@ -1,20 +1,35 @@ |
<template> |
<template> |
<view class="tongcheng"> |
<view class="room" :style="{'width': winWidth+'px', 'height': winHeight+'px'}"> |
<!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS --> |
<view class="room-hd"> |
<zego-local-view style="height: 403.84rpx;flex: 1;"></zego-local-view> |
<zego-remote-view class="video-view" :style="{'width': winWidth+'px', 'height': winHeight+'px'}" :streamID="sellerStreamId"></zego-remote-view> |
<!-- #endif --> |
<zego-local-view class="shitu"></zego-local-view> |
<!-- #ifdef H5 --> |
</view> |
<video id="local_video" style="height: 403.84rpx;flex: 1;" autoplay playsinline :muted="true"></video> |
<!-- #endif --> |
<view class="room-fd" :style="{'width': winWidth+'px'}"> |
<zego-remote-view |
<view class="item"> |
class="video-view" |
<view class="pic"> |
:streamID="playStreamID" |
<image class="pimg" src="@/static/yuyin-01-on.png"></image> |
> |
</view> |
</zego-remote-view> |
<view class="txt"><text>开启</text></view> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<view class="pic"> |
<image class="pimg" src="@/static/yuyin-02.png"></image> |
</view> |
<view class="txt"><text>开启</text></view> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<view class="pic"> |
<image class="pimg" src="@/static/yuyin-03.png"></image> |
</view> |
<view class="txt"><text>开启</text></view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
</template> |
<script> |
<script> |
import api from '@/api/index.js' |
import permision from "@/js_sdk/wa-permission/permission.js" |
import permision from "@/js_sdk/wa-permission/permission.js" |
//导入 ZEGO Express SDK |
//导入 ZEGO Express SDK |
import ZegoExpressEngine from '@/uni_modules/zego-ZegoExpressUniApp-JS/components/zego-ZegoExpressUniApp-JS/lib/ZegoExpressEngine'; |
import ZegoExpressEngine from '@/uni_modules/zego-ZegoExpressUniApp-JS/components/zego-ZegoExpressUniApp-JS/lib/ZegoExpressEngine'; |
@ -35,7 +50,10 @@ |
}, |
}, |
data() { |
data() { |
return { |
return { |
playStreamID: "", |
winWidth: 0, |
winHeight: 0, |
userInfo: {}, |
playStreamId: "", |
title: "视频语音", |
title: "视频语音", |
background: { |
background: { |
// 导航栏背景图 |
// 导航栏背景图 |
@ -43,77 +61,203 @@ |
// 还可以设置背景图size属性 |
// 还可以设置背景图size属性 |
backgroundSize: '100 auto', |
backgroundSize: '100 auto', |
}, |
}, |
engine: null, |
roomId: "", |
sellerStreamId: "" |
} |
} |
}, |
}, |
onLoad(o) { |
onLoad(o) { |
this.id = o.id; |
this.id = o.id; |
this.type=o.type; |
this.type=o.type; |
console.log(o) |
this.winWidth = uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth; |
this.winHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight; |
}, |
}, |
onReady() { |
mounted() { |
// // #ifdef APP-PLUS |
this.toPermission(); |
// if (uni.getSystemInfoSync().platform === "android") { |
// const res = await permision.requestAndroidPermission( |
// "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" |
// ); |
// const res1 = await permision.requestAndroidPermission( |
// "android.permission.CAMERA" |
// ); |
// } |
// // #endif |
ZegoExpressEngine.createEngineWithProfile(profile); |
console.log(123565) |
this.loginRoom(); |
}, |
}, |
methods: { |
methods: { |
async toPermission() { |
// #ifdef APP-PLUS |
if (uni.getSystemInfoSync().platform === "android") { |
const res = await permision.requestAndroidPermission( |
"android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" |
); |
const res1 = await permision.requestAndroidPermission( |
"android.permission.CAMERA" |
); |
this.getUserInfo(); |
return ; |
} |
// #endif |
this.getUserInfo(); |
}, |
//查询个人信息 |
async getUserInfo() { |
const { code, data , msg} = await api.findUserInfo({userId: uni.getStorageSync("userInfo").id}); |
if(code == 200){ |
console.log("getUserInfo",data) |
this.userInfo = data; |
this.loginRoom(); |
}else{ |
uni.showToast({ |
title: msg, |
position: "bottom", |
icon: "none", |
}) |
} |
}, |
async loginRoom(){ |
async loginRoom(){ |
console.log("sxq",{ |
const that = this; |
userId: uni.getStorageSync("userInfo").id, |
const res = await api.findZegoToken({ |
sellerId: this.id |
}) |
const res = await this.$api.findZegoToken({ |
userId: uni.getStorageSync("userInfo").id, |
userId: uni.getStorageSync("userInfo").id, |
sellerId: this.id |
sellerId: this.id |
}) |
}) |
console.log("sxq1",res) |
if(res.code == 200){ |
return ; |
if(code == 200){ |
// 获取token传入 |
// 获取token传入 |
roomConfig.token = data.token; |
roomConfig.token = res.data.token; |
this.playStreamID = data.roomID; |
this.playStreamId = res.data.userStreamId; |
console.log(data) |
this.sellerStreamId = res.data.userStreamId; |
// 登录房间 |
this.roomId = res.data.roomId; |
// 开始登录房间 |
console.log("loginRoom11",res.data) |
ZegoExpressEngine.instance().loginRoom(data.roomID, {'userID': uni.getStorageSync("userInfo").id, 'userName': uni.getStorageSync("userInfo").nickname}, roomConfig); |
this.engine = await ZegoExpressEngine.createEngineWithProfile(profile); |
setTimeout(()=>{ |
this.engine.enableCamera(this.type == 1?true:false) |
this.toLa(); |
this.engine.enableEffectsBeauty(true); |
},100) |
// 以下为常用的房间相关回调 |
ZegoExpressEngine.instance().on('roomStateUpdate', (roomID, state, errorCode, extendedData) => { |
// 创建美颜参数对象 |
let beautyParam = {}; |
// 美白、红润、磨皮、锐化 |
beautyParam.whitenIntensity = this.userInfo.reserved5; |
beautyParam.rosyIntensity = this.userInfo.reserved6; |
beautyParam.smoothIntensity = this.userInfo.reserved7; |
beautyParam.sharpenIntensity = this.userInfo.reserved8; |
// 设置美颜参数 |
this.engine.setEffectsBeautyParam(beautyParam); |
this.engine.useFrontCamera(true) |
// 以下为常用的房间相关回调 |
this.engine.on('roomStateUpdate', (roomID, state, errorCode, extendedData) => { |
console.log("roomStateUpdate",roomID) |
// 房间状态更新回调,登录房间后,当房间连接状态发生变更(如出现房间断开,登录认证失败等情况),SDK会通过该回调通知 |
// 房间状态更新回调,登录房间后,当房间连接状态发生变更(如出现房间断开,登录认证失败等情况),SDK会通过该回调通知 |
}); ; |
}); ; |
ZegoExpressEngine.instance().on('roomUserUpdate', (roomID, updateType, userList) => { |
this.engine.on('roomUserUpdate', (roomID, updateType, userList) => { |
// 用户状态更新,登录房间后,当房间内有用户新增或删除时,SDK会通过该回调通知 |
// 用户状态更新,登录房间后,当房间内有用户新增或删除时,SDK会通过该回调通知 |
console.log("roomUserUpdate",roomID,userList) |
}); |
}); |
ZegoExpressEngine.instance().on('roomStreamUpdate', (roomID, updateType, streamList) => { |
this.engine.on('playerStateUpdate', (roomID, updateType, streamList) => { |
console.log("playerStateUpdate",roomID) |
// 调用拉流接口成功后,当拉流器状态发生变更,如出现网络中断导致推流异常等情况,SDK在重试拉流的同时,会通过该回调通知 |
}); |
this.engine.on('roomStreamUpdate', (roomID, updateType, streamList) => { |
console.log("playerStateUpdate",streamList) |
// 流状态更新,登录房间后,当房间内有用户新推送或删除音视频流时,SDK会通过该回调通知 |
// 流状态更新,登录房间后,当房间内有用户新推送或删除音视频流时,SDK会通过该回调通知 |
// this.sellerStreamId = streamList[0].streamID; |
}); |
}); |
// 调用推流接口成功后,当推流器状态发生变更,如出现网络中断导致推流异常等情况,SDK在重试推流的同时,会通过该回调通知 |
that.engine.on('publisherStateUpdate', (streamID, state, errorCode, extendedData) => { |
console.log("publisherStateUpdate",streamID) |
}); |
// 登录房间 |
// 开始登录房间 |
this.engine.loginRoom(res.data.roomId, |
{ |
'userID': uni.getStorageSync("userInfo").id, |
'userName': uni.getStorageSync("userInfo").nickname |
}, |
roomConfig |
); |
this.engine.startPreview(); |
this.engine.startPublishingStream(this.playStreamId); |
setTimeout(()=>{ |
this.toTuiliu() |
},100) |
} |
} |
}, |
}, |
async toLa() { |
toTuiliu() { |
await ZegoExpressEngine.instance().startPreview() |
const that = this; |
await ZegoExpressEngine.instance().startPlayingStream(this.playStreamID) |
console.log(this.sellerStreamId) |
}, |
that.engine.startPlayingStream(this.sellerStreamId); |
ZegoExpressEngine.instance().on("playerStateUpdate", (streamID, state, errorCode, extendedData) => { |
/** 调用拉流接口成功后,当拉流器状态发生变更,如出现网络中断导致推流异常等情况,SDK在重试拉流的同时,会通过该回调通知 */ |
console.log("playerStateUpdate",roomID) |
}); |
} |
}, |
onBackPress() { |
uni.sendSocketMessage({data:JSON.stringify({ |
"userId": uni.getStorageSync("userInfo").id, |
type: 11, |
"topic":"message" |
})}) |
/** 停止推流 */ |
this.engine?.stopPublishingStream(); |
/** 停止本地预览 */ |
this.engine?.stopPreview(); |
/** 停止拉流 */ |
this.engine?.stopPlayingStream(this.sellerStreamId); |
/** 退出房间 */ |
this.engine?.logoutRoom(this.roomId); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
</script> |
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