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455 lines
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455 lines
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6 months ago
import { LazyResult } from 'postcss';
import { ParserPlugin } from '@babel/parser';
declare interface AssetURLOptions {
[name: string]: string | string[];
declare type ASTAttr = {
name: string;
value: any;
dynamic?: boolean;
start?: number;
end?: number;
declare type ASTDirective = {
name: string;
rawName: string;
value: string;
arg: string | null;
isDynamicArg: boolean;
modifiers: ASTModifiers | null;
start?: number;
end?: number;
declare type ASTElement = {
type: 1;
tag: string;
attrsList: Array<ASTAttr>;
attrsMap: {
[key: string]: any;
rawAttrsMap: {
[key: string]: ASTAttr;
parent: ASTElement | void;
children: Array<ASTNode>;
start?: number;
end?: number;
processed?: true;
static?: boolean;
staticRoot?: boolean;
staticInFor?: boolean;
staticProcessed?: boolean;
hasBindings?: boolean;
text?: string;
attrs?: Array<ASTAttr>;
dynamicAttrs?: Array<ASTAttr>;
props?: Array<ASTAttr>;
plain?: boolean;
pre?: true;
ns?: string;
component?: string;
inlineTemplate?: true;
transitionMode?: string | null;
slotName?: string | null;
slotTarget?: string | null;
slotTargetDynamic?: boolean;
slotScope?: string | null;
scopedSlots?: {
[name: string]: ASTElement;
ref?: string;
refInFor?: boolean;
if?: string;
ifProcessed?: boolean;
elseif?: string;
else?: true;
ifConditions?: ASTIfConditions;
for?: string;
forProcessed?: boolean;
key?: string;
alias?: string;
iterator1?: string;
iterator2?: string;
staticClass?: string;
classBinding?: string;
staticStyle?: string;
styleBinding?: string;
events?: ASTElementHandlers;
nativeEvents?: ASTElementHandlers;
transition?: string | true;
transitionOnAppear?: boolean;
model?: {
value: string;
callback: string;
expression: string;
directives?: Array<ASTDirective>;
forbidden?: true;
once?: true;
onceProcessed?: boolean;
wrapData?: (code: string) => string;
wrapListeners?: (code: string) => string;
ssrOptimizability?: number;
declare type ASTElementHandler = {
value: string;
params?: Array<any>;
modifiers: ASTModifiers | null;
dynamic?: boolean;
start?: number;
end?: number;
declare type ASTElementHandlers = {
[key: string]: ASTElementHandler | Array<ASTElementHandler>;
declare type ASTExpression = {
type: 2;
expression: string;
text: string;
tokens: Array<string | Object>;
static?: boolean;
ssrOptimizability?: number;
start?: number;
end?: number;
declare type ASTIfCondition = {
exp: string | null;
block: ASTElement;
declare type ASTIfConditions = Array<ASTIfCondition>;
declare type ASTModifiers = {
[key: string]: boolean;
declare type ASTNode = ASTElement | ASTText | ASTExpression;
declare type ASTText = {
type: 3;
text: string;
static?: boolean;
isComment?: boolean;
ssrOptimizability?: number;
start?: number;
end?: number;
declare type BindingMetadata = {
[key: string]: BindingTypes | undefined;
} & {
__isScriptSetup?: boolean;
declare const enum BindingTypes {
* returned from data()
DATA = "data",
* declared as a prop
PROPS = "props",
* a local alias of a `<script setup>` destructured prop.
* the original is stored in __propsAliases of the bindingMetadata object.
PROPS_ALIASED = "props-aliased",
* a let binding (may or may not be a ref)
SETUP_LET = "setup-let",
* a const binding that can never be a ref.
* these bindings don't need `unref()` calls when processed in inlined
* template expressions.
SETUP_CONST = "setup-const",
* a const binding that does not need `unref()`, but may be mutated.
SETUP_REACTIVE_CONST = "setup-reactive-const",
* a const binding that may be a ref.
SETUP_MAYBE_REF = "setup-maybe-ref",
* bindings that are guaranteed to be refs
SETUP_REF = "setup-ref",
* declared by other options, e.g. computed, inject
OPTIONS = "options"
declare type CompiledResult = {
ast: ASTElement | null;
render: string;
staticRenderFns: Array<string>;
stringRenderFns?: Array<string>;
errors?: Array<string | WarningMessage>;
tips?: Array<string | WarningMessage>;
export declare type CompilerOptions = {
warn?: Function;
modules?: Array<ModuleOptions>;
directives?: {
[key: string]: Function;
staticKeys?: string;
isUnaryTag?: (tag: string) => boolean | undefined;
canBeLeftOpenTag?: (tag: string) => boolean | undefined;
isReservedTag?: (tag: string) => boolean | undefined;
preserveWhitespace?: boolean;
whitespace?: 'preserve' | 'condense';
optimize?: boolean;
mustUseProp?: (tag: string, type: string | null, name: string) => boolean;
isPreTag?: (attr: string) => boolean | null;
getTagNamespace?: (tag: string) => string | undefined;
expectHTML?: boolean;
isFromDOM?: boolean;
shouldDecodeTags?: boolean;
shouldDecodeNewlines?: boolean;
shouldDecodeNewlinesForHref?: boolean;
outputSourceRange?: boolean;
shouldKeepComment?: boolean;
delimiters?: [string, string];
comments?: boolean;
scopeId?: string;
bindings?: BindingMetadata;
* Compile `<script setup>`
* It requires the whole SFC descriptor because we need to handle and merge
* normal `<script>` + `<script setup>` if both are present.
export declare function compileScript(sfc: SFCDescriptor, options?: SFCScriptCompileOptions): SFCScriptBlock;
export declare function compileStyle(options: SFCStyleCompileOptions): SFCStyleCompileResults;
export declare function compileStyleAsync(options: SFCStyleCompileOptions): Promise<SFCStyleCompileResults>;
export declare function compileTemplate(options: SFCTemplateCompileOptions): SFCTemplateCompileResults;
export declare function generateCodeFrame(source: string, start?: number, end?: number): string;
declare interface ImportBinding {
isType: boolean;
imported: string;
source: string;
isFromSetup: boolean;
isUsedInTemplate: boolean;
declare type ModuleOptions = {
preTransformNode?: (el: ASTElement) => ASTElement | null | void;
transformNode?: (el: ASTElement) => ASTElement | null | void;
postTransformNode?: (el: ASTElement) => void;
genData?: (el: ASTElement) => string;
transformCode?: (el: ASTElement, code: string) => string;
staticKeys?: Array<string>;
export declare function parse(options: SFCParseOptions): SFCDescriptor;
* Parse a single-file component (*.vue) file into an SFC Descriptor Object.
export declare function parseComponent(source: string, options?: VueTemplateCompilerParseOptions): SFCDescriptor;
declare interface RawSourceMap extends StartOfSourceMap {
version: string;
sources: string[];
names: string[];
sourcesContent?: string[];
mappings: string;
* Utility for rewriting `export default` in a script block into a variable
* declaration so that we can inject things into it
export declare function rewriteDefault(input: string, as: string, parserPlugins?: ParserPlugin[]): string;
export declare interface SFCBlock extends SFCCustomBlock {
lang?: string;
scoped?: boolean;
module?: string | boolean;
export declare interface SFCCustomBlock {
type: string;
content: string;
attrs: {
[key: string]: string | true;
start: number;
end: number;
src?: string;
map?: RawSourceMap;
export declare interface SFCDescriptor {
source: string;
filename: string;
template: SFCBlock | null;
script: SFCScriptBlock | null;
scriptSetup: SFCScriptBlock | null;
styles: SFCBlock[];
customBlocks: SFCCustomBlock[];
cssVars: string[];
errors: (string | WarningMessage)[];
* compare with an existing descriptor to determine whether HMR should perform
* a reload vs. re-render.
* Note: this comparison assumes the prev/next script are already identical,
* and only checks the special case where `<script setup lang="ts">` unused
* import pruning result changes due to template changes.
shouldForceReload: (prevImports: Record<string, ImportBinding>) => boolean;
export declare interface SFCParseOptions {
source: string;
filename?: string;
compiler?: TemplateCompiler;
compilerParseOptions?: VueTemplateCompilerParseOptions;
sourceRoot?: string;
sourceMap?: boolean;
* @deprecated use `sourceMap` instead.
needMap?: boolean;
export declare interface SFCScriptBlock extends SFCBlock {
type: 'script';
setup?: string | boolean;
bindings?: BindingMetadata;
imports?: Record<string, ImportBinding>;
* import('\@babel/types').Statement
scriptAst?: any[];
* import('\@babel/types').Statement
scriptSetupAst?: any[];
export declare interface SFCScriptCompileOptions {
* Scope ID for prefixing injected CSS variables.
* This must be consistent with the `id` passed to `compileStyle`.
id: string;
* Production mode. Used to determine whether to generate hashed CSS variables
isProd?: boolean;
* Enable/disable source map. Defaults to true.
sourceMap?: boolean;
babelParserPlugins?: ParserPlugin[];
export declare interface SFCStyleCompileOptions {
source: string;
filename: string;
id: string;
map?: any;
scoped?: boolean;
trim?: boolean;
preprocessLang?: string;
preprocessOptions?: any;
postcssOptions?: any;
postcssPlugins?: any[];
isProd?: boolean;
export declare interface SFCStyleCompileResults {
code: string;
map: any | void;
rawResult: LazyResult | void;
errors: string[];
export declare interface SFCTemplateCompileOptions {
source: string;
filename: string;
compiler?: TemplateCompiler;
compilerOptions?: CompilerOptions;
transformAssetUrls?: AssetURLOptions | boolean;
transformAssetUrlsOptions?: TransformAssetUrlsOptions;
preprocessLang?: string;
preprocessOptions?: any;
transpileOptions?: any;
isProduction?: boolean;
isFunctional?: boolean;
optimizeSSR?: boolean;
prettify?: boolean;
isTS?: boolean;
bindings?: BindingMetadata;
export declare interface SFCTemplateCompileResults {
ast: Object | undefined;
code: string;
source: string;
tips: (string | WarningMessage)[];
errors: (string | WarningMessage)[];
declare interface StartOfSourceMap {
file?: string;
sourceRoot?: string;
export declare interface TemplateCompiler {
parseComponent(source: string, options?: any): SFCDescriptor;
compile(template: string, options: CompilerOptions): CompiledResult;
ssrCompile(template: string, options: CompilerOptions): CompiledResult;
declare interface TransformAssetUrlsOptions {
* If base is provided, instead of transforming relative asset urls into
* imports, they will be directly rewritten to absolute urls.
base?: string;
* If true, also processes absolute urls.
includeAbsolute?: boolean;
declare interface VueTemplateCompilerParseOptions {
pad?: 'line' | 'space' | boolean;
deindent?: boolean;
outputSourceRange?: boolean;
export declare type WarningMessage = {
msg: string;
start?: number;
end?: number;
export { }