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3 months ago
2 months ago
<view class="about">
<view class="about-navbar" :style="{'height': (statusBarHeight+44)+'px'}">
<u-navbar :bgColor="bgColor" :fixed="false" :autoBack="true" title="云股东中心">
<view class="u-nav-slot" slot="content">
<view class="nav"></view>
<view class="blank" :style="{'height': (statusBarHeight+44)+'px'}"></view>
<view class="about-banner">
<image mode="widthFix" src="@/static/yunbanner.png"></image>
<view class="about-gift">
<image src="@/static/gift.png"></image>
<view class="title">恭喜您成功已成为诚信点评云股东</view>
<view class="about-gift">
<view class="txt">
<view class="title">成为诚信点评云股东</view>
<view class="desc">29.9/<text>59.9/</text></view>
<view class="btn">发起支付</view>
<view class="about-menu">
<view class="title">云股东权益</view>
<view class="desc">云股东权益</view>
<view class="about-menu">
<view class="title">赞赏平台</view>
<scroll-view scroll-x class="list" :show-scrollbar="true">
<view class="item" :class="tabIndex == index?'item-on':''" v-for="(item,index) in 10" :key="index" @click="tabItem(index)">
<view class="a">请开发人员看电影</view>
<view class="b"><text>25</text></view>
<view class="about-tip">所有的赞赏均被用于产品开发及援助他人</view>
<view class="btns">支付赞赏</view>
3 months ago
2 months ago
const systemInfoSync = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
3 months ago
export default {
data() {
return {
2 months ago
statusBarHeight: 0,
tabIndex: 0,
list: [],
bgColor: "transparent"
3 months ago
2 months ago
onLoad() {
this.statusBarHeight = systemInfoSync.statusBarHeight
methods: {
tabItem(index) {
this.tabIndex = index;
3 months ago
2 months ago
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// https://zhengxin.njrenzhou.cn
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margin-top: 20rpx;
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overflow: hidden;
margin-top: 30rpx;
width: 200rpx;
height: 156rpx;
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font-weight: 500;
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3 months ago