<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * (c) Jeroen van den Enden <info@endroid.nl> * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace Endroid\QrCode\Tests; use Endroid\QrCode\Exception\GenerateImageException; use Endroid\QrCode\Factory\QrCodeFactory; use Endroid\QrCode\QrCode; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Zxing\QrReader; class QrCodeTest extends TestCase { /** * @dataProvider stringProvider * @testdox QR code created with text $text is readable */ public function testReadable(string $text): void { $qrCode = new QrCode(); $qrCode->setSize(300); $qrCode->setText($text); $pngData = $qrCode->writeString(); $this->assertTrue(is_string($pngData)); $reader = new QrReader($pngData, QrReader::SOURCE_TYPE_BLOB); $this->assertEquals($text, $reader->text()); } public function stringProvider(): array { return [ ['Tiny'], ['This one has spaces'], ['d2llMS9uU01BVmlvalM2YU9BUFBPTTdQMmJabHpqdndt'], ['http://this.is.an/url?with=query&string=attached'], ['11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'], ['{"i":"serialized.data","v":1,"t":1,"d":"4AEPc9XuIQ0OjsZoSRWp9DRWlN6UyDvuMlyOYy8XjOw="}'], ['Spëci&al ch@ract3rs'], ['有限公司'], ]; } /** * @dataProvider writerNameProvider * @testdox Writer set by name $writerName results in the correct data type */ public function testWriteQrCodeByWriterName(string $writerName, ?string $fileContent): void { $qrCode = new QrCode('QR Code'); $qrCode->setLogoPath(__DIR__.'/../assets/images/symfony.png'); $qrCode->setLogoWidth(100); $qrCode->setWriterByName($writerName); $data = $qrCode->writeString(); $this->assertTrue(is_string($data)); if (null !== $fileContent) { $uriData = $qrCode->writeDataUri(); $this->assertTrue(0 === strpos($uriData, $fileContent)); } } public function writerNameProvider(): array { return [ ['binary', null], ['debug', null], ['eps', null], ['png', 'data:image/png;base64'], ['svg', 'data:image/svg+xml;base64'], ]; } /** * @dataProvider extensionsProvider * @testdox Writer set by extension $extension results in the correct data type */ public function testWriteQrCodeByWriterExtension(string $extension, ?string $fileContent): void { $qrCode = new QrCode('QR Code'); $qrCode->setLogoPath(__DIR__.'/../assets/images/symfony.png'); $qrCode->setLogoWidth(100); $qrCode->setWriterByExtension($extension); $data = $qrCode->writeString(); $this->assertTrue(is_string($data)); if (null !== $fileContent) { $uriData = $qrCode->writeDataUri(); $this->assertTrue(0 === strpos($uriData, $fileContent)); } } public function extensionsProvider(): array { return [ ['bin', null], ['txt', null], ['eps', null], ['png', 'data:image/png;base64'], ['svg', 'data:image/svg+xml;base64'], ]; } /** * @testdox Factory creates a valid QR code */ public function testFactory(): void { $qrCodeFactory = new QrCodeFactory(); $qrCode = $qrCodeFactory->create('QR Code', [ 'writer' => 'png', 'size' => 300, 'margin' => 10, ]); $pngData = $qrCode->writeString(); $this->assertTrue(is_string($pngData)); $reader = new QrReader($pngData, QrReader::SOURCE_TYPE_BLOB); $this->assertEquals('QR Code', $reader->text()); } /** * @testdox Size and margin are handled correctly */ public function testSetSize(): void { $size = 400; $margin = 10; $qrCode = new QrCode('QR Code'); $qrCode->setSize($size); $qrCode->setMargin($margin); $pngData = $qrCode->writeString(); $image = imagecreatefromstring($pngData); $this->assertTrue(imagesx($image) === $size + 2 * $margin); $this->assertTrue(imagesy($image) === $size + 2 * $margin); } /** * @testdox Label can be added and QR code is still readable */ public function testSetLabel(): void { $qrCode = new QrCode('QR Code'); $qrCode->setSize(300); $qrCode->setLabel('Scan the code', 15); $pngData = $qrCode->writeString(); $this->assertTrue(is_string($pngData)); $reader = new QrReader($pngData, QrReader::SOURCE_TYPE_BLOB); $this->assertEquals('QR Code', $reader->text()); } /** * @testdox Logo can be added and QR code is still readable */ public function testSetLogo(): void { $qrCode = new QrCode('QR Code'); $qrCode->setSize(500); $qrCode->setLogoPath(__DIR__.'/../assets/images/symfony.png'); $qrCode->setLogoWidth(100); $qrCode->setValidateResult(true); $pngData = $qrCode->writeString(); $this->assertTrue(is_string($pngData)); } /** * @testdox Resulting QR code can be written to file */ public function testWriteFile(): void { $filename = __DIR__.'/output/qr-code.png'; $qrCode = new QrCode('QR Code'); $qrCode->writeFile($filename); $image = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($filename)); $this->assertTrue(is_resource($image)); imagedestroy($image); } /** * @testdox QR code data can be retrieved */ public function testData(): void { $qrCode = new QrCode('QR Code'); $data = $qrCode->getData(); $this->assertArrayHasKey('block_count', $data); $this->assertArrayHasKey('block_size', $data); $this->assertArrayHasKey('inner_width', $data); $this->assertArrayHasKey('inner_height', $data); $this->assertArrayHasKey('outer_width', $data); $this->assertArrayHasKey('outer_height', $data); $this->assertArrayHasKey('margin_left', $data); $this->assertArrayHasKey('margin_right', $data); } /** * @testdox Invalid image data results in appropriate exception */ public function testNonImageData(): void { $qrCode = new QrCode('QR Code'); $qrCode->setLogoPath(__DIR__.'/QrCodeTest.php'); $qrCode->setLogoSize(200, 200); $qrCode->setWriterByExtension('svg'); $this->expectException(GenerateImageException::class); $qrCode->writeString(); } }