# PHP Enum implementation inspired from SplEnum

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## Why?

First, and mainly, `SplEnum` is not integrated to PHP, you have to install the extension separately.

Using an enum instead of class constants provides the following advantages:

- You can type-hint: `function setAction(Action $action) {`
- You can enrich the enum with methods (e.g. `format`, `parse`, …)
- You can extend the enum to add new values (make your enum `final` to prevent it)
- You can get a list of all the possible values (see below)

This Enum class is not intended to replace class constants, but only to be used when it makes sense.

## Installation

composer require myclabs/php-enum

## Declaration

use MyCLabs\Enum\Enum;

 * Action enum
class Action extends Enum
    private const VIEW = 'view';
    private const EDIT = 'edit';

## Usage

$action = Action::VIEW();

// or with a dynamic key:
$action = Action::$key();
// or with a dynamic value:
$action = new Action($value);

As you can see, static methods are automatically implemented to provide quick access to an enum value.

One advantage over using class constants is to be able to type-hint enum values:

function setAction(Action $action) {
    // ...

## Documentation

- `__construct()` The constructor checks that the value exist in the enum
- `__toString()` You can `echo $myValue`, it will display the enum value (value of the constant)
- `getValue()` Returns the current value of the enum
- `getKey()` Returns the key of the current value on Enum
- `equals()` Tests whether enum instances are equal (returns `true` if enum values are equal, `false` otherwise)

Static methods:

- `toArray()` method Returns all possible values as an array (constant name in key, constant value in value)
- `keys()` Returns the names (keys) of all constants in the Enum class
- `values()` Returns instances of the Enum class of all Enum constants (constant name in key, Enum instance in value)
- `isValid()` Check if tested value is valid on enum set
- `isValidKey()` Check if tested key is valid on enum set
- `search()` Return key for searched value

### Static methods

class Action extends Enum
    private const VIEW = 'view';
    private const EDIT = 'edit';

// Static method:
$action = Action::VIEW();
$action = Action::EDIT();

Static method helpers are implemented using [`__callStatic()`](http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.overloading.php#object.callstatic).

If you care about IDE autocompletion, you can either implement the static methods yourself:

class Action extends Enum
    private const VIEW = 'view';

     * @return Action
    public static function VIEW() {
        return new Action(self::VIEW);

or you can use phpdoc (this is supported in PhpStorm for example):

 * @method static Action VIEW()
 * @method static Action EDIT()
class Action extends Enum
    private const VIEW = 'view';
    private const EDIT = 'edit';

## Related projects

- [Doctrine enum mapping](https://github.com/acelaya/doctrine-enum-type)
- [Symfony ParamConverter integration](https://github.com/Ex3v/MyCLabsEnumParamConverter)
- [PHPStan integration](https://github.com/timeweb/phpstan-enum)