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6 months ago
<uvText :type="type" :show="show" :text="text" :prefixIcon="prefixIcon" :suffixIcon="suffixIcon" :mode="mode" :href="href" :format="format" :call="call" :openType="openType"
:bold="bold" :block="block" :lines="lines" :color="color" :decoration="decoration" :size="size" :iconStyle="iconStyle" :margin="margin" :lineHeight="lineHeight" :align="align"
:wordWrap="wordWrap" :customStyle="customStyle" @click="$emit('click')"></uvText>
* 此组件存在的理由是在nvue下u-text被uni-app官方占用了u-text在nvue中相当于input组件
* 所以在nvue下取名为u--input内部其实还是u-text.vue只不过做一层中转
* 不使用v-bind="$attrs"而是分开独立写传参是因为微信小程序不支持此写法
import uvText from "../u-text/u-text.vue";
import props from "../u-text/props.js";
import mixin from '../u-text/libs/mixin/mixin.js'
export default {
name: "u--text",
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
// 将自定义节点设置成虚拟的,更加接近Vue组件的表现,能更好的使用flex属性
options: {
virtualHost: true
// #endif
mixins: [props, mixin],
components: {