You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
196 lines
7.8 KiB
196 lines
7.8 KiB
2 years ago
namespace app\admin\library\buiapi;
use think\Db;
use think\Config;
use app\admin\model\BuiapiField;
* 模型管理管理
class BuiApiFunc
public static $rules = [
'require' => '必添',
'accepted' => '接受 1 yes on 验证',
'date' => '是否是一个有效日期',
'alpha' => '只允许字母',
'chs' => '只允许汉字',
'alphaNum' => '只允许字母和数字',
'activeUrl' => '是否为有效的网址',
'ip' => '是否为IP地址',
'url' => '是否为一个URL地址',
'number' => '是否为数字',
'integer' => '是否为整型',
'email' => '是否为邮箱地址',
'boolean' => '是否为布尔值',
'array' => '是否为数组',
'file' => '文件验证',
'image' => '图片验证',
'token' => 'TOEKN验证'
//'float' => '是否为float',
//'chsAlpha' => '只允许汉字、字母',
//'chsAlphaNum' => '只允许汉字、字母和数字',
//'chsDash' => '只允许汉字、字母、数字和下划线_及破折号-',
//'alphaDash' => '只允许字母数字和下划线破折号',
protected static $table_list = [];
protected static $not_sync_table = ['admin', 'admin_log', 'auth_group', 'auth_group_access', 'auth_rule', 'config', 'ems', 'sms', 'user', 'user_group', 'user_money_log', 'user_rule', 'user_score_log', 'user_token', 'version', 'buiapi_field', 'buiapi_table'];
* 获取当前数据库的表列表
public static function getTableList($debar = [])
$tableList = Db::query("SHOW TABLE STATUS");
foreach ($tableList as $key => $row) {
$table_name = str_replace(Config::get('database.prefix'), '', trim($row['Name']));
if (in_array($table_name, $debar) || in_array($table_name, self::$not_sync_table)) {
self::$table_list[$row['Name']] = !empty($row['Comment']) ? trim($row['Comment']) : "缺省";
return self::$table_list;
* 获取所有的数据
public static function getTableFormatData($list = [])
$tables = [];
foreach ($list as $key => $row) {
list($table_name, $table_desc) = explode("|", $row);
if (empty($table_name) || empty($table_desc)) {
list($modelName, $currTime) = ['', time()];
$tableName = str_replace(Config::get('database.prefix'), '', trim($table_name));
if (substr_count($tableName, '_')) {
$exp = explode('_', $tableName);
foreach ($exp as $val) {
$modelName .= ucfirst(strtolower($val));
} else {
$modelName = ucfirst(strtolower($tableName));
$tables[] = ['name' => $modelName, 'table' => $tableName, 'desc' => $table_desc, 'createtime' => $currTime, 'updatetime' => $currTime, 'is_show' => 1];
return $tables;
* 同步当前表的所有字段数据
public static function getTableFieldFormatData(array $table = [])
$insert_data = [];
foreach ($table as $key => $row) {
$field_list = Db::query(sprintf("SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM %s%s", Config::get('database.prefix'), $row['table']));
if (empty($field_list)) {
foreach ($field_list as $field) {
list($field_string, $field_json) = ['', []];
list($type, $length, $comment, $default, $title) = ['', '', '缺省', '', '缺省'];
if (strtolower($field['Field']) == 'id') {
if (BuiapiField::where(['field' => $field['Field'], 'table' => $row['table']])->count()) {
if (in_array($field['Type'], ['text', 'date', 'datetime', 'time'])) {
list($type, $length, $title) = [$field['Type'], '', trim($field['Comment'])];
list($comment, $default) = [$field['Comment'], trim($field['Default'])];
$pattern = "/([\w\W]*)\(([\w\W]+)?\)/i"; //enum('0','1','2')
preg_match($pattern, $field['Type'], $match);
//如果类型是 varchar、int、decimal、tinyint
if (isset($match[1]) && in_array($match[1], ['varchar', 'int', 'decimal', 'tinyint'])) {
list($type, $length, $title) = [$match[1], $match[2], trim($field['Comment'])];
list($comment, $default) = [$field['Comment'], trim($field['Default'])];
//如果类型是 set、enum
if (isset($match[1]) && in_array($match[1], ['set', 'enum'])) {
$list = str_replace("'", '', explode(',', $match[2]));
$field_string = implode(",", $list);
foreach ($list as $key => $vals) {
if (empty($key) && empty($field['Comment'])) {
$default = $vals;
$list[$key] = sprintf("%s=%s", $vals, $vals);
$field_json[$vals] = $vals;
$liststr = implode(',', $list);
list($type, $length) = [$match[1], '255'];
$comment = (!empty($field['Comment'])) ? sprintf("%s:%s", $field['Comment'], $liststr) : sprintf("%s:%s", $comment, $liststr);
$title = (!empty($field['Comment'])) ? trim($field['Comment']) : $title;
if (strpos($field['Comment'], ':') !== false && strpos($field['Comment'], ',') !== false) {
$field_json = [];
list($comment1, $comment2) = explode(':', $field['Comment']);
foreach (explode(',', $comment2) as $vals) {
list($v1, $v2) = explode('=', $vals);
$field_json["$v1"] = $v2;
if (isset($match[1]) && !in_array($match[1], ['varchar', 'int', 'decimal', 'tinyint', 'set', 'enum'])) {
list($type, $length, $title) = [$match[1], $match[2], trim($field['Comment'])];
list($comment, $default) = [$field['Comment'], trim($field['Default'])];
if (strpos($title, ':') !== false) {
list($title, $defaultValue) = explode(":", $title);
if ($title == '缺省') {
$title = sprintf("%s(%s)", $title, trim($field['Field']));
$curr_time = time();
$insert_data[] = [
'table' => trim($row['table']),
'title' => $title,
'name' => trim($field['Field']),
'field' => trim($field['Field']),
'type' => $type,
'length' => $length,
'default' => $default,
'remark' => $comment,
'createtime' => $curr_time,
'updatetime' => $curr_time,
'field_string' => $field_string,
'field_json' => (!empty($field_json)) ? json_encode($field_json, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_FORCE_OBJECT) : '',
return $insert_data;