You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

381 lines
9.0 KiB

1 year ago
<view class="select_popup_container">
<view class="popup_title">
<navigator v-if="mer_id" :url="`pages/product/addGoods/freightTemplate?mer_id=${mer_id}`" hover-class="none" class="manage_btn">管理</navigator>
<view class="popup_title_msn">{{ selectProductTitle }}</view>
<view class="close" @click="close"><text class="iconfont">&#xe761;</text></view>
<!-- 已选列表 -->
<view class="selected_list" v-if="selectProductItem.multiple && multipleList.length">
<view class="selected_list_item" v-for="(item, index) in multipleList" :key="index">
<view>{{ item.label }}</view>
<view @click="deleteSelectedList(item, index)"><view class="iconfont">&#xe6a0;</view></view>
<!-- 标签头部 -->
<view class="tap">
<scroll-view scroll-x="true" class="popup_tap">
<view class="popup_tap_content">
<view class="popup_tap_item" v-for="(item, index) in tap" :key="index" @click="handleSelectTapId(item, index)" :class="{ selectTapEd: selectTapId == item.value }">
<view>{{ item.label }}</view>
<!-- 内容选择 -->
<view class="content">
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="popup_sroll" @scrolltolower="scrolltolower">
<view class="content_list">
<view v-for="(item, index) in assemblyList" :key="index" class="content_list_item" :class="{ selectSingleCase: item.selectEd }">
<view @click="selectItem(item, assemblyList)">{{ item.label }}</view>
<view v-if="selectProductItem.multiple && !item.children"><text class="iconfont" @click="selectPushMultiple(item, assemblyList)">&#xe70e;</text></view>
import { serialize } from '../../../libs/uniApi.js';
export default {
props: {
selectProductTitle: {
type: String,
default: ''
// 从外部传入的分类数据
classifiedData: {
type: Array,
default: () => {
return [];
// 表单数据
form: {
type: Object,
default: () => {
return {};
// 外部选项数据,携带需要进项判断的参数
selectProductItem: {
type: Object,
default: () => {
return {
// multiple true || false 是否多选
// model 外部表单的key值
// showTap 是否展示tap
// allreadySelect 曾经的选项,用于再次打开后回显
// singleColumn 单列单选
mer_id: {
type: Number,
default: 0
data() {
return {
assemblyList: [],
tap: [], // 标签数据
selectTapId: '',
tapIndex: '', // 选中d的tap的下标
multipleList: [] // 多选的数组, 可用于展示
watch: {
tap: {
handler(val) {
// console.log(val);
deep: true
multipleList: {
handler(val) {
this.$emit('multipleList', val, this.selectProductItem.model);
// 监听外部传入的数据变化,重新渲染数据
classifiedData: {
handler(val) {
deep: true
created() {
this.tap.push({ value: '', label: '请选择', samelevel: this.assemblyList });
methods: {
initData() {
this.addClassifiedAttr(this.classifiedData, 'children', 'selectEd', false);
// 代表有选中项
if (this.selectProductItem.singleColumn && (this.selectProductItem.allreadySelect && this.selectProductItem.allreadySelect.length) ) {
this.assemblyList = serialize(this.classifiedData);
this.assemblyList.forEach(item => {
if ( => val.value).includes(item.value)) {
item.selectEd = true;
// 多选有数据
if (this.selectProductItem.allreadySelect && this.selectProductItem.allreadySelect.length && !this.selectProductItem.multiple) {
this.tap = this.selectProductItem.allreadySelect;
this.selectTapId = this.tap[0].value;
this.handleSelectTapId(this.tap[0], 0);
// 品牌数据没有 value, label 字段
this.classifiedData.forEach(item => {
if (!item.value) {
this.$set(item, 'value', item.brand_id);
if (!item.label) {
this.$set(item, 'label', item.brand_name);
this.assemblyList = serialize(this.classifiedData);
selectItem(item, samelevel) {
if (this.selectProductItem.multiple) {
// 注意,只能选择最后一级
if (!item.children || !item.children.length) {
item.selectEd = !item.selectEd;
} else {
this.assemblyList.forEach(val => {
val.selectEd = false;
item.selectEd = true;
if (this.tap.filter(val => val.value === item.value).length) {
this.$set(item, 'samelevel', samelevel);
if (this.selectTapId !== '') {
if (!item.children || !item.children.length) {
this.tap[this.tap.length - 1].label = item.label;
this.tap[this.tap.length - 1].value = item.value;
this.$emit('getLinkageData', this.tap, this.selectProductItem.model);
this.tap.splice(this.tapIndex, 1, item);
this.tap.splice(this.tapIndex + 1, this.tap.length);
this.selectTapId = '';
this.assemblyList = item.children;
this.tap.push({ value: '', label: '请选择', samelevel: this.assemblyList });
if (item.children && item.children.length && !this.selectTapId) {
this.tap.splice(this.tap.length - 1, 0, item);
this.assemblyList = item.children;
} else {
this.tap[this.tap.length - 1].label = item.label;
this.tap[this.tap.length - 1].value = item.value;
if (this.selectProductItem.multiple) {
this.$emit('getLinkageData', this.tap, this.selectProductItem.model);
// 多选时添加事件
selectPushMultiple(item, samelevel) {
item.selectEd = true;
this.multipleList = this.unique(this.multipleList);
// 数组去重
unique(arr) {
var obj = {};
return arr.filter(ele => {
if (!obj[ele]) {
obj[ele] = true;
return true;
// 删除已选项
deleteSelectedList(item, index) {
this.multipleList.splice(index, 1);
this.assemblyList.forEach(val => {
if (item.value == val.value) {
val.selectEd = false;
// 将数组用 "/" 连接
connectionString(arr, lab = '/') {
return => item.label).join('/');
handleSelectTapId(item, index) {
if (!item.value) {
this.assemblyList = this.tap[this.tap.length - 2].children;
this.selectTapId = '';
if (index == this.tap.length - 1) {
this.selectTapId = item.value;
this.assemblyList = this.tap[this.tap.length - 2].children;
this.selectTapId = item.value;
this.tapIndex = index;
this.assemblyList = item.samelevel;
// 递归添加属性
addClassifiedAttr(arr, childKey, addkey, value) {
arr.forEach(item => {
this.$set(item, addkey, value);
if (item[childKey] && item[childKey].length) {
this.addClassifiedAttr(item[childKey], childKey, addkey, value);
close() {
// 滑动组件滑倒底部时触发事件
scrolltolower() {
this.$emit('scrolltolower', this.selectProductItem.model);
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