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1 year ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2016~2022 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\validate\merchant;
use think\Exception;
use think\File;
use think\Validate;
class StoreProductValidate extends Validate
protected $failException = true;
protected $rule = [
"image|主图" => 'require|max:128',
"store_name|商品名称" => 'require|max:128',
"cate_id|平台分类" => 'require',
"mer_cate_id|商户分类" => 'array',
"unit_name|单位名" => 'require|max:4',
"spec_type" => "in:0,1",
"is_show|是否上架" => "in:0,1",
"extension_type|分销类型" => "in:0,1",
"attr|商品规格" => "requireIf:spec_type,1|Array|checkUnique",
"attrValue|商品属性" => "require|array|productAttrValue",
'type|商品类型' => 'require|in:0,1',
'delivery_way|发货方式' => 'requireIf:is_ficti,0|require',
'once_min_count|最小限购' => 'min:0',
'pay_limit|是否限购' => 'require|in:0,1,2|payLimit',
protected function payLimit($value,$rule,$data)
if ($value && ($data['once_max_count'] < $data['once_min_count']))
return '限购数量不能小于最少购买件数';
return true;
protected function productAttrValue($value,$rule,$data)
$arr = [];
foreach ($value as $v){
$sku = '';
if(isset($v['detail']) && is_array($v['detail'])){
$sku = implode(',',$v['detail']);
if(in_array($sku,$arr)) return '商品SKU重复';
$arr[] = $sku;
if(isset($data['extension_type']) && $data['extension_type'] && systemConfig('extension_status')){
if(!isset($v['extension_one']) || !isset($v['extension_two'])) return '佣金金额必须填写';
if(($v['extension_one'] < 0) || ($v['extension_two'] < 0))
return '佣金金额不可存在负数';
if($v['price'] < bcadd($v['extension_one'],$v['extension_two'],2))
return '自定义佣金总金额不能大于商品售价';
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return '商品属性格式错误';
return true;
protected function checkUnique($value)
$arr = [];
foreach ($value as $item){
if(in_array($item['value'],$arr)) return '规格重复';
$arr[] = $item['value'];
if (count($item['detail']) != count(array_unique($item['detail']))) return '属性重复';
return true;