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<view class="h1 wow fadeInUp">企业服务</view>
<view class="jd wow fadeInUp">我们致力于将艺术美学与科技力量完美融合</view>
<view class="sjd wow fadeInUp">为全球客户提供卓越的产品设计解决方案</view>
<view class="ejd wow fadeInUp">我们深信,优秀的设计不仅能够提升产品的功能性和用户体验,更是企业品牌形象塑造与市场竞争力提升的关键。</view>
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<view class="sort">01</view>
<view class="title">外观设计</view>
<view class="desc">
<view class="p">时间就是金钱</view>
<view class="p">极速提供多款产品创意设计方案</view>
<view class="p">供客户多样选择...</view>
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<image class="img" src="@/static/icon-2.png"></image>
<image class="img1" src="@/static/icon-2-on.png"></image>
<view class="sort">02</view>
<view class="title">结构设计</view>
<view class="desc">
<view class="p">丰富的结构设计经验</view>
<view class="p">来自多年的行业技术储备</view>
<view class="p">确保每个创意落地...</view>
<view class="item wow fadeInUp">
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<image class="img" src="@/static/icon-3.png"></image>
<image class="img1" src="@/static/icon-3-on.png"></image>
<view class="sort">03</view>
<view class="title">手板模型</view>
<view class="desc">
<view class="p">让设计所见即所得</view>
<view class="p">检验外观造型及结构装配</view>
<view class="p">避免开模的风险...</view>
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<view class="sort">04</view>
<view class="title">产品定制</view>
<view class="desc">
<view class="p">针对整体产品量产实现</view>
<view class="p">从设计、模具、生产一条龙服务</view>
<view class="p">为客户深度定制产品...</view>
<view class=" wow fadeInUp">
<view class="h1">{{}}</view>
<view class="sjds" v-html="info.content"></view>
<view class="h1 wow fadeInUp">企业精神</view>
<view class="sjds wow fadeInUp">公司以开拓,创新,诚信为企业精神,服务客户,帮助企业打造全新更具有竞争力的产品研发设计团队研发设计团队拥有多年以上的实战研发经验,聚集了工业设计、结构研发、用户体验、品牌设计、产品策划等领域的专家。</view>
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<view class="b">微信</view>
<view class="c">邮箱:{{}}</view>
<view class="d wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="0.2s">
<view class="p">联系方式:<text>{{}}{{}}</text></view>
<view class="p">联系地址:<text>{{companyInfo.address}}</text></view>
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import {WOW} from 'wowjs'
export default {
data() {
return {
isShow: false,
title: 'Hello',
navList: [],
companyInfo: {},
baseUrl: "",
info: {}
onLoad() {
this.baseUrl = this.$baseUrl;
this.navList = uni.getStorageSync("navInfo")
this.companyInfo = uni.getStorageSync("companyInfo")
if(uni.getStorageSync("navScope") && uni.getStorageSync("navScope").type){
mounted() {
var wow = new WOW({
boxClass: 'wow', //需要执行动画元素的Class
animateClass: 'animated', //animation.css动画的Class
offset: 0, //距离可视区域多少开始执行动画
mobile: true, //是否在移动设备执行动画
live: false //异步加载的内容是否有效
methods: {
async getAbout() {
let {data} = await this.$api.getAbout(1);
data.content = data.content.replace(/style=""/g,'').replace(/<img src=/g,'<img style="width: 100%; display:block" src=')
| = data
openMenu() {
this.isShow = !this.isShow
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