You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

685 lines
17 KiB

5 months ago
<view class="question">
<view class="question-hd" :style="{'height': isToggle?'420rpx':'100%'}">
<view class="a">
<view class="l">{{categoryArray[categoryIndex]}}</view>
<picker @change="bindPickerChange" :value="categoryIndex" :range="categoryArray">
<view class="r">
切换分类<image :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-arrow.png')"></image>
<template v-if="categoryList[categoryIndex] && categoryList[categoryIndex].children.length > 0">
<view class="c" v-for="(a,index) in categoryList[categoryIndex].children" :key="index">
<template v-if="a.children && a.children.length > 0">
<view class="name">{{a.name}}<text v-if="a.is_buy == 0" @click="openPage(3,categoryList[categoryIndex],2,index)">打包购买</text></view>
<view class="b" v-for="(b,idx) in a.children" :key="idx" @click="toSelect1(index,idx,b)">
<view class="l">
<image v-if="b.isSelect" :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-select-on.png')"></image>
<image v-else :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-select.png')"></image>{{b.name}}
<view class="r" :class="b.is_buy==1?'r-on':''" @click.stop="b.is_buy!=0?'':openPage(3,a,3,index,idx)">{{b.is_buy == 1?'已购买':'购买'}}</view>
<template v-else>
<view class="b" @click="toSelect(index,a)">
<view class="l">
<image v-if="a.isSelect" :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-select-on.png')"></image>
<image v-else :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-select.png')"></image>{{a.name}}
<view class="r" :class="a.is_buy==1?'r-on':''" @click.stop="a.is_buy!=0?'':openPage(3,categoryList[categoryIndex],2,index)">{{a.is_buy == 1?'已购买':'打包购买'}}</view>
<view class="question-anniu" @click="toggleItem()" v-if="isToggle">
展开<u-icon name="arrow-down"></u-icon>
<view class="question-anniu" @click="toggleItem()" v-else>
收起<u-icon name="arrow-up"></u-icon>
<view class="question-bd">
<!-- <view class="a">
<view class="t" @click="openPage(1)">
<image src="/static/icon-t-01.png"></image>刷实操
<view class="b">
<view class="t">
<image src="/static/icon-t-02.png"></image>实操考试
</view> -->
<view class="c">
<view class="t" @click="openPage(2,0)">
<image :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-t-03.png')"></image>刷章节
<view class="m" @click="openPage(2,1)">
<image class="l" :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-error.png')"></image>刷错题<image class="r" :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-arrow.png')"></image>
<view class="d">
<view class="t" @click="openPage(1,0)">
<image :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-t-04.png')"></image>刷真题
<view class="m" @click="openPage(1,1)">
<image class="l" :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-error.png')"></image>刷错题<image class="r" :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-arrow.png')"></image>
<view class="m" @click="openPage(1,3)">
<image class="l" :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-error.png')"></image>顺序题<image class="r" :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-arrow.png')"></image>
<view class="question-fd">
<view class="a">
<view class="t">上次分数</view>
<view class="m"><text>{{realforecastInfo.last_score}}</text></view>
<view class="a">
<view class="t">预测考分</view>
<view class="m"><text>{{realforecastInfo.forecast_score}}</text></view>
<view class="question-bd">
<view class="e">
<view class="t" @click="openPage(2,3)">
<image :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-t-05.png')"></image>免费刷题
5 months ago
<!-- <view class="f">
5 months ago
<view class="t" @click="openPage(1,2)">
<image :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-t-06.png')"></image>模拟考试
<view class="m" @click="openPage(1,4)">
<image class="l" :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-error.png')"></image>刷错题<image class="r" :src="staticUrl('/static/icon-arrow.png')"></image>
5 months ago
</view> -->
5 months ago
export default {
data() {
return {
isToggle: true,
categoryList: [],
categoryIndex: 0,
categoryArray: [],
info: {},
realforecastInfo: {
forecast_score: 0,
last_score: 0
onShow() {
methods: {
toggleItem() {
this.isToggle = !this.isToggle
// if(a.is_buy == 0){
// return ;
// }
a.isSelect = false;
b.isSelect = false;
c.isSelect = false;
this.categoryList[this.categoryIndex].children[index].isSelect = true
this.info = this.categoryList[this.categoryIndex].children[index]
toSelect1(index,idx, a){
a.isSelect = false;
let arr = this.categoryList[this.categoryIndex].children
if(arr[index].children && arr[index].children.length > 0){
a.isSelect = false;
b.isSelect = false;
this.categoryList[this.categoryIndex].children[index].children[idx].isSelect = true
this.info = this.categoryList[this.categoryIndex].children[index].children[idx]
this.isToggle = true
bindPickerChange(e) {
this.categoryIndex = e.detail.value
async getRealforecast(){
let { code, data, msg } = await this.$api.Realforecast({category_id: this.info.id})
if (code == 200) {
this.realforecastInfo = data;
} else {
icon: "none",
title: msg
async getCategoryList(){
const that = this;
let { code, data, msg } = await this.$api.categoryTreeList({})
if (code == 200) {
let arr = [], arr1 = []
if(data && data.length > 0){
a.isSelect = false;
if(that.info.id == a.id){
a.isSelect = true;
if(a.children && a.children.length > 0){
b.isSelect = false;
if(that.info.id == b.id){
b.isSelect = true;
if(b.children && b.children.length > 0){
c.isSelect = false;
if(that.info.id == c.id){
c.isSelect = true;
this.categoryArray = arr;
this.categoryList = data;
} else {
icon: "none",
title: msg
openPage(index,a,type,idx,idx1) {
url: "/pages/login/login"
return ;
if(index == 1){
if(a == 4){
url: "/pages/exercises/cuowuti/cuowuti?id="+this.info.id+"&type="+a
url: "/pages/exercises/index?id="+this.info.id+"&type="+a
icon: "none",
title: "请选择分类"
}else if(index == 2){
if(a == 0){
url: "/pages/study/index?id="+this.info.id+"&type="+a
}else if(a == 3){
url: "/pages/study/free?id="+this.info.id
url: "/pages/study/detail?type="+a+"&id="+this.info.id
icon: "none",
title: "请选择分类"
}else if(index == 3){
url: "/pages/login/login"
return ;
a.idx = idx
a.idx1 = idx1
a.type = type
url: "/pages/question/buyTwo"
}else if(index == 4){
url: "/pages/login/login"
return ;
url: "/pages/question/buyOne"
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5 months ago
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5 months ago
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