You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

316 lines
13 KiB

2 years ago
namespace app\admin\controller\shopro\commission;
use app\common\controller\Backend;
use think\Db;
use think\exception\PDOException;
use think\exception\ValidateException;
use Exception;
* 分销商管理
* @icon fa fa-circle-o
class Goods extends Backend
* Goods模型对象
* @var \app\admin\model\shopro\goods\Goods
protected $model = null;
public function _initialize()
$this->model = new \app\admin\model\shopro\goods\Goods;
$this->view->assign("typeList", $this->model->getTypeList());
$this->view->assign("statusList", $this->model->getStatusList());
* 默认生成的控制器所继承的父类中有index/add/edit/del/multi五个基础方法、destroy/restore/recyclebin三个回收站方法
* 因此在当前控制器中可不用编写增删改查的代码,除非需要自己控制这部分逻辑
* 需要将application/admin/library/traits/Backend.php中对应的方法复制到当前控制器,然后进行修改
* 查看
public function index()
$this->relationSearch = false;
$this->request->filter(['strip_tags', 'trim']);
if ($this->request->isAjax()) {
if ($this->request->request('keyField')) {
return $this->selectpage();
// list($where, $sort, $order, $offset, $limit) = $this->buildparams('title');
$sort = $this->request->get("sort", !empty($this->model) && $this->model->getPk() ? $this->model->getPk() : 'id');
$sort = $sort == 'price' ? 'convert(`price`, DECIMAL(10, 2))' : $sort;
$order = $this->request->get("order", "DESC");
$offset = $this->request->get("offset", 0);
$limit = $this->request->get("limit", 0);
$activity_type = $this->request->get("activity_type", 'all'); // 活动类型
$total = $this->buildSearchOrder()->count();
// 构建查询数据条件
$list = $this->buildSearchOrder();
$subsql = \app\admin\model\shopro\goods\SkuPrice::where('status', 'up')->field('sum(stock) as stock, goods_id as sku_goods_id')->group('goods_id')->buildSql();
$goodsTableName = $this->model->getQuery()->getTable();
// 关联规格表,获取总库存
$list = $list->join([$subsql => 'w'], $goodsTableName . '.id = w.sku_goods_id', 'left');
// 关联查询当前商品的活动,一个商品可能存在多条活动记录,使用 group_concat 搜集所有活动类型,关联条件 只有 find_in_set 会存在一个商品出现多次,所以使用 group
$actSubSql = \app\admin\model\shopro\activity\Activity::where('starttime', '<=', time())->where('endtime', '>=', time())->buildSql();
$list = $list->join([$actSubSql => 'act'], "(find_in_set(" . $goodsTableName . ".id, act.goods_ids) or act.goods_ids = '')", 'left');
// 关联查询当前商品是否设置有积分
$scoreSubSql = \app\admin\model\shopro\app\ScoreSkuPrice::field("'score' as app_type, goods_id as score_goods_id")->group('score_goods_id')->buildSql();
$list = $list->join([$scoreSubSql => 'score'], $goodsTableName . '.id = score.score_goods_id', 'left');
// 关闭 sql mode 的 ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY
$oldModes = closeStrict(['ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY']);
$list = $list->field("$goodsTableName.*, w.*,score.*,group_concat(act.type) as activity_type, act.goods_ids")
->orderRaw($sort . ' ' . $order)
->limit($offset, $limit)
// 恢复 sql mode
foreach ($list as $row) {
$row->commission = \app\admin\model\shopro\commission\Goods::get($row->id);
$row->visible(['id', 'type', 'activity_id', 'activity_type', 'is_sku', 'app_type', 'title', 'status', 'weigh', 'category_ids', 'image', 'price', 'likes', 'views', 'sales', 'stock', 'show_sales', 'dispatch_type', 'updatetime', 'commission']);
$list = collection($list)->toArray();
$result = array("total" => $total, "rows" => $list);
if ($this->request->get("page_type") == 'select') {
return json($result);
return $this->success('操作成功', null, $result);
return $this->view->fetch();
* 编辑
public function edit($ids = null)
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$params = $this->request->post();
$goods_ids = explode(',', $params['ids']);
if ($params) {
try {
foreach($goods_ids as $goods_id) {
$commissionGoods = \app\admin\model\shopro\commission\Goods::get($goods_id);
if($commissionGoods) {
}else {
$params['goods_id'] = $goods_id;
} catch (ValidateException $e) {
} catch (PDOException $e) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', ''));
if(!$ids) {
$ids = $this->request->get('id');
$row = $this->model->where('id', 'in', $ids)->select();
if (!$row) {
$this->error(__('No Results were found'));
if(count($row) == 1) {
$row[0]->commission = \app\admin\model\shopro\commission\Goods::get($row[0]->id);
$row[0]->sku_price = \app\admin\model\shopro\goods\SkuPrice::all(['goods_id' => $row[0]->id]);
$this->assignconfig('row', $row);
$this->assignconfig('defaultCommissionConfig', \app\admin\model\shopro\commission\Config::where([
'name' => ['in', ['commission_level', 'self_buy', 'commission_price_type', 'commission_event']]
])->column('value', 'name'));
return $this->view->fetch();
public function commission_status()
$params = $this->request->post();
\app\admin\model\shopro\commission\Goods::where('goods_id', 'in', $params['ids'])->update([
'status' => $params['status']
// 构建查询条件
private function buildSearchOrder()
$goods_title = $this->request->get("goods_title", ''); // 关键字
$status = $this->request->get("status", 'all');
$goods_type = $this->request->get("goods_type", 'all');
$activity_type = $this->request->get("activity_type", 'all');
$app_type = $this->request->get("app_type", 'all');
$min_price = $this->request->get("min_price", "");
$max_price = $this->request->get("max_price", "");
$category_id = $this->request->get('category_id', 0);
$self_rules = $this->request->get('self_rules', 'all');
$commission_goods_status = $this->request->get('commission_goods_status', 'all');
$tableName = $this->model->getQuery()->getTable();
$tableName = $tableName . '.';
$goods = $this->model;
if ($goods_title) {
// 模糊搜索字段
$searcharr = ['title'];
foreach ($searcharr as $k => &$v) {
$v = stripos($v, ".") === false ? $tableName . $v : $v;
$goods = $goods->where(function ($query) use ($searcharr, $goods_title, $tableName) {
$query->where(implode("|", $searcharr), "LIKE", "%{$goods_title}%");
if ($goods_type != 'all') {
$goods = $goods->where($tableName . 'type', $goods_type);
$goods_ids = [];
// 活动
if ($activity_type != 'all') {
// 同一请求,会组装两次请求条件,缓存 10 秒
$activities = \app\admin\model\shopro\activity\Activity::cache(10)->where('type', $activity_type)->column('goods_ids');
foreach ($activities as $key => $goods_id) {
$ids = explode(',', $goods_id);
$goods_ids = array_merge($goods_ids, $ids);
// 积分
if ($app_type == 'score') {
$score_goods_ids = \app\admin\model\shopro\app\ScoreSkuPrice::cache(10)->group('goods_id')->column('goods_id');
$goods_ids = array_merge($goods_ids, $score_goods_ids);
$goods_ids = array_filter(array_unique($goods_ids));
if ($goods_ids) {
$goods = $goods->where($tableName . 'id', 'in', $goods_ids);
} else {
if ($activity_type != 'all' || $app_type != 'all') {
// 搜了活动,但是 goods_ids 为空,这时候搜索结果应该为空
$goods = $goods->where($tableName . 'id', 'in', $goods_ids);
// 价格
if ($min_price != '') {
$goods = $goods->where('convert(`price`, DECIMAL(10, 2)) >= ' . round($min_price, 2));
if ($max_price != '') {
$goods = $goods->where('convert(`price`, DECIMAL(10, 2)) <= ' . round($max_price, 2));
// 商品状态
if ($status != 'all') {
$goods = $goods->where('status', $status);
if(isset($category_id) && $category_id != 0) {
$category_ids = [];
// 查询分类所有子分类,包括自己
$category_ids = \addons\shopro\model\Category::getCategoryIds($category_id);
$goods = $goods->where(function ($query) use ($category_ids) {
// 所有子分类使用 find_in_set or 匹配,亲测速度并不慢
foreach($category_ids as $key => $category_id) {
$category_id = filter_sql($category_id);
$query->whereOrRaw("find_in_set($category_id, category_ids)");
// 分销规则
if ($self_rules != 'all' && ($commission_goods_status == 'all' || $commission_goods_status == 1)) {
// 这肯定是参与的,或者全部
$goods = $goods->whereExists(function ($query) use ($self_rules, $tableName) {
$commissionGoodsName = (new \app\admin\model\shopro\commission\Goods())->getQuery()->getTable();
$query = $query->table($commissionGoodsName)->where($commissionGoodsName . '.goods_id=' . $tableName . 'id');
$query = $query->where('self_rules', $self_rules);
return $query;
// 查询参与分销的
if ($commission_goods_status != 'all') {
$goods = $goods->where(function ($query) use ($commission_goods_status, $tableName) {
$query->whereExists(function ($query) use ($commission_goods_status, $tableName) {
$commissionGoodsName = (new \app\admin\model\shopro\commission\Goods())->getQuery()->getTable();
$query = $query->table($commissionGoodsName)->where($commissionGoodsName . '.goods_id=' . $tableName . 'id');
$query = $query->where('status', $commission_goods_status);
return $query;
// 查询不参与分销的(存在 commission goods 并且 status = 1 或者 不存在 commission_goods)
if ($commission_goods_status == 0) {
$query = $query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($commission_goods_status, $tableName) {
$query = $query->whereNotExists(function ($query) use ($commission_goods_status, $tableName) {
$commissionGoodsName = (new \app\admin\model\shopro\commission\Goods())->getQuery()->getTable();
$query = $query->table($commissionGoodsName)->where($commissionGoodsName . '.goods_id=' . $tableName . 'id');
return $query;
return $query;
return $query;
return $goods;