// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace app\controller\api\server; use app\common\repositories\delivery\DeliveryStationRepository; use app\common\repositories\store\order\StoreOrderRepository; use app\common\repositories\store\order\StoreRefundOrderRepository; use app\common\repositories\store\service\StoreServiceRepository; use app\controller\merchant\Common; use crmeb\basic\BaseController; use think\App; use think\exception\HttpResponseException; use think\exception\ValidateException; use think\facade\Db; use think\response\Json; class StoreOrder extends BaseController { public function __construct(App $app) { parent::__construct($app); } public function orderStatistics($merId, StoreOrderRepository $repository) { $order = $repository->OrderTitleNumber($merId, null); $order['refund'] = app()->make(StoreRefundOrderRepository::class)->getWhereCount(['is_system_del' => 0, 'mer_id' => $merId]); $common = app()->make(Common::class); $data = []; $data['today'] = $common->mainGroup('today', $merId); $data['yesterday'] = $common->mainGroup('yesterday', $merId); $data['month'] = $common->mainGroup('month', $merId); return app('json')->success(compact('order', 'data')); } public function orderDetail($merId, StoreOrderRepository $repository) { [$page, $limit] = $this->getPage(); list($start, $stop) = $this->request->params([ ['start', strtotime(date('Y-m'))], ['stop', time()], ], true); if ($start == $stop) return app('json')->fail('参数有误'); if ($start > $stop) { $middle = $stop; $stop = $start; $start = $middle; } $where = $this->request->has('start') ? ['dateRange' => compact('start', 'stop')] : []; $list = $repository->orderGroupNumPage($where, $page, $limit, $merId); return app('json')->success($list); } public function orderList($merId, StoreOrderRepository $repository) { [$page, $limit] = $this->getPage(); $where['status'] = $this->request->param('status'); $where['is_verify'] = $this->request->param('is_verify'); $where['search'] = $this->request->param('store_name'); $where['mer_id'] = $merId; $where['is_del'] = 0; if($where['status'] == 2) $where['order_type'] = 0; return app('json')->success($repository->merchantGetList($where, $page, $limit)); } public function order($merId, $id, StoreOrderRepository $repository) { $detail = $repository->getDetail($id); if (!$detail) return app('json')->fail('订单不存在'); if ($detail['mer_id'] != $merId) return app('json')->fail('没有权限'); return app('json')->success($detail->toArray()); } protected function checkOrderAuth($merId, $id) { if (!app()->make(StoreOrderRepository::class)->existsWhere(['mer_id' => $merId, 'order_id' => $id])) throw new ValidateException('没有权限'); } public function mark($merId, $id, StoreOrderRepository $repository) { $this->checkOrderAuth($merId, $id); $data = $this->request->params(['remark']); $repository->update($id, $data); return app('json')->success('备注成功'); } public function price($merId, $id, StoreOrderRepository $repository) { $this->checkOrderAuth($merId, $id); $data = $this->request->params(['total_price', 'pay_postage']); if ($data['total_price'] < 0 || $data['pay_postage'] < 0) return app('json')->fail('金额不可未负数'); if (!$repository->merStatusExists((int)$id, $merId)) return app('json')->fail('订单信息或状态错误'); $repository->eidt($id, $data); return app('json')->success('修改成功'); } /** * TODO 发货操作 * @param $merId * @param $id * @param StoreOrderRepository $repository * @return Json * @author Qinii * @day 6/1/22 */ public function delivery($merId, $id, StoreOrderRepository $repository) { $this->checkOrderAuth($merId, $id); $type = $this->request->param('delivery_type'); $split = $this->request->params(['is_split',['split',[]]]); if (!$repository->merDeliveryExists($id, $merId)) return app('json')->fail('订单信息或状态错误'); switch ($type) { case 3: //虚拟发货 $data = $this->request->params([ 'delivery_type', 'remark', ]); $data['delivery_name'] = ''; $data['delivery_id'] = ''; $method = 'delivery'; break; case 4: //电子面单 if (!systemConfig('crmeb_serve_dump')) return app('json')->fail('电子面单功能未开启'); $data = $this->request->params([ 'delivery_type', 'delivery_name', 'from_name', 'from_tel', 'from_addr', 'temp_id', 'remark', ]); if (!$data['from_name'] || !$data['delivery_name'] || !$data['from_tel'] || !$data['from_addr'] || !$data['temp_id'] ) return app('json')->fail('填写配送信息'); $method = 'dump'; break; case 5: //同城配送 if (systemConfig('delivery_status') != 1) return app('json')->fail('未开启同城配送'); $data = $this->request->params([ 'delivery_type', 'station_id', 'mark', ['cargo_weight',0], 'remark', ]); if ($data['cargo_weight'] < 0) return app('json')->fail('包裹重量能为负数'); if (!$data['station_id']) return app('json')->fail('请选择门店'); $method = 'cityDelivery'; break; default: //快递 $data = $this->request->params([ 'delivery_type', 'delivery_type', 'delivery_name', 'delivery_id', 'remark', ]); if (!$data['delivery_type'] || !$data['delivery_name'] || !$data['delivery_id']) return app('json')->fail('填写配送信息'); $method = 'delivery'; break; } $repository->runDelivery($id,$merId, $data, $split, $method, $this->request->serviceInfo()->service_id); return app('json')->success('发货成功'); } public function payPrice($merId, StoreOrderRepository $repository) { list($start, $stop, $month) = $this->request->params([ ['start', strtotime(date('Y-m'))], ['stop', time()], 'month' ], true); if ($month) { $start = date('Y/m/d', strtotime(getStartModelTime('month'))); $stop = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', strtotime('+ 1day')); $front = date('Y/m/d', strtotime('first Day of this month', strtotime('-1 day', strtotime('first Day of this month')))); $end = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', strtotime($start . ' -1 second')); } else { if ($start == $stop) return app('json')->fail('参数有误'); if ($start > $stop) { $middle = $stop; $stop = $start; $start = $middle; } $space = bcsub($stop, $start, 0);//间隔时间段 $front = bcsub($start, $space, 0);//第一个时间段 $front = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $front); $start = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $start); $stop = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $stop); $end = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', strtotime($start . ' -1 second')); } $frontPrice = $repository->dateOrderPrice($front . '-' . $end, $merId); $afterPrice = $repository->dateOrderPrice($start . '-' . date('Y/m/d H:i:s', strtotime($stop . '-1 second')), $merId); $chartInfo = $repository->chartTimePrice($start, date('Y/m/d H:i:s', strtotime($stop . '-1 second')), $merId); $data['chart'] = $chartInfo;//营业额图表数据 $data['time'] = $afterPrice;//时间区间营业额 $increase = (float)bcsub((string)$afterPrice, (string)$frontPrice, 2); //同比上个时间区间增长营业额 $growthRate = abs($increase); if ($growthRate == 0) $data['growth_rate'] = 0; else if ($frontPrice == 0) $data['growth_rate'] = bcmul($growthRate, 100, 0); else $data['growth_rate'] = (int)bcmul((string)bcdiv((string)$growthRate, (string)$frontPrice, 2), '100', 0);//时间区间增长率 $data['increase_time'] = abs($increase); //同比上个时间区间增长营业额 $data['increase_time_status'] = $increase >= 0 ? 1 : 2; //同比上个时间区间增长营业额增长 1 减少 2 return app('json')->success($data); } /** * @param StoreOrderRepository $repository * @return Json * @author xaboy * @day 2020/8/27 */ public function payNumber($merId, StoreOrderRepository $repository) { list($start, $stop, $month) = $this->request->params([ ['start', strtotime(date('Y-m'))], ['stop', time()], 'month' ], true); if ($month) { $start = date('Y/m/d', strtotime(getStartModelTime('month'))); $stop = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', strtotime('+ 1day')); $front = date('Y/m/d', strtotime('first Day of this month', strtotime('-1 day', strtotime('first Day of this month')))); $end = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', strtotime($start . ' -1 second')); } else { if ($start == $stop) return app('json')->fail('参数有误'); if ($start > $stop) { $middle = $stop; $stop = $start; $start = $middle; } $space = bcsub($stop, $start, 0);//间隔时间段 $front = bcsub($start, $space, 0);//第一个时间段 $front = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $front); $start = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $start); $stop = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $stop); $end = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', strtotime($start . ' -1 second')); } $frontNumber = $repository->dateOrderNum($front . '-' . $end, $merId); $afterNumber = $repository->dateOrderNum($start . '-' . date('Y/m/d H:i:s', strtotime($stop . '-1 second')), $merId); $chartInfo = $repository->chartTimeNum($start . '-' . date('Y/m/d H:i:s', strtotime($stop . '-1 second')), $merId); $data['chart'] = $chartInfo;//订单数图表数据 $data['time'] = $afterNumber;//时间区间订单数 $increase = $afterNumber - $frontNumber; //同比上个时间区间增长订单数 $growthRate = abs($increase); if ($growthRate == 0) $data['growth_rate'] = 0; else if ($frontNumber == 0) $data['growth_rate'] = bcmul($growthRate, 100, 0); else $data['growth_rate'] = (int)bcmul((string)bcdiv((string)$growthRate, (string)$frontNumber, 2), '100', 0);//时间区间增长率 $data['increase_time'] = abs($increase); //同比上个时间区间增长营业额 $data['increase_time_status'] = $increase >= 0 ? 1 : 2; //同比上个时间区间增长营业额增长 1 减少 2 return app('json')->success($data); } public function getFormData($merId) { $config = [ 'mer_from_com', 'mer_from_name', 'mer_from_tel', 'mer_from_addr', 'mer_config_siid', 'mer_config_temp_id' ]; $data = merchantConfig($merId,$config); return app('json')->success($data); } public function getDeliveryConfig() { $data = systemConfig(['crmeb_serve_dump','delivery_status']); return app('json')->success($data); } public function getDeliveryOptions($merId, DeliveryStationRepository $repository) { if (!systemConfig('delivery_status')) { return app('json')->success([]); } $where = [ 'status' => 1, 'mer_id' => $merId, 'type' => systemConfig('delivery_type'), ]; $data = $repository->getOptions($where)->toArray(); $type = systemConfig('delivery_type') == 1 ? 'UU' : '达达'; if (empty($data)) return app('json')->fail('请前往商户后台添加'.$type.'发货点'); return app('json')->success($data); } public function verify($merId,$id,StoreOrderRepository $orderRepository) { $order = $orderRepository->getWhere(['order_id' => $id,'mer_id' => $merId]); if (!$order) return app('json')->fail('数据不存在'); $data = $this->request->params(['verify_code','data']); $orderRepository->verifyOrder($order->verify_code, $merId, $data, $this->request->serviceInfo()->service_id); return app('json')->success('订单核销成功'); } }