define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form', 'toastr'], function ($, undefined, Backend, Table, Form, Toastr) { var Controller = { index: function () { var agentIndex = new Vue({ el: "#agentIndex", data() { return { isAjax: true, isAjaxtable: false, activeTabsName: 'all', tabsList: [{ name: 'all', label: '分销商' }, { name: 'pending', label: '待审核' }, { name: '1', label: '待升级' } ], agentLevelList: [], agentStatusOptions: [{ value: 'all', label: '全部' }, { value: 'normal', label: '正常' }, { value: 'forbidden', label: '禁用' }, { value: 'pending', label: '审核中' }, { value: 'freeze', label: '冻结' }], // form搜索 searchForm: { status: "all", level: "all", updatetime: [], form_1_key: "user_id", form_1_value: "", level_status: "all", }, searchFormInit: { status: "all", level: "all", updatetime: [], form_1_key: "user_id", form_1_value: "", level_status: "all" }, searchOp: { status: "=", updatetime: 'range', level: "=", user_id: "=", nickname: "like", mobile: "like", level_status: ">" }, sort: 'createtime', listData: [], offset: 0, limit: 10, totalPage: 0, currentPage: 1, } }, created() { this.getListData(); this.getAgentLevel(); }, methods: { getListData() { let that = this; if (!that.isAjax) { that.isAjaxtable = true; } let filter = {} let op = {} for (key in that.searchForm) { if (key == 'form_1_value') { if (that.searchForm[key] != '') { filter[that.searchForm.form_1_key] = that.searchForm[key]; } } else if (key == 'updatetime') { if (that.searchForm[key]) { if (that.searchForm[key].length > 0) { filter[key] = that.searchForm[key].join(' - '); } } } else if (key == 'status' || key == 'level' || key == 'level_status') { if (that.searchForm[key] != '' && that.searchForm[key] != 'all') { filter[key] = that.searchForm[key]; } } } for (key in filter) { op[key] = that.searchOp[key] } Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/agent/index', loading: false, type: 'GET', data: { offset: that.offset, limit: that.limit, sort: that.sort, order: 'desc', filter: JSON.stringify(filter), op: JSON.stringify(op) }, }, function (ret, res) { that.listData =; that.totalPage =; that.isAjax = false; that.isAjaxtable = false; return false; }, function (ret, res) { that.isAjax = false; that.isAjaxtable = false; return false; }) }, getAgentLevel() { let that = this; Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/level/index', loading: false, type: 'GET', }, function (ret, res) { that.agentLevelList =; that.agentLevelList.unshift({ level: 'all', name: "全部" }) return false; }) }, screenEmpty() { let padding=this.searchForm.status this.searchForm = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.searchFormInit)) if(padding=='pending'){ this.searchForm.status='pending' } }, operation(type, id, row) { let that = this; switch (type) { case 'edit':'shopro/commission/agent/profile?id=' + id, '查看', { callback() { that.getListData(); } }) break; case 'del': that.$confirm('此操作将永久直接删除, 是否继续?', '提示', { confirmButtonText: '确定', cancelButtonText: '取消', type: 'warning' }).then(() => { Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/agent/del/ids/' + id, loading: false, type: 'POST', }, function (ret, res) { that.getListData(); }) return false; }).catch(() => { that.$message({ type: 'info', message: '已取消删除' }); }); break; case 'reject': Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/agent/update?id=' + id, loading: false, type: 'POST', data: { key: 'info_status', value: '-1' } }, function (ret, res) { that.getListData(); }) break; case 'agree': if (row.info_status == 0) { that.$confirm('用户还未完善资料, 是否同意申请?', '提示', { confirmButtonText: '确定', cancelButtonText: '取消', type: 'warning' }).then(() => { Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/agent/update?id=' + id, loading: false, type: 'POST', data: { key: 'status', value: 'normal' } }, function (ret, res) { that.getListData(); }) }).catch(() => { that.$message({ type: 'info', message: '已取消删除' }); }); } else { Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/agent/update?id=' + id, loading: false, type: 'POST', data: { key: 'status', value: 'normal' } }, function (ret, res) { that.getListData(); }) } break; case 'agree-null-status': Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/agent/update?id=' + id, loading: false, type: 'POST', data: { key: 'status', value: 'normal' } }, function (ret, res) { that.getListData(); }) break; case 'filter': var data = { value: '', color: '' } switch (id) { case 'normal': data.value = '正常'; data.color = '#444'; break; case 'forbidden': data.value = '禁用'; data.color = '#ED655F'; break; case 'pending': data.value = '审核中'; data.color = '#999'; break; case 'freeze': data.value = '冻结'; data.color = '#687FF4'; break; } return data; break; case 'update-agree': Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/agent/update?id=' + id, loading: false, type: 'POST', data: { key: 'level_status', value: row } }, function (ret, res) { that.getListData(); }) break; case 'update-refuse': Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/agent/update?id=' + id, loading: false, type: 'POST', data: { key: 'level_status', value: 0 } }, function (ret, res) { that.getListData(); }) break; } }, handleSizeChange(val) { this.offset = 0 this.limit = val; this.currentPage = 1; this.getListData() }, handleCurrentChange(val) { this.currentPage = val; this.offset = (val - 1) * this.limit; this.getListData() }, tabshandleClick(value) { this.searchForm.status = ""; this.searchForm.level_status = ""; if ( == 'pending') { this.searchForm.status =; this.sort = 'updatetime'; } else if ( == '1') { this.searchForm.level_status =; this.sort = 'updatetime'; } else { this.sort = 'createtime' } this.listData = []; this.isAjaxtable = true; this.offset = 0; this.limit = 10; this.totalPage = 0; this.currentPage = 1; this.getListData(); }, tableCellClassName({ columnIndex }) { if (columnIndex == 1 || columnIndex == 7 || columnIndex == 13) { return 'cell-left'; } return ''; }, tableCellClassName2({ columnIndex }) { if (columnIndex == 1 || columnIndex == 4 || columnIndex == 10) { return 'cell-left'; } return ''; }, tableCellClassName3({ columnIndex }) { if (columnIndex == 1 || columnIndex == 7) { return 'cell-left'; } return ''; }, }, }) }, profile: function () { function debounce(handle, delay) { let time = null; return function () { let self = this, arg = arguments; clearTimeout(time); time = setTimeout(function () { handle.apply(self, arg); }, delay) } } let formatterHtml = { order_id: (row) => { if(row.order){ return `${}` } }, order_sn: (row) => { if(row.order){ return `${row.order.order_sn}` } }, time: (row) => { return `${moment(row.createtime*1000).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}` }, user_message: (row) => { if(row.buyer){ return `
` } }, rate: (row) => { return `${row.commission_total}元/${row.commissioned_total}元` }, money: (row) => { return `${row.amount}元` }, commission_detail: (row) => { let ht = '' if (row.reward && row.reward.length > 0) { row.reward.forEach(it => { ht += `
` }) } return ht }, oper_id: (row) => { let ht = `
` if (row.oper) { ht = `
` } return ht; }, commission_reward_status: (row) => { let color = "#999" if (row.commission_reward_status == 1) { color = "#22D38D" } else if (row.commission_reward_status == -1) { color = "#EC5B55" } return `
` }, status: (row) => { let color = "#999" if (row.status == 1) { color = "#22D38D" } else if (row.status == -1) { color = "#EC5B55" } return `
` }, open: (row) => { let ht = "-" if (row.event == 'order' || row.event == 'reward' || row.event == 'share') { ht = `
` } return ht }, } var agentDetail = new Vue({ el: "#agentDetail", data() { return { profileData: {}, columns: { 'log': [{ type: 'vmodel', field: 'id', title: 'ID', width: '70px', }, { type: 'vmodel', field: 'event_text', title: '动态', width: '140px', header: 'custom-header' }, { type: 'vmodel', field: 'remark', title: '内容', width: '400', }, { type: 'vmodel', field: 'oper_type_text', title: '操作人类型', width: '100', }, { type: 'vhtml', field: '', title: '操作人', width: '160px', formatter: formatterHtml.oper_id, align: 'left', }, { type: 'vhtml', field: '', title: '动态时间', width: '160px', formatter: formatterHtml.time, align: 'left', }, { type: 'open', field: '', title: '操作', width: '80px', formatter:, align: 'left', // fixed: 'right', }], 'order': [{ type: 'vhtml', field: '', title: 'ID', width: '70px', formatter: formatterHtml.order_id, }, { type: 'click', field: '', title: '订单号', width: '220px', formatter: formatterHtml.order_sn, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: '', title: '下单用户信息', width: '160px', formatter: formatterHtml.user_message, align: 'left', }, { type: 'vhtml', field: '', title: '分佣状态', width: '90px', formatter: formatterHtml.commission_reward_status, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: '', title: '商品结算金额', width: '120px', formatter:, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: '', title: '分佣金额/到账金额', width: '144px', formatter: formatterHtml.rate, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: '', title: '佣金详情', width: '260px', formatter: formatterHtml.commission_detail, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: '', title: '加入时间', width: '160px', formatter: formatterHtml.time, align: 'left', }], 'reward': [{ type: 'vhtml', field: '', title: 'ID', width: '70px', formatter: formatterHtml.order_id, }, { type: 'click', field: '', title: '订单号', width: '220px', formatter: formatterHtml.order_sn, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: '', title: '下单用户信息', width: '160px', formatter: formatterHtml.user_message, align: 'left', }, { type: 'vmodel', field: 'commission', title: '分佣金额', width: '90px', }, { type: 'vhtml', field: '', title: '分佣用户', width: '160px', formatter: formatterHtml.user_message, align: 'left', }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'type_text', title: '入账状态', width: '90px', formatter: formatterHtml.status, }, { type: 'vmodel', field: 'type_text', title: '入账方式', width: '90px', }, { type: 'vhtml', field: '', title: '分佣时间', width: '160px', formatter: formatterHtml.time, align: 'left', }], }, offset: 0, limit: 10, totalPage: 0, currentPage: 1, logList: [], activeStatus: 'log', dialogType: '', dialogVisible: false, agentLevelList: [], selectAgentLevel: '', dialogList: [], poffset: 0, plimit: 5, ptotalPage: 0, pcurrentPage: 1, defaultProps: { children: 'children', label: 'name', multiple: false, checkStrictly: true, value: 'id', }, agentStatusOptions: [{ value: 'normal', label: '正常' }, { value: 'forbidden', label: '禁用' }, { value: 'pending', label: '审核中' }, { value: 'freeze', label: '冻结' }], agentInfoOptions: [{ value: -1, label: '驳回' }, { value: 0, label: '未完善' }, { value: 1, label: '已完善' }, { value: null, label: '无需资料' }], applyInfoList: [], isEditInfoStatus: false, selectedTeamId: null, agentAjax: true, logListAjax: true, logOptions: [{ value: -1, label: '驳回' }, { value: 0, label: '未完善' }, { value: 1, label: '已完善' }], logStatus: 'all', filterForm: { agent_id: Config.row.user_id, event: 'all' }, filterOp: { agent_id: "=", event: "=", }, // 更换上级分销商搜索 parentFilterForm: { status: "normal", form_1_key: "user_id", form_1_value: "" }, parentFilterFormInit: { status: "normal", form_1_key: "user_id", form_1_value: "" }, parentFilterOp: { status: "=", user_id: "=", nickname: "like", mobile: "like", }, selectParentAgentId: null, noRecommendationChecked: false } }, created() { this.getprofile(); this.selectedTeamId = Config.row.user_id; this.getLogStatus(); this.getListData(this.activeStatus); }, methods: { getLogStatus() { let that = this; Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/log/getEventAll', loading: false, type: 'GET', }, function (ret, res) { that.logOptions =; return false; }) }, changeLogEvent() { this.getListData('log') }, isexpanded(data) { data.expanded = !data.expanded }, getApplyInfo() { let that = this; that.agentAjax = true; Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/config/index', loading: false, type: 'GET', }, function (ret, res) { if (that.profileData.apply_info) { that.profileData.apply_info = JSON.parse(that.profileData.apply_info); } else { that.profileData.apply_info = [] } if (JSON.parse( == 0) { that.applyInfoList = JSON.parse( } else { that.applyInfoList = JSON.parse(; if (that.profileData.apply_info) { if (that.profileData.apply_info) { that.applyInfoList.forEach(e => { let isexist = false; that.profileData.apply_info.forEach(j => { if ( == && e.type == j.type) { isexist = true; } }) if (!isexist) { that.profileData.apply_info.push({ name:, type: e.type, value: '', isdelete: true }) } }); } else { that.profileData.apply_info.push({ name:, type: e.type, value: '', isdelete: true }) } } } //生成预览 that.profileData.apply_info.forEach(i => { if (i.type == 'image') { i.value_arr = []; i.value_arr.push(Fast.api.cdnurl(i.value)) } }) that.agentAjax = false; return false; }, function (ret, res) { that.agentAjax = false; }) }, openDialog(type) { this.dialogType = type; this.dialogList = [] if (this.dialogType == 'change-parent-agent') { this.getParentAgentList(); } else if (this.dialogType == 'change-level') { this.getAgentLevel(); } }, closeDialog(opttype, type) { this.dialogVisible = false; this.parentFilterForm.form_1_value = ""; this.parentFilterForm.form_1_key = "user_id"; if (opttype == true) { if (type == 'change-level') { this.operation('save', 'level') } else if (type == 'change-parent-agent') { this.operation('save', 'parent_agent_id') } } }, getAgentLevel() { let that = this; Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/level/index', loading: false, type: 'GET', }, function (ret, res) { that.agentLevelList =; that.dialogVisible = true; return false; }) }, getParentAgentList() { let that = this; let filter = {} let op = {} for (key in that.parentFilterForm) { if (key == 'form_1_value') { if (that.parentFilterForm[key] != '') { filter[that.parentFilterForm.form_1_key] = that.parentFilterForm[key]; } } else if (key == 'status') { if (that.parentFilterForm[key] != '' && that.parentFilterForm[key] != 'all') { filter[key] = that.parentFilterForm[key]; } } } for (key in filter) { op[key] = that.parentFilterOp[key] } Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/agent/index', loading: false, type: 'GET', data: { offset: that.poffset, limit: that.plimit, filter: JSON.stringify(filter), op: JSON.stringify(op) }, }, function (ret, res) { that.dialogList =; that.ptotalPage =; that.dialogVisible = true; return false; }) }, parentDebounceFilter: debounce(function () { this.getParentAgentList() }, 1000), phandleCurrentChange(val) { this.pcurrentPage = val; this.poffset = (val - 1) * this.plimit; this.getParentAgentList() }, getprofile() { let that = this; Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/agent/profile?id=' + Config.row.user_id, loading: false, type: 'GET', data: {}, }, function (ret, res) { that.profileData =; that.selectAgentLevel = that.profileData.level; that.getApplyInfo(); return false; }) }, //列表 radioChange(val) { this.logList = []; this.activeStatus = val; = 1; this.limit = 10; this.currentPage = 1; this.totalPage = 0; this.getListData(val) }, getListData(val) { let that = this; that.logListAjax = true; let filter = {} let op = {} for (key in that.filterForm) { if (key == 'event' && val == 'log') { if (that.filterForm[key] != '' && that.filterForm[key] != 'all') { filter[key] = that.filterForm[key]; } } else if (key == 'agent_id') { if (that.filterForm[key] != '') { filter[key] = that.filterForm[key]; } } } for (key in filter) { op[key] = that.filterOp[key] } Fast.api.ajax({ url: `shopro/commission/${val}/index`, loading: false, type: 'GET', data: { offset: that.offset, limit: that.limit, op: JSON.stringify(op), filter: JSON.stringify(filter), }, }, function (ret, res) { that.logList =; that.totalPage =; that.logListAjax = false; return false; }) }, statusChange() { this.operation('save', 'status') }, applyInfoStatusChange() { this.operation('save', 'info_status') }, lockChange() { this.operation('save', 'upgrade_lock') }, operation(type, id, data) { let that = this; switch (type) { case 'view-parent-agent':"shopro/commission/agent/profile?id=" + id, "上级分销商"); break; case 'select-image':"general/attachment/select?multiple=false", "选择", { callback: function (data) { that.profileData.apply_info[id].value = data.url; } }); break; case 'delete-apply-info': that.profileData.apply_info.splice(id, 1); break; case 'save': let subValue; if (id == 'apply_info') { subValue = that.profileData.apply_info; subValue.forEach(i => { if (i.type == 'image') { delete i.value_arr; } delete i.isdelete; }) subValue = JSON.stringify(subValue) } else if (id == 'level') { subValue = that.selectAgentLevel } else if (id == 'parent_agent_id') { subValue = that.selectParentAgentId } else { subValue = that.profileData[id] } Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/agent/update?id=' + Config.row.user_id, loading: false, type: 'POST', data: { key: id, value: subValue }, }, function (ret, res) { that.isEditInfoStatus = false; that.selectParentAgentId = null; that.parentFilterForm.form_1_value = ""; that.parentFilterForm.form_1_key = "user_id"; that.getprofile(); }, function (ret, res) { that.isEditInfoStatus = false; that.selectParentAgentId = null; that.parentFilterForm.form_1_value = ""; that.parentFilterForm.form_1_key = "user_id"; }) break; case 'edit-info-status': that.isEditInfoStatus = true; break; case 'filter-color': switch (id) { case 'normal': return 'filter-color-normal' break; case 'forbidden': return 'filter-color-forbidden' break; case 'pending': return 'filter-color-pending' break; case 'freeze': return 'filter-color-freeze' break; } break; case 'select-agent-level': that.selectAgentLevel = id; break; case 'open-order':`shopro/commission/order/index?agent_id=${Config.row.user_id}`, "直推分销订单"); break; case 'open-reward':`shopro/commission/reward/index?agent_id=${Config.row.user_id}&status=${id}`, "佣金明细"); break; case 'open-user':'shopro/user/user/profile?id=' + id, '查看用户') break; case 'open-order':'shopro/order/order/detail?id=' + id, "查看详情", { callback() { that.reqOrderList() } }); break; case 'list-detail':`shopro/commission/${that.activeStatus}/index?agent_id=${Config.row.user_id}`, "查看详情", { callback() { that.reqOrderList(); } }); break; case 'order':`shopro/commission/order/index?id=${id}`, '详情', { callback(data) { that.reqOrderList() } }) break; case 'reward':`shopro/commission/reward/index?id=${id}`, '详情', { callback(data) { that.reqOrderList() } }) break; case 'share':`shopro/user/user/profile?id=${id}`, '详情', { callback(data) { that.reqOrderList() } }) break; case 'select-parent-agent': if (id === true) { that.selectParentAgentId = 0; } else if (id === false) { that.selectParentAgentId = null; } else { that.selectParentAgentId = id; that.noRecommendationChecked = false; } break; case 'level-status': Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/agent/update?id=' + Config.row.user_id, loading: false, type: 'POST', data: { key: 'level_status', value: id }, }, function (ret, res) { that.getprofile(); }) break; case 'view-team':`shopro/commission/agent/team?id=${id}`, '查看团队') break; } }, handleSizeChange(val) { this.offset = 0 this.limit = val; this.currentPage = 1; this.getListData(this.activeStatus) }, handleCurrentChange(val) { this.currentPage = val; this.offset = (val - 1) * this.limit; this.getListData(this.activeStatus) }, tableCellClassName({ columnIndex }) { if (columnIndex == 1) { return 'cell-left'; } return ''; }, }, }) }, team: function () { function debounce(handle, delay) { let time = null; return function () { let self = this, arg = arguments; clearTimeout(time); time = setTimeout(function () { handle.apply(self, arg); }, delay) } } let formatterHtml = { time: (row) => { return `${moment(row.createtime*1000).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}` }, level: (row) => { let ht = `
` if (row.agent && row.agent.agent_level) { ht = `
` } return ht; }, message: (row) => { let ht = '
' if (row.avatar) { ht = `
` } if (row.nickname) { ht = `
` } if (row.avatar && row.nickname) { ht = `
` } return ht; }, status: (row) => { let ht = `
`; let className = '' if (row.agent) { if (row.agent.status == 'normal') { className = 'filter-color-normal'; } else if (row.agent.status == 'forbidden') { className = 'filter-color-forbidden'; } else if (row.agent.status == 'pending') { className = 'filter-color-pending'; } else if (row.agent.status == 'freeze') { className = 'filter-color-freeze'; } ht = `
` } return ht; }, moneynum: (row, outterfield, field) => { let ht = `
` if (row.agent) { ht = `
` if (outterfield) { ht = `
` } if(field=='total_consume'){ ht = `
` } } return ht; }, singlenum: (row, outterfield, field) => { let ht = `
` if (row.agent) { ht = `
` } return ht; }, peoplenum: (row, outterfield, field) => { let ht = `
` if (outterfield) { if(row[outterfield]){ ht = `
` }else{ ht ='-' } } return ht; }, } var agentTeam = new Vue({ el: "#agentTeam", data() { return { id: new URLSearchParams('id'), searchId: new URLSearchParams('id'), blockSearchId: new URLSearchParams('id'), teamList: [], tableIdArr: [], offset: 0, limit: 10, totalPage: 0, currentPage: 1, teamAjax: false, agentLevelList: [], // 筛选 searchForm: { level: "", form_1_key: "id", form_1_value: "" }, searchFormInit: { level: "", form_1_key: "id", form_1_value: "" }, searchOp: { parent_user_id: '=', level: "=", id: "=", nickname: "like", mobile: "like", }, parent_user: [], dashboardIdList: ['id', 'avatar-nickname', 'level', 'status', 'child_user_count', 'child_user_count_1', 'child_user_count_2', 'child_agent_count', 'child_agent_count_1', 'child_agent_count_2', 'child_order_money', 'child_order_money_1', 'child_order_money_2', 'order_money', 'child_order_count', 'child_order_count_1', 'child_order_count_2', 'order_count', 'total_income', 'delay_money', 'total_consume', 'createtime'], dashboardList: [{ label: 'ID', value: 'id', }, { label: '团队用户', value: 'avatar-nickname', }, { label: '等级', value: 'level', }, { label: '状态', value: 'status', }, { label: '团队人数', value: 'child_user_count', }, { label: '一级团队人数', value: 'child_user_count_1', }, { label: '二级团队人数', value: 'child_user_count_2', }, { label: '分销商人数', value: 'child_agent_count', }, { label: '一级分销商人数', value: 'child_agent_count_1', }, { label: '二级分销商人数', value: 'child_agent_count_2', }, { label: '团队分销总额', value: 'child_order_money', }, { label: '一级分销总额', value: 'child_order_money_1', }, { label: '二级分销总额', value: 'child_order_money_2', }, { label: '直推分销总额', value: 'order_money', }, { label: '团队分销订单', value: 'child_order_count', }, { label: '一级分销订单', value: 'child_order_count_1', }, { label: '二级分销订单', value: 'child_order_count_2', }, { label: '直推分销订单', value: 'order_count', }, { label: '累计佣金', value: 'total_income', }, { label: '消费金额', value: 'delay_money', }, { label: '待入账佣金', value: 'total_consume', }, { label: '加入时间', value: 'createtime', }], columns: [{ type: 'vmodel', field: 'id', title: 'ID', width: '70px', }, { type: 'click', field: 'avatar-nickname', title: '团队用户', width: '160px', formatter: formatterHtml.message, align: 'left', }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'level', title: '等级', width: '180px', formatter: formatterHtml.level, align: 'left', }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'status', title: '状态', width: '60px', formatter: formatterHtml.status, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'child_user_count', title: '团队人数', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.peoplenum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'child_user_count_1', title: '一级团队人数', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.peoplenum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'child_user_count_2', title: '二级团队人数', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.peoplenum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'child_agent_count', outterfield: 'agent', title: '分销商人数', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.peoplenum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'child_agent_count_1', outterfield: 'agent', title: '一级分销商人数', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.peoplenum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'child_agent_count_2', outterfield: 'agent', title: '二级分销商人数', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.peoplenum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'child_order_money', outterfield: 'agent', title: '团队分销总额', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.moneynum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'child_order_money_1', outterfield: 'agent', title: '一级分销总额', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.moneynum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'child_order_money_2', outterfield: 'agent', title: '二级分销总额', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.moneynum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'order_money', outterfield: 'agent', title: '直推分销总额', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.moneynum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'child_order_count', outterfield: 'agent', title: '团队分销订单', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.singlenum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'child_order_count_1', outterfield: 'agent', title: '一级分销订单', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.singlenum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'child_order_count_2', outterfield: 'agent', title: '二级分销订单', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.singlenum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'order_count', outterfield: 'agent', title: '直推分销订单', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.singlenum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'total_income', outterfield: 'agent', title: '累计佣金', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.moneynum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'delay_money', outterfield: 'agent', title: '消费金额', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.moneynum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'total_consume', title: '待入账佣金', width: '120px', formatter: formatterHtml.moneynum, }, { type: 'vhtml', field: 'createtime', outterfield: 'agent', title: '加入时间', width: '160px', formatter: formatterHtml.time, }] } }, created() { this.getAgentTeam(); this.getAgentLevel(); }, methods: { operation(type, id) { let that = this; switch (type) { case 'clickteam': if (!that.tableIdArr.includes(id)) { that.searchId = id; that.tableIdArr.push(id); that.getAgentTeam(); } break; case 'clickteamdelete': if (id) { that.searchId = id; that.tableIdArr.splice((that.tableIdArr.indexOf(id) + 1)); } else { that.searchId =; that.tableIdArr = [] } that.getAgentTeam(); break; } }, debounceFilter: debounce(function () { this.offset = 0 this.limit = 10; this.currentPage = 1; this.getAgentTeam() }, 1000), getAgentLevel() { let that = this; Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/level/index', loading: false, type: 'GET', }, function (ret, res) { that.agentLevelList =; return false; }) }, getAgentTeam() { let that = this; that.teamAjax = true; let filter = {} let op = {} for (key in that.searchForm) { if (key == 'form_1_value') { if (that.searchForm[key] != '') { filter[that.searchForm.form_1_key] = that.searchForm[key]; } } else if (key == 'level') { if (that.searchForm[key] != '' && that.searchForm[key] != 'all') { filter[key] = that.searchForm[key]; } } } filter.parent_user_id = that.searchId; for (key in filter) { op[key] = that.searchOp[key] } Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/commission/agent/team', loading: false, type: 'GET', data: { offset: that.offset, limit: that.limit, filter: JSON.stringify(filter), op: JSON.stringify(op) }, }, function (ret, res) { that.teamList =; that.totalPage =; that.parent_user = []; that.parent_user.push(; that.teamAjax = false; return false; }, function (ret, res) { that.teamAjax = false; return false; }) }, handleSizeChange(val) { this.offset = 0 this.limit = val; this.currentPage = 1; this.getAgentTeam() }, handleCurrentChange(val) { this.currentPage = val; this.offset = (val - 1) * this.limit; this.getAgentTeam() }, tableCellClassName({ columnIndex }) { if (columnIndex == 1) { return 'cell-left'; } return ''; }, }, }) }, api: { bindevent: function () { Form.api.bindevent($("form[role=form]")); } }, }; return Controller; });