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describe 'WOW', ->
# Supress warnings:
window.console =
warn: ->
# Time to wait after each scroll event:
# (This should be >= the interval used by the plugin.)
timeout = 100
# Height of the PhantomJS window:
winHeight = 300
describe 'smoke test', ->
it 'exists', ->
expect WOW
it "has an 'init' method", ->
expect new WOW().init
describe 'simple test environment', ->
beforeEach ->
loadFixtures 'simple.html'
it 'emulates window height', ->
expect document.documentElement.clientHeight
.toBe winHeight
it 'has boxes set up for testing', ->
boxHeight = 200
boxCount = $ '#simple'
# Check each box height
expect $('#simple').height()
.toBe boxHeight*boxCount
expect $('#simple-1').height()
.toBe boxHeight
expect $('#simple-2').height()
.toBe boxHeight
expect $('#simple-3').height()
.toBe boxHeight
expect $('#simple-4').height()
.toBe boxHeight
expect $('#simple-5').height()
.toBe boxHeight
# Check each box offset
offset = $('#simple').offset().top
expect $('#simple-1').offset().top
.toBe offset + boxHeight*0
expect $('#simple-2').offset().top
.toBe offset + boxHeight*1
expect $('#simple-3').offset().top
.toBe offset + boxHeight*2
expect $('#simple-4').offset().top
.toBe offset + boxHeight*3
expect $('#simple-5').offset().top
.toBe offset + boxHeight*4
style = $('#simple-5')[0].style
expect style.background
.toBe 'yellow'
expect style.color
.toBe 'red'
describe 'library behaviour', ->
wow = null
beforeEach (done) ->
loadFixtures 'simple.html'
(wow = new WOW).init()
setTimeout ->
, timeout
it 'animates elements that are fully visible on the page', ->
expect $ '#simple-1'
.toHaveClass 'animated'
expect $('#simple-1').css 'visibility'
.toBe 'visible'
it "does not touch elements that don't have the marker class", ->
expect $ '#simple-2'
.not.toHaveClass 'animated'
expect $('#simple-2').css 'visibility'
.toBe 'visible'
it 'does not animate elements not yet visible on the page', ->
expect $ '#simple-3'
.not.toHaveClass 'animated'
expect $('#simple-3').css 'visibility'
.not.toBe 'visible'
expect $ '#simple-4'
.not.toHaveClass 'animated'
expect $('#simple-4').css 'visibility'
.not.toBe 'visible'
it 'animates elements after scrolling down and they become visible', (done) ->
# Scroll down so that 150px of #simple-3 becomes visible.
window.scrollTo 0, $('#simple-3').offset().top - winHeight + 150
setTimeout ->
expect $ '#simple-3'
.toHaveClass 'animated'
expect $('#simple-3').css 'visibility'
.toBe 'visible'
expect $ '#simple-4'
.not.toHaveClass 'animated'
expect $('#simple-4').css 'visibility'
.not.toBe 'visible'
# Scroll down so that 150px of #simple-4 becomes visible.
window.scrollTo 0, $('#simple-4').offset().top - winHeight + 150
setTimeout ->
expect $ '#simple-4'
.toHaveClass 'animated'
expect $('#simple-4').css 'visibility'
.toBe 'visible'
, timeout
, timeout
it 'does not tamper with the style attribute', (done) ->
# Scroll down so that 150px of #simple-5 becomes visible.
window.scrollTo 0, $('#simple-5').offset().top - winHeight + 150
setTimeout ->
expect $ '#simple-5'
.toHaveClass 'animated'
expect $('#simple-5').css 'visibility'
.toBe 'visible'
expect $('#simple-5')[0].style.background
.toBe 'yellow'
expect $('#simple-5')[0].style.color
.toBe 'red'
, timeout
it 'works with asynchronously loaded content', (done) ->
$ '#simple'
.append $ '<div/>',
id: 'simple-6'
class: 'wow'
# Scroll down so that 150px of #simple-6 becomes visible.
window.scrollTo 0, $('#simple-6').offset().top - winHeight + 150
setTimeout ->
expect $ '#simple-6'
.toHaveClass 'animated'
expect $('#simple-6').css 'visibility'
.toBe 'visible'
, timeout
it 'works with asynchronously loaded nested content', (done) ->
$ '#simple'
.append $ '<div/>'
.append $ '<div/>',
id: 'simple-7'
class: 'wow'
# Scroll down so that 150px of #simple-7 becomes visible.
window.scrollTo 0, $('#simple-7').offset().top - winHeight + 150
setTimeout ->
expect $ '#simple-7'
.toHaveClass 'animated'
expect $('#simple-7').css 'visibility'
.toBe 'visible'
, timeout
describe 'custom test environment', ->
beforeEach ->
loadFixtures 'custom.html'
it 'emulates window height', ->
expect document.documentElement.clientHeight
.toBe winHeight
it 'has boxes set up for testing', ->
# Check each box height
expect $('#custom').height()
.toBe 800
expect $('#custom-1').height()
.toBe 200
expect $('#custom-2').height()
.toBe 200
expect $('#custom-3').height()
.toBe 200
expect $('#custom-4').height()
.toBe 200
# Check each box offset
offset = $('#custom').offset().top
expect $('#custom-1').offset().top
.toBe offset + 200*0
expect $('#custom-2').offset().top
.toBe offset + 200*1
expect $('#custom-3').offset().top
.toBe offset + 200*2
expect $('#custom-4').offset().top
.toBe offset + 200*3
describe 'library behaviour with custom settings', ->
called = false
beforeEach (done) ->
called = false
loadFixtures 'custom.html'
new WOW
boxClass: 'block'
animateClass: 'fancy'
offset: 10
callback: ->
called = true
# Trigger custom event on dom object, event name is boxClass value
$('.block').on 'block', ->
setTimeout ->
, timeout
it "creates two instances of the WOW.js with different configs", ->
wow1 = new WOW
boxClass: 'block1'
animateClass: 'fancy1'
offset: 10
wow2 = new WOW
boxClass: 'block2'
animateClass: 'fancy2'
offset: 20
expect wow1.config.boxClass
.toBe "block1"
expect wow1.config.animateClass
.toBe "fancy1"
expect wow1.config.offset
.toBe 10
it "does not touch elements that don't have the marker class", (done) ->
# Scroll down so that 15px of #custom-1 becomes visible.
window.scrollTo 0, $('#custom-1').offset().top - winHeight + 15
setTimeout ->
expect $ '#custom-1'
.not.toHaveClass 'fancy'
, timeout
it "animates elements that are partially visible on the page based on the 'offset' config", (done) ->
setTimeout ->
# Scroll down so that 5px of #custom-2 becomes visible.
window.scrollTo 0, $('#custom-2').offset().top - winHeight + 5
expect $ '#custom-2'
.not.toHaveClass 'fancy'
window.scrollTo 0, $('#custom-2').offset().top - winHeight + 15
setTimeout ->
# Scroll down so that 15px of #custom-2 becomes visible.
expect $ '#custom-2'
.toHaveClass 'fancy'
expect $('#custom-2').css 'visibility'
.toBe 'visible'
, timeout
, timeout
it 'does not animate elements not yet visible on the page', ->
expect $ '#custom-3'
.not.toHaveClass 'fancy'
expect $ '#custom-4'
.not.toHaveClass 'fancy'
it 'animates elements after scrolling down and they become visible', (done) ->
# Scroll down so that 150px of #custom-3 becomes visible.
window.scrollTo 0, $('#custom-3').offset().top - winHeight + 150
setTimeout ->
expect $ '#custom-3'
.toHaveClass 'fancy'
expect $('#custom-3').css 'visibility'
.toBe 'visible'
expect $('#custom-3')[0].style.webkitAnimationIterationCount
.toBe '2'
expect $ '#custom-4'
.not.toHaveClass 'fancy'
# Scroll down so that 150px of #custom-4 becomes visible.
window.scrollTo 0, $('#custom-4').offset().top - winHeight + 150
setTimeout ->
expect $ '#custom-4'
.toHaveClass 'fancy'
expect $('#custom-4').css 'visibility'
.toBe 'visible'
expect $('#custom-4')[0].style.webkitAnimationIterationCount
.toBe 'infinite'
expect $('#custom-4')[0].style.webkitAnimationDuration
.toBe '2s'
expect $('#custom-4')[0].style.webkitAnimationDelay
.toBe '1s'
, timeout
, timeout
it "fires the callback", (done) ->
called = false # reset
# Scroll down so that 150px of #custom-3 becomes visible.
window.scrollTo 0, $('#custom-3').offset().top - winHeight + 150
setTimeout ->
expect called
.toBe true
, timeout
it 'fires the callback on the visible element', (done) ->
# Scroll down so that 150px of #custom-3 becomes visible.
window.scrollTo 0, $('#custom-3').offset().top - winHeight + 150
setTimeout ->
expect $ '#custom-3'
.toHaveClass 'triggered'
expect $ '#custom-4'
.not.toHaveClass 'triggered'
# Scroll down so that 150px of #custom-4 becomes visible.
window.scrollTo 0, $('#custom-4').offset().top - winHeight + 150
setTimeout ->
expect $ '#custom-3'
.toHaveClass 'triggered'
expect $ '#custom-4'
.toHaveClass 'triggered'
, timeout
, timeout