define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form'], function ($, undefined, Backend, Table, Form) { var Controller = { index: function () { // 检测是否安装 redis this.checkRedis(); var activityIndex = new Vue({ el: "#activityIndex", data() { return { tipCloseFlag: true, activityOptions: [{ value: 'all', label: '全部' }, { value: 'seckill', label: '秒杀活动' }, { value: 'groupon', label: '拼团活动' }], statusOptins: [{ value: 'all', label: '全部' }, { value: 'nostart', label: '未开始' }, { value: 'ing', label: '进行中' }, { value: 'ended', label: '已结束' }], searchForm: { title: '', type: "all", status: "all", activitytime: [], }, searchFormInit: { title: '', type: "all", status: "all", activitytime: [], }, searchOp: { title: 'like', type: "=", status: "=", activitytime: 'range', }, activityData: [], offset: 0, limit: 10, currentPage: 1, totalPage: 0, } }, mounted() { this.getType() this.getActivityData() }, methods: { getType() { var that = this; Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/activity/activity/getType', loading: false, type: 'GET', }, function (ret, res) { that.activityOptions = that.statusOptins = return false; }) }, getActivityData(offset, limit) { var that = this; that.offset = (offset || offset == 0) ? offset : that.offset that.limit = limit ? limit : that.limit let filter = {} let op = {} for (key in that.searchForm) { if (key == 'activitytime') { if (that.searchForm[key]) { if (that.searchForm[key].length > 0) { filter[key] = that.searchForm[key].join(' - '); } } } else if (key == 'type' || key == 'status') { if (that.searchForm[key] != '' && that.searchForm[key] != 'all') { filter[key] = that.searchForm[key]; } } else if (key == 'title') { if (that.searchForm[key] != '') { filter[key] = that.searchForm[key]; } } } for (key in filter) { op[key] = that.searchOp[key] } Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/activity/activity/index', loading: true, type: 'GET', data: { offset: that.offset, limit: that.limit, filter: JSON.stringify(filter), op: JSON.stringify(op) } }, function (ret, res) { that.activityData =; that.totalPage = return false; }) }, screenEmpty() { this.searchForm = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.searchFormInit)) this.getActivityData(0, 10) }, handleSizeChange(val) { this.getActivityData(0, val) }, handleCurrentChange(val) { this.offset = (val - 1) * this.limit this.getActivityData(this.offset, this.limit) }, activityAdd() { let that = this;`shopro/activity/activity/add`, '新建活动', { callback() { that.getActivityData() } }) }, activityEdit(row) { let that = this;`shopro/activity/activity/edit?ids=${}`, '编辑活动', { callback() { that.getActivityData() } }) }, activityView(row) {`shopro/activity/activity/edit?ids=${}&type=view`, '查看活动') }, activityDelete(row) { let that = this; Fast.api.ajax({ url: `shopro/activity/activity/del/ids/${}`, loading: true, type: 'POST', data: {} }, function (ret, res) { that.getActivityData() }) }, activityRecyclebin() {"shopro/activity/activity/recyclebin", "查看历史活动"); }, activityTipsClose() { this.tipCloseFlag = false }, }, }) }, recyclebin: function () { // 初始化表格参数配置 Table.api.init({ extend: { 'dragsort_url': '' } }); var table = $("#table"); // 初始化表格 table.bootstrapTable({ url: 'shopro/activity/activity/recyclebin' +, pk: 'id', sortName: 'id', commonSearch: false, columns: [ [ { checkbox: true }, { field: 'id', title: __('Id') }, { field: 'title', title: __('Title'), align: 'left' }, { field: 'deletetime', title: __('Deletetime'), operate: 'RANGE', addclass: 'datetimerange', formatter: Table.api.formatter.datetime } ] ] }); // 为表格绑定事件 Table.api.bindevent(table); }, add: function () { Controller.detailInit('add') }, sku: function () { Vue.directive('enterNumber', { inserted: function (el) { let changeValue = (el, type) => { const e = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents') e.initEvent(type, true, true) el.dispatchEvent(e) } el.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) { let input =; let reg = new RegExp('^((?:(?:[1-9]{1}\\d*)|(?:[0]{1}))(?:\\.(?:\\d){0,2})?)(?:\\d*)?$'); let matchRes = input.value.match(reg); if (matchRes === null) { input.value = ""; } else { if (matchRes[1] !== matchRes[0]) { input.value = matchRes[1]; } } changeValue(input, 'input') }); } }); Vue.directive('positiveInteger', { inserted: function (el) { el.addEventListener("keypress", function (e) { e = e || window.event; let charcode = typeof e.charCode == 'number' ? e.charCode : e.keyCode; let re = /\d/; if (!re.test(String.fromCharCode(charcode)) && charcode > 9 && !e.ctrlKey) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } } }); } }); var skuPrice = new Vue({ el: "#skuPrice", data() { return { skuList: Config.skuList, skuPrice: Config.skuPrice, actSkuPrice: Config.actSkuPrice, type: '', activity_status: '', } }, mounted() { let actSkuPrice = decodeURI(new URLSearchParams('actSkuPrice')) this.activity_status = new URLSearchParams('activity_status') this.type = new URLSearchParams('type') if (actSkuPrice) { JSON.parse(actSkuPrice).forEach(i => { this.actSkuPrice.forEach(e => { if (i.sku_price_id == e.sku_price_id) { e.price = i.price e.status = i.status e.stock = i.stock } }) }) } }, methods: { changeStatus(i) { let status = this.actSkuPrice[i].status === 'up' ? 'down' : 'up'; this.$set(this.actSkuPrice[i], 'status', status) }, submitForm() { this.$confirm('确认提交吗', '提示', { confirmButtonText: '确定', cancelButtonText: '取消', type: 'warning' }).then(() => { let isSubmit = true isSubmit = !(this.actSkuPrice.every(function (item, index, array) { return item.status == 'down'; })) this.actSkuPrice.forEach(i => { if (i.status == 'up' && !i.stock) { isSubmit = false } if (i.status == 'up' && !i.price) { isSubmit = false } }) if (isSubmit) { Fast.api.close(JSON.stringify(this.actSkuPrice)); } else { this.$message({ message: '请把信息填写完整', type: 'warning' }); } }).catch(() => { this.$message({ type: 'info', message: '已取消' }); }); }, activityStock(i,field){ if(Number(this.skuPrice[i][field]) 9 && !e.ctrlKey) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } } }); } }); var activityDetail = new Vue({ el: "#activityDetail", data() { var checkDiscounts = (rule, value, callback) => { if (value && value.length == 0 && (this.activityForm.type == 'full_reduce' || this.activityForm.type == 'full_discount')) { callback(new Error('请编辑优惠条件')); } else { callback(); } } var checkTeamNum = (rule, value, callback) => { if(value!=0){ callback(); }else{ callback(new Error('成团人数必须大于0')); } } return { optType: new URLSearchParams('type') ? new URLSearchParams('type') : type, pickerOptions: { disabledDate: time => { if (this.activityForm.dateTime[0]) { return time.getTime() < - 8.64e7 || time.getTime() > this.activityForm.dateTime[0]; } return time.getTime() < - 8.64e7; } }, activityForm: { title: '', type: 'seckill', starttime: '', endtime: '', richtext_id: '', richtext_title: '', goods_list: [], goods_ids: '', dateTime: [], rules: {}, }, activityFormInit: { title: '', type: 'seckill', starttime: '', endtime: '', richtext_id: '', richtext_title: '', goods_list: [], goods_ids: '', dateTime: [], rules: {}, }, rules: { title: [{ required: true, message: '请输入活动名称', trigger: 'blur' }], type: [{ required: true, message: '请选择活动类型', trigger: 'blur' }], dateTime: [{ required: true, message: '请选择活动时间', trigger: 'blur' }], temp_team_num: [{ required: true, message: '请输入成团人数', trigger: 'change' }, { validator: checkTeamNum, trigger: 'change' }], temp_discounts: [{ required: true, validator: checkDiscounts, trigger: 'blur' }], temp_full_num: [{ required: true, message: '请输入消费金额', trigger: 'blur' }], goods_list: [{ required: true, message: '请输入选择商品', trigger: 'blur' }], }, isDisabled: false, someIsDisabled: true, selectedGoodsType: 'some', selectedFlag: true, activityTypeList: [{ label: '秒杀活动', icon: 'seckill', type: 'seckill', rules: { activity_auto_close: "", limit_buy: "", order_auto_close: "", } }, { label: '拼团活动', icon: 'groupon', type: 'groupon', rules: { activity_auto_close: "", fictitious_num: "", is_alone: "1", is_fictitious: "0", limit_buy: "", order_auto_close: "", team_card: "1", team_num: "2", valid_time: "" } }, { label: '满额立减', icon: 'full_reduce', type: 'full_reduce', rules: { type: 'money', discounts: [] } }, { label: '满额折扣', icon: 'full_discount', type: 'full_discount', rules: { type: 'money', discounts: [] } }, { label: '满额包邮', icon: 'free_shipping', type: 'free_shipping', rules: { type: 'money', province_except: '', city_except: '', area_except: '', area_text: '', full_num: '' } }], } }, mounted() { this.initData() }, methods: { initData() { if (this.optType == 'view' || this.optType == 'edit') { this.initForm(Config.activity.type) for (key in this.activityForm) { if (Config.activity[key]) { if (key == 'rules') { this.activityForm[key] = Config.activity.rule_arr } else { this.activityForm[key] = Config.activity[key] } } }; this.tempRule() // 处理活动时间 this.activityForm.dateTime = []; this.activityForm.dateTime.push(moment(this.activityForm.starttime * 1000).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")); this.activityForm.dateTime.push(moment(this.activityForm.endtime * 1000).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")); // 处理所有商品 if (this.activityForm.goods_ids == '') { this.selectedGoodsType = 'all' } if (this.optType == 'view') { this.isDisabled = true } else if (this.optType == 'edit') { if (Config.activity.status == 'end') { this.isDisabled = true } else if (Config.activity.status == 'ing') { this.isDisabled = true this.someIsDisabled = false } } } else { this.initForm() } }, initForm(type) { // 选中之后不可点击 if (type && this.activityForm.type == type) { return false } this.activityForm = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.activityFormInit)) if (type) { this.activityForm.type = type } this.activityTypeList.forEach(a => { if (a.type == this.activityForm.type) { this.activityForm.rules = a.rules } }) this.tempRule() this.selectedGoodsType = 'some'; if (this.$refs['activityForm']) { this.$refs['activityForm'].clearValidate();//重置form检测 } }, tempRule() { for (key in this.activityForm.rules) { this.$set(this.activityForm, 'temp_' + key, this.activityForm.rules[key]) } }, richtextSelect() { let that = this;"shopro/richtext/select", "选择活动说明", { callback: function (data) { that.activityForm.richtext_id =; that.activityForm.richtext_title = } }); }, goodsSelect() { let that = this; let selectedGoodsList = that.activityForm.goods_list ? that.activityForm.goods_list : []; let idsArr = [] selectedGoodsList.forEach(i => { idsArr.push( })"shopro/goods/goods/select?multiple=true&type=activity&ids=" + idsArr.join(','), "选择商品", { callback: function (data) { let resData = [] let goodsList = [] if (Array.isArray( { resData = } else { resData.push( } resData.forEach(e => { if (idsArr.includes( { selectedGoodsList.forEach(i => { if ( == { goodsList.push(i) } }) } else { goodsList.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({ actSkuPrice: "", dispatch_type_text: e.dispatch_type_text, id:, image: e.image, opt: 0, status_text: e.status_text, title: e.title, type_text: e.type_text, }))) } }) that.activityForm.goods_list = goodsList; } }); }, goodsDelete(index) { this.activityForm.goods_list.splice(index, 1) }, activitySku(id, index, actSkuPrice) { let that = this; let activity_id = Config.activity ? : '' let activity_status = Config.activity ? Config.activity.status : '' let activity_type = Config.activity ? Config.activity.type : that.activityForm.type // activity_status actSkuPrice自用`shopro/activity/activity/sku?activity_id=${activity_id}&id=${id}&type=${that.optType}&activitytime=${that.activityForm.dateTime.join(' - ')}&activity_type=${activity_type}&activity_status=${activity_status}&actSkuPrice=${actSkuPrice}`, "设置活动商品", { callback: function (data) { that.$set(that.activityForm.goods_list[index], "opt", 1) that.$set(that.activityForm.goods_list[index], "actSkuPrice", data) } }); }, discountsAdd() { this.activityForm.temp_discounts.push({ full: '', discount: '' }) }, discountsDelete(index) { this.activityForm.temp_discounts.splice(index, 1) }, areaSelect() { let that = this; let parmas = { name: that.activityForm.temp_area_text, province_ids: that.activityForm.temp_province_except, city_ids: that.activityForm.temp_city_except, area_ids: that.activityForm.temp_area_except, }'shopro/area/select?parmas=' + encodeURI(JSON.stringify(parmas)), '区域选择', { callback(data) { that.activityForm.temp_area_text =','); that.activityForm.temp_province_except =',') that.activityForm.temp_city_except =',') that.activityForm.temp_area_except =',') } }) }, changeGoodsType(val) { this.activityForm.goods_list = [] if (val == 'all') { this.activityForm.goods_list = [{}] } this.activityForm.goods_ids = '' }, changeFreeShippingType() { this.activityForm.temp_full_num = '' }, submitForm(activityForm) { let that = this; let submitForm = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(that.activityForm)) that.$refs[activityForm].validate((valid) => { if (valid) { if (this.activityForm.type == 'full_reduce' || this.activityForm.type == 'full_discount') { let isSub = true this.activityForm.temp_discounts.forEach(d => { if (Number(d.full) <= 0 || Number( <= 0) { isSub = false } if(this.activityForm.type == 'full_reduce' && submitForm.temp_type=='money'){ if(Number(d.full) < Number({ isSub = false } } if(this.activityForm.type == 'full_discount'){ if(0> Number( || Number(>10){ isSub = false } } }) if (!isSub) { this.$message({ message: '优惠条件填写有误、优惠金额不可大于消费金额或折扣不可小于0大于10', type: 'warning' }); return false } } // 处理时间 submitForm.starttime = submitForm.dateTime[0]; submitForm.endtime = submitForm.dateTime[1]; delete submitForm.dateTime // 处理goods_ids let goods_ids = [] submitForm.goods_list.forEach(i => { if ( { goods_ids.push( } }) if (goods_ids.length > 0) { submitForm.goods_ids = goods_ids.join(',') } else { submitForm.goods_ids = '' submitForm.goods_list = [] } // 处理rules for (key in submitForm.rules) { submitForm.rules[key] = submitForm['temp_' + key] delete submitForm['temp_' + key] } let reqUrl = that.optType == 'add' ? 'shopro/activity/activity/add' : `shopro/activity/activity/edit/ids/${}` // return false Fast.api.ajax({ url: reqUrl, loading: true, type: 'POST', data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(submitForm)) }, function (ret, res) { if (res.code == 1) { Fast.api.close() } }) } else { this.selectedFlag = false return false; } }); }, }, }) }, api: { bindevent: function () { Form.api.bindevent($("form[role=form]")); } }, select: function () { // 初始化表格参数配置 Table.api.init({ extend: { index_url: 'shopro/activity/activity/index?page_type=select&type=' + Backend.api.query('type'), } }); var table = $("#table"); // 初始化表格 table.bootstrapTable({ url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.index_url, pk: 'id', sortName: 'id', columns: [ [ { checkbox: true }, { field: 'id', title: __('Id') }, { field: 'title', title: __('Title') }, { field: 'goods_ids', title: __('Goods_ids') }, { field: 'type', title: __('Type') }, // { field: 'description', title: __('Description') }, { field: 'starttime', title: __('Starttime'), operate: 'RANGE', addclass: 'datetimerange', formatter: Table.api.formatter.datetime }, { field: 'endtime', title: __('Endtime'), operate: 'RANGE', addclass: 'datetimerange', formatter: Table.api.formatter.datetime }, { field: 'createtime', title: __('Createtime'), operate: 'RANGE', addclass: 'datetimerange', formatter: Table.api.formatter.datetime }, { field: 'updatetime', title: __('Updatetime'), operate: 'RANGE', addclass: 'datetimerange', formatter: Table.api.formatter.datetime }, { field: 'operate', title: __('Operate'), events: { 'click .btn-chooseone': function (e, value, row, index) { var multiple = Backend.api.query('multiple'); multiple = multiple == 'true' ? true : false; Fast.api.close({ data: row, multiple: multiple }); }, }, formatter: function () { return ' ' + __('Choose') + ''; } } ] ] }); // 选中多个 $(document).on("click", ".btn-choose-multi", function () { var couponsArr = new Array(); $.each(table.bootstrapTable("getAllSelections"), function (i, j) { couponsArr.push(; }); var multiple = Backend.api.query('multiple'); multiple = multiple == 'true' ? true : false; let row = {} row.ids = couponsArr.join(",") Fast.api.close({ data: row, multiple: multiple }); }); // 为表格绑定事件 Table.api.bindevent(table); require(['upload'], function (Upload) { Upload.api.plupload($("#toolbar .plupload"), function () { $(".btn-refresh").trigger("click"); }); }); }, checkRedis: function () { if (!Config.hasRedis) { Layer.confirm('检测到系统未配置 Redis,添加的活动将不能得到有效控制,确定要继续吗?', { btn: ['确认', '取消'] }, function () { Layer.closeAll(); return true; }, function () { Layer.closeAll(); if (window.parent) { window.parent.Layer.closeAll(); } return false; }); } } }; return Controller; });