = [])
return $this->dao->get($id, $field);
* 获取统计数据
* @param array $where
* @param string $field
* @return float
public function getRechargeSum(array $where, string $field = '')
$whereData = [];
if (isset($where['data'])) {
$whereData['time'] = $where['data'];
if (isset($where['paid']) && $where['paid'] != '') {
$whereData['paid'] = $where['paid'];
if (isset($where['nickname']) && $where['nickname']) {
$whereData['like'] = $where['nickname'];
if (isset($where['recharge_type']) && $where['recharge_type']) {
$whereData['recharge_type'] = $where['recharge_type'];
return $this->dao->getWhereSumField($whereData, $field);
* 获取充值列表
* @param array $where
* @param string $field
* @return array
public function getRechargeList(array $where, string $field = '*', $is_page = true)
$whereData = [];
if (isset($where['data'])) {
$whereData['time'] = $where['data'];
if (isset($where['paid']) && $where['paid'] != '') {
$whereData['paid'] = $where['paid'];
if (isset($where['nickname']) && $where['nickname']) {
$whereData['like'] = $where['nickname'];
[$page, $limit] = $this->getPageValue($is_page);
$list = $this->dao->getList($whereData, $field, $page, $limit);
$count = $this->dao->count($whereData);
foreach ($list as &$item) {
switch ($item['recharge_type']) {
case PayServices::WEIXIN_PAY:
$item['_recharge_type'] = '微信充值';
case 'system':
$item['_recharge_type'] = '系统充值';
case PayServices::ALIAPY_PAY:
$item['_recharge_type'] = '支付宝充值';
$item['_recharge_type'] = '其他充值';
$item['_pay_time'] = $item['pay_time'] ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['pay_time']) : '暂无';
$item['_add_time'] = $item['add_time'] ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['add_time']) : '暂无';
$item['paid_type'] = $item['paid'] ? '已支付' : '未支付';
$item['avatar'] = strpos($item['avatar'] ?? '', 'http') === false ? (sys_config('site_url') . $item['avatar']) : $item['avatar'];
return compact('list', 'count');
* 获取用户充值数据
* @return array
public function user_recharge(array $where)
$data = [];
$data['sumPrice'] = $this->getRechargeSum($where, 'price');
$data['sumRefundPrice'] = $this->getRechargeSum($where, 'refund_price');
$where['recharge_type'] = 'alipay';
$data['sumAlipayPrice'] = $this->getRechargeSum($where, 'price');
$where['recharge_type'] = 'weixin';
$data['sumWeixinPrice'] = $this->getRechargeSum($where, 'price');
return [
'name' => '充值总金额',
'field' => '元',
'count' => $data['sumPrice'],
'className' => 'iconjiaoyijine',
'col' => 6,
'name' => '充值退款金额',
'field' => '元',
'count' => $data['sumRefundPrice'],
'className' => 'iconshangpintuikuanjine',
'col' => 6,
'name' => '支付宝充值金额',
'field' => '元',
'count' => $data['sumAlipayPrice'],
'className' => 'iconzhifubao',
'col' => 6,
'name' => '微信充值金额',
'field' => '元',
'count' => $data['sumWeixinPrice'],
'className' => 'iconweixinzhifu',
'col' => 6,
* 退款表单
* @param int $id
* @return array
* @throws \FormBuilder\Exception\FormBuilderException
* @author 吴汐
* @email
* @date 2023/03/24
public function refund_edit(int $id)
$UserRecharge = $this->getRecharge($id);
if (!$UserRecharge) {
throw new AdminException(100026);
if ($UserRecharge['paid'] != 1) {
throw new AdminException(400677);
if ($UserRecharge['price'] == $UserRecharge['refund_price']) {
throw new AdminException(400147);
if ($UserRecharge['recharge_type'] == 'balance') {
throw new AdminException(400678);
$f = array();
$f[] = Form::input('order_id', '退款单号', $UserRecharge->getData('order_id'))->disabled(true);
$f[] = Form::radio('refund_price', '状态', 1)->options([['label' => '本金(扣赠送余额)', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '仅本金', 'value' => 0]]);
return create_form('编辑', $f, Url::buildUrl('/finance/recharge/' . $id), 'PUT');
* 退款操作
* @param int $id
* @param string $refund_price
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function refund_update(int $id, string $refund_price)
$UserRecharge = $this->getRecharge($id);
if (!$UserRecharge) {
throw new AdminException(100026);
if ($UserRecharge['price'] == $UserRecharge['refund_price']) {
throw new AdminException(400147);
if ($UserRecharge['recharge_type'] == 'balance') {
throw new AdminException(400678);
$data['refund_price'] = $UserRecharge['price'];
$refund_data['pay_price'] = $UserRecharge['price'];
$refund_data['refund_price'] = $UserRecharge['price'];
if ($refund_price == 1) {
$number = bcadd($UserRecharge['price'], $UserRecharge['give_price'], 2);
} else {
$number = $UserRecharge['price'];
try {
$recharge_type = $UserRecharge['recharge_type'];
if (sys_config('pay_wechat_type')) {
$drivers = 'v3_wechat_pay';
$trade_no = $UserRecharge['trade_no'];
} else {
$drivers = 'wechat_pay';
$trade_no = $UserRecharge['order_id'];
/** @var Pay $pay */
$pay = app()->make(Pay::class, [$drivers]);
if ($recharge_type == 'weixin') {
$refund_data['wechat'] = true;
$pay->refund($trade_no, $refund_data);
} else {
$refund_data['trade_no'] = $UserRecharge['trade_no'];
$refund_data['order_id'] = $UserRecharge['order_id'];
/** @var WechatUserServices $wechatUserServices */
$wechatUserServices = app()->make(WechatUserServices::class);
$refund_data['open_id'] = $wechatUserServices->uidToOpenid((int)$UserRecharge['uid'], 'routine') ?? '';
$refund_data['pay_new_weixin_open'] = sys_config('pay_new_weixin_open');
/** @var StoreOrderCreateServices $storeOrderCreateServices */
$storeOrderCreateServices = app()->make(StoreOrderCreateServices::class);
$refund_data['refund_no'] = $storeOrderCreateServices->getNewOrderId('tk');
$pay->refund($UserRecharge['order_id'], $refund_data);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new AdminException($e->getMessage());
if (!$this->dao->update($id, $data)) {
throw new AdminException(100007);
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$userInfo = $userServices->getUserInfo($UserRecharge['uid']);
if ($userInfo['now_money'] > $number) {
$now_money = bcsub((string)$userInfo['now_money'], $number, 2);
} else {
$number = $userInfo['now_money'];
$now_money = 0;
$userServices->update((int)$UserRecharge['uid'], ['now_money' => $now_money], 'uid');
/** @var CapitalFlowServices $capitalFlowServices */
$capitalFlowServices = app()->make(CapitalFlowServices::class);
$UserRecharge['nickname'] = $userInfo['nickname'];
$UserRecharge['phone'] = $userInfo['phone'];
$capitalFlowServices->setFlow($UserRecharge, 'refund_recharge');
/** @var UserMoneyServices $userMoneyServices */
$userMoneyServices = app()->make(UserMoneyServices::class);
$userMoneyServices->income('user_recharge_refund', $UserRecharge['uid'], $number, $now_money, $id);
event('NoticeListener', [['user_type' => strtolower($userInfo['user_type']), 'data' => $data, 'UserRecharge' => $UserRecharge, 'now_money' => $refund_price], 'recharge_order_refund_status']);
return true;
* 删除
* @param int $id
* @return bool
public function delRecharge(int $id)
$rechargInfo = $this->getRecharge($id);
if (!$rechargInfo) throw new AdminException(100026);
if ($rechargInfo->paid) {
throw new AdminException(400679);
if ($this->dao->delete($id))
return true;
throw new AdminException(100008);
* 生成充值订单号
* @return bool|string
public function getOrderId()
return 'wx' . date('YmdHis', time()) . substr(implode(NULL, array_map('ord', str_split(substr(uniqid(), 7, 13), 1))), 0, 8);
* 导入佣金到余额
* @param int $uid
* @param $price
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function importNowMoney(int $uid, $price)
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$user = $userServices->getUserInfo($uid);
if (!$user) {
throw new ApiException(100100);
/** @var UserBrokerageServices $frozenPrices */
$frozenPrices = app()->make(UserBrokerageServices::class);
$broken_commission = $frozenPrices->getUserFrozenPrice($uid);
$commissionCount = bcsub((string)$user['brokerage_price'], (string)$broken_commission, 2);
if ($price > $commissionCount) {
throw new ApiException(400680);
$edit_data = [];
$edit_data['now_money'] = bcadd((string)$user['now_money'], (string)$price, 2);
$edit_data['brokerage_price'] = $user['brokerage_price'] > $price ? bcsub((string)$user['brokerage_price'], (string)$price, 2) : 0;
if (!$userServices->update($uid, $edit_data, 'uid')) {
throw new ApiException(100007);
$rechargeInfo = [
'uid' => $uid,
'order_id' => app()->make(StoreOrderCreateServices::class)->getNewOrderId('cz'),
'recharge_type' => 'balance',
'price' => $price,
'give_price' => 0,
'paid' => 1,
'pay_time' => time(),
'add_time' => time()
if (!$re = $this->dao->save($rechargeInfo)) {
throw new ApiException(400681);
/** @var UserMoneyServices $userMoneyServices */
$userMoneyServices = app()->make(UserMoneyServices::class);
$userMoneyServices->income('brokerage_to_nowMoney', $uid, $price, $edit_data['now_money'], $re['id']);
$extractInfo = [
'uid' => $uid,
'real_name' => $user['nickname'],
'extract_type' => 'balance',
'extract_price' => $price,
'balance' => $user['brokerage_price'],
'add_time' => time(),
'status' => 1
/** @var UserExtractServices $userExtract */
$userExtract = app()->make(UserExtractServices::class);
/** @var UserBrokerageServices $userBrokerageServices */
$userBrokerageServices = app()->make(UserBrokerageServices::class);
$userBrokerageServices->income('brokerage_to_nowMoney', $uid, $price, $edit_data['brokerage_price'], $re['id']);
return true;
* 申请充值
* @param int $uid
* @param $price
* @param $recharId
* @param $type
* @param $from
* @param bool $renten
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function recharge(int $uid, $price, $recharId, $type, $from, bool $renten = false)
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$user = $userServices->getUserInfo($uid);
if (!$user) {
throw new ApiException(400214);
switch ((int)$type) {
case 0: //支付充值余额
$paid_price = 0;
if ($recharId) {
/** @var SystemGroupDataServices $systemGroupData */
$systemGroupData = app()->make(SystemGroupDataServices::class);
$data = $systemGroupData->getDateValue($recharId);
if ($data === false) {
throw new ApiException(400682);
} else {
$paid_price = $data['give_money'] ?? 0;
$price = $data['price'] ?? 0;
$recharge_data = [];
$recharge_data['order_id'] = app()->make(StoreOrderCreateServices::class)->getNewOrderId('cz');
$recharge_data['uid'] = $uid;
$recharge_data['price'] = $price;
$recharge_data['recharge_type'] = $from;
$recharge_data['paid'] = 0;
$recharge_data['add_time'] = time();
$recharge_data['give_price'] = $paid_price;
$recharge_data['channel_type'] = $user['user_type'];
if (!$rechargeOrder = $this->dao->save($recharge_data)) {
throw new ApiException(400683);
try {
/** @var RechargeServices $recharge */
$recharge = app()->make(RechargeServices::class);
$order_info = $recharge->recharge($rechargeOrder);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new ApiException($e->getMessage());
if ($renten) {
return $order_info;
return ['msg' => '', 'type' => $from, 'data' => $order_info];
case 1: //佣金转入余额
$this->importNowMoney($uid, $price);
return ['msg' => '转入余额成功', 'type' => $from, 'data' => []];
throw new ApiException(100100);
* 用户充值成功后
* @param $orderId
* @param array $other
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function rechargeSuccess($orderId, array $other = [])
$order = $this->dao->getOne(['order_id' => $orderId, 'paid' => 0]);
if (!$order) {
throw new ApiException(410173);
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$user = $userServices->getUserInfo((int)$order['uid']);
if (!$user) {
throw new ApiException(410032);
$price = bcadd((string)$order['price'], (string)$order['give_price'], 2);
if (!$this->dao->update($order['id'], ['paid' => 1, 'recharge_type' => $other['pay_type'], 'pay_time' => time(), 'trade_no' => $other['trade_no'] ?? ''], 'id')) {
throw new ApiException(410286);
$now_money = bcadd((string)$user['now_money'], (string)$price, 2);
/** @var UserMoneyServices $userMoneyServices */
$userMoneyServices = app()->make(UserMoneyServices::class);
$userMoneyServices->income('user_recharge', $user['uid'], ['number' => $price, 'price' => $order['price'], 'give_price' => $order['give_price']], $now_money, $order['id']);
if (!$userServices->update((int)$order['uid'], ['now_money' => $now_money], 'uid')) {
throw new ApiException(410287);
/** @var CapitalFlowServices $capitalFlowServices */
$capitalFlowServices = app()->make(CapitalFlowServices::class);
$order['nickname'] = $user['nickname'];
$order['phone'] = $user['phone'];
$capitalFlowServices->setFlow($order, 'recharge');
event('NoticeListener', [['order' => $order, 'now_money' => $now_money], 'recharge_success']);
$order['pay_type'] = $other['pay_type'];
// 小程序订单服务
event('OrderShipping', ['recharge', $order, 3, '', '']);
return true;
* 根据查询用户充值金额
* @param array $where
* @param string $rechargeSumField
* @param string $selectType
* @param string $group
* @return float|int
public function getRechargeMoneyByWhere(array $where, string $rechargeSumField, string $selectType, string $group = "")
switch ($selectType) {
case "sum" :
return $this->dao->getWhereSumField($where, $rechargeSumField);
case "group" :
return $this->dao->getGroupField($where, $rechargeSumField, $group);