<view class="user" :style="{'padding-bottom': current == 2?'0rpx':'130rpx'}">
<view class="user-navbar">
<u-navbar :title="title" back-icon-color="#333333" :immersive="true" :background="background"></u-navbar>
<view class="user-pic">
<image mode="widthFix" v-if="userInfo.faceFlag==0" :src="baseUrl+userInfo.img"></image>
<image mode="widthFix" v-else :src="userInfo.faceImage"></image>
<view class="user-hd">
<view class="a">
<view class="name">{{userInfo.realname?userInfo.nickname:userInfo.nickname}}</view>
<view class="vip" v-if="userInfo.memberflag>=1">VIP{{userInfo.memberflag}}</view>
<image class="sex" v-if="userInfo.sex ==2" src="@/static/peiwan-nv.png"></image>
<image class="sex" v-else src="@/static/peiwan-nan.png"></image>
<view class="city" v-if="userInfo.province && userInfo.cityHide != 1"><image class="location" src="@/static/dingwei2.png"></image>{{userInfo.province+"-"+userInfo.city}}</view>
<view class="b">
<view class="tag" v-if="userInfo.age">{{userInfo.age}}岁</view>
<view class="tag" v-if="userInfo.height">{{userInfo.height}}</view>
<view class="tag" v-if="userInfo.weight">{{userInfo.weight}}</view>
<view class="tag" v-if="userInfo.post">{{userInfo.post}}</view>
<view class="c" v-if="userInfo.declaration">
<view class="d" :class="isPlay?'d-on':''" v-if="userInfo.voice" @click="toToggle()">
<view class="user-tab">
<view class="tab">
<u-tabs :list="list" bg-color="transparent" :is-scroll="false" active-color="#222222" inactive-color="#666666" font-size="30" :active-item-style="activeStyle" bar-height="10" bar-width="60" v-model="current" @change="changeTabs"></u-tabs>
<view class="user-bd" v-if="current == 0">
<view class="xiangce" v-if="userInfo.xiangce && userInfo.xiangce.length > 0">
<view class="title">相册
<view class="more" v-if="userInfo.xiangce && userInfo.xiangce.length > 0" @click="openPage(7,userInfo.id)">{{userInfo.xiangce.length}}张<image src="@/static/icon-arrow.png"></image></view>
<view class="list" v-if="userInfo.xiangce && userInfo.xiangce.length > 0">
<image v-for="(a,i) in userInfo.xiangce" @click="openPage(8,i)" :key="i" :src="a"></image>
<view class="xiangce">
<view class="title">认证状态
<view class="list">
<view class="tag" v-if="userInfo.phoneFlag == 1">手机号认证</view>
<view class="tag" v-if="userInfo.realnameFlag == 1">实名认证</view>
<view class="tag" v-if="userInfo.faceFlag == 1">真人认证</view>
<view class="xiangce">
<view class="title">情感喜好
<view class="qinggan">
<view class="dd">情感状态:<text>{{userInfo.emotion}}</text></view>
<view class="dd">喜欢什么样的异性:
<view class="b">
<view class="tag" v-for="(a,i) in userInfo.sexFlag" :key="i">{{a}}</view>
<view class="xiangce">
<view class="title">个人信息
<view class="qinggan">
<view class="li">年收入:<text>{{userInfo.annualIncome}}</text></view>
<view class="li">家乡:<text>{{userInfo.home}}</text></view>
<view class="li">学历:<text>{{userInfo.xueli}}</text></view>
<view class="li">星座:<text>{{userInfo.constellation}}</text></view>
<view class="user-bd" v-if="current==1">
<view class="yuewan">
<view class="title">约玩项目
<view class="location" v-if="distance">
<image src="@/static/dingwei.png"></image>距离{{distance}}km
<view class="list" v-if="sellerServiceList && sellerServiceList.length > 0">
<view class="item" :class="clickIndex == idx?'item-active':(a.type==1?'item-on':'')" v-for="(a,idx) in sellerServiceList" :key="idx">
<view class="name">{{a.name}}</view>
<view class="price">{{a.price}}起</view>
<view class="empty" v-if="sellerServiceList && sellerServiceList.length == 0">
<image src="@/static/empty.png"></image>
<view class="txt">还没有发布项目</view>
<view class="user-bd" v-if="current==2">
<view class="dongtai">
<view class="empty" v-if="articleList && articleList.length == 0">
<image src="@/static/empty.png"></image>
<view class="txt">暂无数据</view>
<view class="item" v-for="(a,i) in articleList" :key="i" @click="openPage(5,a.id)">
<view class="a">
<view class="fl">
<image :src="a.faceImage?a.faceImage:a.img"></image>
<view class="info">
<view class="name">{{a.nickname}}</view>
<view class="desc">{{a.createTime}}</view>
<view class="b">{{a.content}}</view>
<view class="c">
<image mode="aspectFill" v-for="(b,idx) in a.imgurl" :key="idx" :src="b"></image>
<view class="d">
<view class="fl">
<view class="li">
<image src="@/static/xiaoxi.png"></image>{{a.pinglun}}
<view class="li">
<image v-if="a.isUserZan == 0" src="@/static/dianzan.png"></image>
<image v-else src="@/static/zandin2.png"></image>{{a.zan}}
<view class="li">
<image src="@/static/fenxiang.png"></image>分享
<view class="fr">搭讪</view>
<view class="user-fd" v-if="current == 0">
<view class="item" @click="openPage(1)">{{userInfo.isCare== 1?'已关注':'+关注'}}</view>
<view class="item item-on" @click="openPage(3)">
<image src="@/static/dashan-xin.png"></image>搭讪
<view class="item item-on" @click="openPage(2)">
<image src="@/static/dashan-siliao.png"></image>私信
<view class="user-fd" v-if="current == 1 && (sellerServiceList && sellerServiceList.length >0)">
<view class="item" @click="openPage(1)">{{userInfo.isCare == 1?'已关注':'+关注'}}</view>
<view class="items" @click="openPage(4,userInfo.id)">
<image src="@/static/peiwan-rili.png"></image>立即约玩
<unverified :isPopup="isPopup" />
<dashan :isDashan="isDashan" :info="info"></dashan>
<insufficient :isCoins="isCoins" />
<share :isShare="isShare" :info="info" />
const systemInfoSync=uni.getSystemInfoSync();
const innerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext();
export default {
data() {
return {
pageType: -1,
baseUrl: "",
userInfo: {},
clickIndex: -1,
isShare: false,
isCollect: false,
isCoins: false,
isPopup: false,
isDashan: false,
isPlay: false,
title: "",
info: {},
userMeInfo: {},
isScroll: false,
isShow: false,
background: {
// 导航栏背景图
background: 'transparent',
current: 0,
statusBarHeight: 0,
list:[{'name': '资料'},{'name': '陪玩'},{'name': '动态'}],
activeStyle: {'fontSize': '35rpx'},
articleList: [],
distance: 0,
sellerServiceList: [],
id: ""
onPageScroll(e) {
this.background = {
// 导航栏背景图
background: 'transparent',
this.title =""
const t = e.scrollTop>=44?1:(e.scrollTop/44).toFixed(2)
this.title = (this.userInfo.realname?this.userInfo.nickname:this.userInfo.nickname)+"主页"
this.background = {
// 导航栏背景图
background: 'rgba(255,255,255,'+t+')',
onLoad(o) {
const that = this;
that.statusBarHeight = systemInfoSync.statusBarHeight;
that.baseUrl = this.$baseUrl;
that.id = o.id;
that.isShare = false;
that.isPopup = false;
that.isDashan= false;
that.isCoins= false;
that.isCoins = res
onShow() {
methods: {
async toCareOrCancel() {
const { code, data , msg } = await this.$api.careOrCancel({
userId: uni.getStorageSync("userInfo").id,
sellerId: this.id,
type: this.userInfo.isCare == 0?1:2
if(code == 200){
title: this.userInfo.isCare == 0?"关注成功":"取消关注"
title: msg,
position: "bottom",
icon: "none",
async userSellerServiceList() {
const { code, data , msg } = await this.$api.userSellerServiceList({
userId: uni.getStorageSync("userInfo").id,
sellerId: this.id,
lat: uni.getStorageSync("jingweiInfo").latitude,
lon: uni.getStorageSync("jingweiInfo").longitude
if(code == 200){
this.sellerServiceList = data.serviceList;
this.isShow = data.serviceList.length == 0?true:false;
this.distance = data.distance;
title: msg,
position: "bottom",
icon: "none",
async userArticleList() {
const { code, data , msg } = await this.$api.userArticleList({userId: this.id,limit:100,page:1});
if(code == 200){
let arr = [];
if(data.list && data.list.length > 0){
a.imgurl = a.imgurl.split(",")
this.articleList = arr;
this.isShow = data.totalCount == 0?true:false;
title: msg,
position: "bottom",
icon: "none",
async getMeUserInfo() {
const { code, data , msg } = await this.$api.findUserInfo({userId: uni.getStorageSync("userInfo").id});
if(code == 200){
this.userMeInfo = data;
title: msg,
position: "bottom",
icon: "none",
async getUserInfo(type) {
const { code, data , msg } = await this.$api.findOtherUserInfo({userId: uni.getStorageSync("userInfo").id,sellerId: this.id,});
if(code == 200){
this.userInfo = data;
this.userInfo.xiangce = []
this.userInfo.xiangce = data.reserved1.split(",")
this.userInfo.home = data.home.split("-")[0]+"-"+data.home.split("-")[1]
return ;
title: msg,
position: "bottom",
icon: "none",
async getDictDataByType() {
const that = this;
let res1 = await that.$api.getDictDataByType({dictType: 'salary_type'});
let res2 = await that.$api.getDictDataByType({dictType: 'education_type'});
let res3 = await that.$api.getDictDataByType({dictType: 'constellation_type'});
let res4 = await that.$api.getDictDataByType({dictType: 'marriage_type'});
let res5 = await that.$api.getDictDataByType({dictType: that.userInfo.sex == 1?'sex_type_2':'sex_type_1'});
if(res1.data && res1.data.length > 0){
if(that.userInfo.annualIncome == a.dictValue){
that.userInfo.annualIncome = a.dictLabel
if(res2.data && res2.data.length > 0){
if(that.userInfo.xueli == a.dictValue){
that.userInfo.xueli = a.dictLabel
if(res3.data && res3.data.length > 0){
if(that.userInfo.constellation == a.dictValue){
that.userInfo.constellation = a.dictLabel;
if(res4.data && res4.data.length > 0){
if(that.userInfo.emotion == a.dictValue){
that.userInfo.emotion = a.dictLabel;
let sexFlag = "",arr=[],arr1=[];
if(res5.data && res5.data.length > 0){
if(that.userInfo.sexFlag ){
sexFlag = that.userInfo.sexFlag.split(",")
if(b== a.dictValue){
if(that.userInfo.sexFlag ){
that.userInfo.sexFlag = arr;
async toChat() {
const { code, data } = await this.$api.findZegoToken({
userId: uni.getStorageSync("userInfo").id,
sellerId: this.id
if(code == 200){
url: "/pages/users/chat/index?id="+this.id+"&roomId="+data.roomId
if(index == 1){
if(this.userMeInfo.realnameFlag == 0){
this.isPopup = true
return ;
}else if(index == 2){
if(this.userMeInfo.realnameFlag == 0){
this.isPopup = true
return ;
}else if(index == 3){
if(this.userMeInfo.realnameFlag == 0){
this.isPopup = true
return ;
if(this.userInfo.isBlack == 1){
title: "该用户是黑名单",
icon: "none",
position: "bottom"
return ;
this.info.userid = this.id;
this.isDashan = true
}else if(index == 4){
if(this.userMeInfo.realnameFlag == 0){
this.isPopup = true
return ;
if(this.userInfo.isBlack == 1){
title: "该用户是黑名单",
icon: "none",
position: "bottom"
return ;
url: "/pages/peiwan/confirm?id="+id
}else if(index == 5){
url: "/pages/dongtai/detail?id="+id
}else if(index == 7){
url: "/pages/peiwan/xiangce?id="+id
}else if(index == 8){
urls: this.userInfo.xiangce,
count: id
this.current = index
if(index == 1){
}else if(index == 2){
toToggle () {
this.isPlay = !this.isPlay
innerAudioContext.src = this.userInfo.voice;
destroyed() {
if (innerAudioContext) {
try {
innerAudioContext = null
} catch (e) {
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