You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

335 lines
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<view class="home">
<view class="home-navbar" :style="{'height': (statusBarHeight+44)+'px'}">
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<view class="u-nav-slot" slot="content">
<view class="nav"></view>
<view class="blank" :style="{'height': (statusBarHeight+44)+'px'}"></view>
<view class="home-title">
<text>共享经历 鹰眼计划</text>让恶行无处遁形让善举更有价值
<view class="home-search" @click="openPage(1)">
<image src="@/static/icon-search.png"></image>
<view class="home-swiper">
<u-swiper :list="bannerList" circular @change="changeSwiper" autoplay>
<view slot="indicator" class="indicator">
<view class="indicator__dot" v-for="(item, idx) in bannerList" :key="idx"
:class="[idx === current && 'indicator__dot--active']"></view>
<view class="home-list">
<view class="title">热门推荐</view>
<view class="tab">
<u-tabs :list="list1" @click="click"
color: '#00C6A9',
border: '1px solid #00C6A9',
borderRadius: '5px',
width: '150rpx',
textAlign: 'center',
padding: '10rpx 0',
display: 'block',
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border: '1px solid #999999',
width: '150rpx',
display: 'block',
padding: '10rpx 0',
textAlign: 'center',
borderRadius: '5px'
<view class="list">
<view class="item" v-for="i in 20" :key="i" @click="openPage(2)">
<view class="name">王某某欠钱不还,已起诉</view>
<view class="desc">欠钱不还/欺诈/拖欠工资</view>
<view class="do">
<view class="fl"><image class="img1" src="@/static/icon-view.png"></image>560</view>
<view class="fl"><image class="img2" src="@/static/dianzan.png"></image>260</view>
<view class="tag">善</view>
<view class="item">
<view class="name">王某某欠钱不还,已起诉</view>
<view class="desc">欠钱不还/欺诈/拖欠工资</view>
<view class="do">
<view class="fl"><image class="img1" src="@/static/icon-view.png"></image>560</view>
<view class="fl"><image class="img2" src="@/static/dianzan.png"></image>260</view>
<view class="tag tag-on">恶</view>
<foo-bar @toIndex="toIndex" :home="0"></foo-bar>
import fooBar from '@/components/fooBar/fooBar.vue'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
current: 0,
list1: [{
name: '热点事件',
}, {
name: '暖心善举',
}, {
name: '恶行曝光'
statusBarHeight: 0,
bannerList: ['https://cdn.uviewui.com/uview/swiper/swiper1.png', 'https://cdn.uviewui.com/uview/swiper/swiper2.png', 'https://cdn.uviewui.com/uview/swiper/swiper3.png'],
goodsList: [],
bgColor: "transparent",
index: 0,
title: ''
mounted() {
this.statusBarHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().statusBarHeight;
onShow() {
methods: {
changeSwiper(e) {
this.current = e.current;
if(index == 1){
url: "/pages/index/search"
}else if(index == 2){
url: "/pages/release/detail?id="+id
async queryArticleList1() {
const { code, data } = await this.$api.articleList({type: 2})
if(code == 200){
if(data && data.length > 0){
this.articleList1 = data[0]
this.showPopup = false
async queryBannerList() {
const { code, data } = await this.$api.bannerList({})
let arr = []
if(data && data.length > 0){
if(code == 200){
this.bannerList = arr
async toIndex(index) {
let that = this
that.index = index
if (index == 0) {
url: '/pages/index/index'
}else if (index == 2) {
url: '/pages/release/index'
} else if (index == 3) {
url: '/pages/user/index'
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