You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

718 lines
35 KiB

define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form'], function ($, undefined, Backend, Table, Form) {
var Controller = {
index: function () {
var configIndex = new Vue({
el: "#configIndex",
data() {
return {
activeName: "basic",
configData: {
basic: [{
id: 'shopro',
title: '商城信息',
tip: '配置商城基本信息',
message: '商城名称、H5域名、Logo',
icon: 'shopro-icon',
leaf: '#6ACAA5',
background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #BAF0DD 0%, #51BC99 100%)',
url: "{:url(shopro.config/platform?type=shopro')}",
button: {
background: '#E0F1EB',
color: '#13986C'
}, {
id: 'user',
title: '会员配置',
tip: '配置默认会员信息',
message: '默认昵称、头像、分组、余额、积分',
icon: 'user-icon',
leaf: '#E0B163',
background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #FCE6B7 0%, #E9A848 100%)',
button: {
background: '#F7EDDD',
color: '#B07318'
// {
// id: 'share',
// title: '分享配置',
// tip: '配置默认分享信息',
// message: '分享标题、图片、海报背景',
// icon: 'share-icon',
// leaf: '#915CF9',
// background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #D5B8FA 0%, #8F62C9 100%)',
// button: {
// background: '#E7DEF6',
// color: '#6625CF'
// },
// }, {
// id: 'score',
// title: '积分配置',
// tip: '配置默认积分规则',
// message: '签到积分、连续签到规则',
// icon: 'score-icon',
// leaf: '#EC9371',
// background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #FADDC0 0%, #E47F6D 100%)',
// button: {
// background: '#F6E5E1',
// color: '#D75125'
// },
// }, {
// id: 'withdraw',
// title: '充值提现',
// tip: '配置默认充值提现规则',
// message: '手续费、最小最大金额',
// icon: 'withdraw-icon',
// leaf: '#EA6670',
// background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #FCB7BE 0%, #D36068 100%)',
// button: {
// background: '#F3DCDE',
// color: '#D61226'
// },
// }, {
// id: 'order',
// title: '商城配置',
// tip: '配置默认商城规则',
// message: '库存预警,订单自动关闭,订单自动收货,订单自动评价',
// icon: 'order-icon',
// leaf: '#6991E7',
// background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #AFCBFD 0%, #5A7CCF 100%)',
// button: {
// background: '#DBE2F6',
// color: '#1B5EE7'
// },
// }, {
// id: 'services',
// title: '第三方服务',
// tip: '配置物流及位置信息',
// message: '快递鸟物流、高德地图',
// icon: 'services-icon',
// leaf: '#14B0F3',
// background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #A5E2FC 0%, #158CBF 100%)',
// button: {
// background: '#DBE2F6',
// color: '#00A3D7'
// },
// }, {
// id: 'chat',
// title: '客服配置',
// tip: '配置客服信息',
// message: '配置客服信息,快速沟通',
// icon: 'chat-icon',
// leaf: '#27C9C3',
// background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #A1F3DE 0%, #3DA0A7 100%)',
// button: {
// background: '#D6E9EA',
// color: '#159198'
// },
// }, {
// id: 'store',
// title: '门店配置',
// tip: '配置门店协议',
// message: '配置门店协议',
// icon: 'store-icon',
// leaf: '#487EE5',
// background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #84C4FF 0%, #3C68BE 100%)',
// button: {
// background: '#DFE7EE',
// color: '#1C54BD'
// },
// }
platform: [
// {
// id: 'wxOfficialAccount',
// title: '微信公众号',
// tip: '配置微信公众号',
// message: 'AppId、AppSecret、自动登录',
// icon: 'wxOfficialAccount-icon',
// leaf: '#6ACAA4',
// background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #AAF0D7 0%, #5CC09F 100%)',
// buttonMessage: '公众号设置',
// button: {
// background: '#DEF0EA',
// color: '#0EA753'
// },
// }, {
// id: 'wxMiniProgram',
// title: '小程序',
// tip: '配置小程序',
// message: 'AppId、AppSecret、自动登录',
// icon: 'wxMiniProgram-icon',
// leaf: '#6962F7',
// background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #C1BFFF 0%, #6563C9 100%)',
// buttonMessage: '小程序设置',
// button: {
// background: '#D8D8F1',
// color: '#3932BF'
// },
// }, {
// id: 'H5',
// title: 'H5',
// tip: '配置H5平台',
// message: '微信H5支付信息',
// icon: 'h5-icon',
// leaf: '#EC9371',
// background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #FADDC0 0%, #E5806D 100%)',
// buttonMessage: 'H5设置',
// button: {
// background: '#F7E6E1',
// color: '#D75E37'
// },
// },
id: 'App',
title: 'App',
tip: '配置App平台',
message: '生成App实现多端同步使用',
icon: 'App-icon',
leaf: '#6990E6',
background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #BED6FF 0%, #6785CD 100%)',
buttonMessage: 'App设置',
button: {
background: '#DAE1F6',
color: '#1666D3'
payment: [{
id: 'wechat',
title: '微信支付',
tip: '',
message: '',
icon: 'wechat-icon',
leaf: '#6ACAA4',
background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #AAF0D7 0%, #5DC1A0 100%)',
button: {
background: '#DEF0EA',
color: '#0EA753'
}, {
id: 'wechatv3',
title: '微信支付 v3',
tip: '',
message: '',
icon: 'wechat-icon',
leaf: '#6ACAA4',
background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #AAF0D7 0%, #5DC1A0 100%)',
button: {
background: '#DEF0EA',
color: '#0EA753'
}, {
id: 'alipay',
title: '支付宝支付',
tip: '',
message: '',
icon: 'alipay-icon',
leaf: '#6990E6',
background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #BFD6FF 0%, #6786CE 100%)',
button: {
background: '#DAE1F6',
color: '#005AD7',
}, {
id: 'wallet',
title: '余额支付',
tip: '',
message: '',
icon: 'wallet-icon',
leaf: '#EC9371',
background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #FADDC0 0%, #E6816E 100%)',
button: {
background: '#F7E6E1',
color: '#D75E37'
}, {
id: 'apple',
title: 'Apple Pay',
tip: '',
message: '',
icon: 'apple-icon',
leaf: '#6962F7',
background: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #C2C0FF 0%, #6563C9 100%) ',
button: {
background: '#D8D8F1',
color: '#1E14E0',
cursor: 'auto'
methods: {
tabClick(tab, event) {
this.activeName = tab.name;
operation(id, title) {
let that = this;
Fast.api.open("shopro/config/platform?type=" + id + "&tab=" + that.activeName + "&title=" + title, title);
platform: function () {
Vue.directive('enterInteger', {
inserted: function (el) {
const input = el.nodeName === 'INPUT' ? el : el.getElementsByTagName('input')[0]
const fn = (e) => {
input.value = input.value.replace(/(^[^1-9])|[^\d]/g, '')
const ev = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents')
ev.initEvent('input', true, true)
input.onkeyup = fn
input.onblur = fn
function debounce(handle, delay) {
let time = null;
return function () {
let self = this,
arg = arguments;
time = setTimeout(function () {
handle.apply(self, arg);
}, delay)
var configPlatform = new Vue({
el: "#configPlatform",
data() {
return {
platformData: {
shopro: {
name: '',
domain: '',
version: '',
logo: '',
logo_arr: [],
copyright: ['', ''],
user_protocol: '',
privacy_protocol: '',
about_us: '',
user: {
nickname: '',
avatar: '',
avatar_arr: [],
group_id: '',
money: '',
score: '',
share: {
title: '',
image: '',
goods_poster_bg: '',
user_poster_bg: '',
groupon_poster_bg: '',
image_arr: [],
goods_poster_bg_arr: [],
user_poster_bg_arr: [],
groupon_poster_bg_arr: [],
score: {
everyday: '',
until_day: '',
inc_value: '',
consume_get_score: '0',
consume_get_score_ratio: '0'
withdraw: {
methods: [],
wechat_alipay_auto: 0,
service_fee: '',
min: '',
max: '',
perday_amount: 0,
perday_num: 0,
recharge: {
enable: 0,
methods: [],
moneys: []
order: {
order_auto_close: '',
order_auto_confirm: '',
order_auto_comment: '',
order_comment_content: '',
user_reply: '0',
goods: {
stock_warning: 0
invoice: {
enable: "1",
price_type: "goods_price"
services: {
amap: {
appkey: '',
jscode: ''
express: {
ebusiness_id: '',
type: 'free',
appkey: '',
jd_code: '',
Sender: {
Name: '',
Mobile: '',
ProvinceName: '',
CityName: '',
ExpAreaName: '',
Address: '',
PayType: 1,
ExpType: 1,
CustomerName: '',
CustomerPwd: '',
ShipperCode: '',
area_arr: []
chat: {
type: 'shopro',
basic: {
last_customer_service: 1,
allocate: 'busy',
notice: '显示在用户端头部',
system: {
is_ssl: 0,
ssl_type: 'cert',
ssl_cert: '/www/server/panel/vhost/cert/****/fullchain.pem',
ssl_key: '/www/server/panel/vhost/cert/****/privkey.pem',
gateway_port: 1819,
gateway_num: 2,
gateway_start_port: 2010,
business_worker_port: 2238,
business_worker_num: 4
store: {
protocol: '',
selfetch_protocol: '',
wxOfficialAccount: {
name: '',
wx_type: '',
avatar: '',
qrcode: '',
avatar_arr: [],
qrcode_arr: [],
app_id: '',
secret: '',
url: '',
token: '',
aes_key: '',
auto_login: '',
status: ''
wxMiniProgram: {
name: '',
avatar: '',
qrcode: '',
avatar_arr: [],
qrcode_arr: [],
app_id: '',
secret: '',
auto_login: '',
H5: {
app_id: '',
secret: '',
App: {
app_id: '',
secret: '',
wechat: {
platform: [],
mch_id: '',
key: '',
sub_key: '',
cert_client: '',
cert_key: '',
sub_cert_client: '',
sub_cert_key: '',
mode: 'normal',
sub_mch_id: '',
app_id: '',
wechatv3: {
platform: [],
mode: 0, // 0|2
app_id: '',
mch_id: '',
mch_secret_key: '',
mch_secret_cert: '',
mch_public_cert_path: '',
sub_mch_id: '',
sub_mch_secret_key: '',
sub_mch_secret_cert: '',
sub_mch_public_cert_path: '',
alipay: {
platform: [],
app_id: '',
ali_public_key: '',
app_cert_public_key: '',
alipay_root_cert: '',
private_key: '',
mode: 'normal',
pid: '',
wallet: {
platform: [],
type: new URLSearchParams(location.search).get('type'),
tab: new URLSearchParams(location.search).get('tab'),
title: new URLSearchParams(location.search).get('title'),
groupList: [],
detailForm: {},
must_delete: ['logo_arr', 'avatar_arr', 'image_arr', 'goods_poster_bg_arr', 'user_poster_bg_arr', 'groupon_poster_bg_arr', 'qrcode_arr', 'area_arr'],
expressAddress: window.location.origin + '/addons/shopro/express/callback',
deliverCompany: [],
areaOptions: []
mounted() {
if (this.type == 'services') {
methods: {
operationData() {
this.detailForm = this.platformData[this.type]
if (Config.row) {
for (key in this.detailForm) {
if (Config.row[key]) {
if (Config.row[key] instanceof Object) {
for (inner in Config.row[key]) {
if (Config.row[key][inner]) {
this.detailForm[key][inner] = Config.row[key][inner]
} else {
this.detailForm[key] = Config.row[key]
if (this.type == 'shopro') {
this.detailForm.logo_arr = []
} else if (this.type == 'user') {
this.groupList = Config.groupList
this.detailForm.avatar_arr = []
} else if (this.type == 'share') {
this.detailForm.image_arr = []
this.detailForm.goods_poster_bg_arr = []
this.detailForm.user_poster_bg_arr = []
this.detailForm.groupon_poster_bg_arr = []
} else if (this.type == 'withdraw') {
this.detailForm.service_fee = this.detailForm.service_fee * 100
} else if (this.type == 'services') {
this.detailForm.area_arr = []
if (this.detailForm.express && this.detailForm.express.Sender) {
this.detailForm.area_arr = [this.detailForm.express.Sender.ProvinceName, this.detailForm.express.Sender.CityName, this.detailForm.express.Sender.ExpAreaName]
} else if (this.type == 'chat') {
if (!this.detailForm.system.ssl_type) {
this.$set(this.detailForm.system, 'ssl_type', 'cert')
} else if (this.type == 'wxOfficialAccount') {
this.detailForm.avatar_arr = []
this.detailForm.qrcode_arr = []
} else if (this.type == 'wxMiniProgram') {
this.detailForm.avatar_arr = []
this.detailForm.qrcode_arr = []
richtextSelect(field) {
let that = this;
Fast.api.open("shopro/richtext/select?multiple=false", "选择协议", {
callback: function (data) {
that.detailForm[field] = data.data.id;
return false;
attachmentSelect(type, field) {
let that = this;
Fast.api.open("general/attachment/select?multiple=false", "选择", {
callback: function (data) {
switch (type) {
case "image":
that.detailForm[field] = data.url;
that.detailForm[field + '_arr'] = data.url;
// case "file":
// that.detailForm[field] = data.url;
// break;
case "ssl":
that.detailForm.system[field] = data.url;
return false;
delImg(type, field) {
let that = this;
switch (type) {
case "image":
that.detailForm[field] = '';
that.detailForm[field + '_arr'] = [];
case "file":
that.detailForm[field] = '';
submitFrom(type) {
let that = this;
if (type == 'yes') {
if (this.type == 'withdraw') {
let flag = that.detailForm.recharge.moneys.every(m => {
return m.money
if (!flag) {
message: '请把数据填写完整',
type: 'warning'
return false
let submitData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(that.detailForm))
if (that.type == 'withdraw') {
submitData.service_fee = (Number(submitData.service_fee) / 100).toFixed(3)
if (that.type == 'services') {
submitData.express.Sender.ProvinceName = submitData.area_arr[0];
submitData.express.Sender.CityName = submitData.area_arr[1];
submitData.express.Sender.ExpAreaName = submitData.area_arr[2];
that.must_delete.forEach(i => {
if (submitData[i]) {
delete submitData[i]
url: 'shopro/config/platform?type=' + that.type,
loading: true,
type: 'POST',
data: {
data: JSON.stringify(submitData),
group: that.tab,
title: that.title
}, function (ret, res) {
} else {
getDeliverCompany(searchWhere = '') {
let that = this;
url: 'shopro/express/select',
loading: false,
type: 'GET',
data: {
searchWhere: searchWhere,
}, function (ret, res) {
that.deliverCompany = res.data.rows;
return false
deliverDebounceFilter: debounce(function (searchWhere) {
}, 1000),
deliverFilter(searchWhere) {
getAreaOptions() {
var that = this;
url: `shopro/area/select`,
loading: false,
type: 'GET',
}, function (ret, res) {
that.areaOptions = res.data;
return false;
changeWechatType() {
for (key in this.detailForm) {
if (key != 'mode' && key != 'platform') {
this.detailForm[key] = ''
ajaxUpload(id) {
let that = this;
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("file", $('#' + id)[0].files[0]);
type: "post",
url: "ajax/upload",
data: formData,
cache: false,
processData: false,
contentType: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data.code == 1) {
that.detailForm[id] = data.data.url
} else {
title: '警告',
message: data.msg,
type: 'warning'
addTemplate() {
money: "",
deleteTemplate(index) {
this.detailForm.recharge.moneys.splice(index, 1);
add: function () {
edit: function () {
api: {
bindevent: function () {
return Controller;