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230 lines
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230 lines
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namespace addons\shopro\library\pay\provider;
use think\Log;
use think\exception\HttpResponseException;
use addons\shopro\service\pay\PayRefund;
use Yansongda\Pay\Pay;
class Alipay extends Base
protected $payService = null;
protected $pay = null;
protected $platform = null;
public function __construct($payService, $platform = null)
$this->payService = $payService;
$this->platform = $platform;
public function pay($order, $config = [], $from = null)
$this->init('alipay', $config);
if (in_array($this->platform, ['WechatOfficialAccount', 'WechatMiniProgram', 'H5'])) {
// 返回支付宝支付链接
if (!$from == 'url') {
// return request()->domain() . '/shop/api/pay/alipay?pay_sn=' . $order['out_trade_no'] . '&platform=' . $this->platform . '&return_url=' . urlencode($this->config['alipay']['default']['return_url']);
return request()->domain() . '/addons/shopro/pay/alipay?pay_sn=' . $order['out_trade_no'] . '&platform=' . $this->platform . '&return_url=' . urlencode($this->config['alipay']['default']['return_url']);
$method = $this->getMethod('alipay');
$result = Pay::alipay()->$method($order);
return $result;
public function transfer($payload, $config = [])
$this->init('alipay', $config);
$code = 0;
$response = Pay::alipay()->transfer($payload);
if ($response['code'] === '10000' && $response['status'] === 'SUCCESS') {
$code = 1;
return [$code, $response];
public function notify($callback, $config = [])
$this->init('alipay', $config);
try {
$data = Pay::alipay()->callback(); // 是的,验签就这么简单!
// { // 支付宝支付成功回调参数
// "gmt_create": "2022-06-21 14:54:39",
// "charset": "utf-8",
// "seller_email": "",
// "subject": "\u5546\u57ce\u8ba2\u5355\u652f\u4ed8",
// "buyer_id": "2088902485164146",
// "invoice_amount": "0.01",
// "notify_id": "2022062100222145440064141420932810",
// "fund_bill_list": "[{\"amount\":\"0.01\",\"fundChannel\":\"ALIPAYACCOUNT\"}]",
// "notify_type": "trade_status_sync",
// "trade_status": "TRADE_SUCCESS",
// "receipt_amount": "0.01",
// "buyer_pay_amount": "0.01",
// "app_id": "2021001114666742",
// "seller_id": "2088721922277739",
// "gmt_payment": "2022-06-21 14:54:40",
// "notify_time": "2022-06-21 14:54:41",
// "version": "1.0",
// "out_trade_no": "P202202383569762189002100",
// "total_amount": "0.01",
// "trade_no": "2022062122001464141435375324",
// "auth_app_id": "2021001114666742",
// "buyer_logon_id": "157***",
// "point_amount": "0.00"
// }
// { // 支付宝退款成功(交易关闭)回调参数
// "gmt_create": "2022-06-21 15:31:34",
// "charset": "utf-8",
// "seller_email": "",
// "gmt_payment": "2022-06-21 15:31:34",
// "notify_time": "2022-06-21 15:53:32",
// "subject": "商城订单支付",
// "gmt_refund": "2022-06-21 15:53:32.158",
// "out_biz_no": "R202203533190902732002100",
// "buyer_id": "2088902485164146",
// "version": "1.0",
// "notify_id": "2022062100222155332064141421692866",
// "notify_type": "trade_status_sync",
// "out_trade_no": "P202203305611515511002100",
// "total_amount": "0.01",
// "trade_status": "TRADE_CLOSED",
// "refund_fee": "0.01",
// "trade_no": "2022062122001464141435383344",
// "auth_app_id": "2021001114666742",
// "buyer_logon_id": "157***",
// "gmt_close": "2022-06-21 15:53:32",
// "app_id": "2021001114666742",
// "seller_id": "2088721922277739"
// }
Log::write('pay-notify-origin-data:' . json_encode($data));
// 判断是否是支付宝退款(支付宝退款成功会通知该接口)
$out_trade_no = $data['out_trade_no']; // 商户单号
$out_refund_no = $data['out_biz_no'] ?? ''; // 退款单号
if (
$data['notify_type'] == 'trade_status_sync' // 同步交易状态
&& $data['trade_status'] == 'TRADE_CLOSED' // 交易关闭
&& $out_refund_no // 退款单号
) {
// 交给退款实例处理
$refund = new PayRefund();
'out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no,
'out_refund_no' => $out_refund_no,
'payment_json' => json_encode($data)
return Pay::alipay()->success();
// 判断支付宝是否是支付成功状态,如果不是,直接返回响应
if ($data['trade_status'] != 'TRADE_SUCCESS') {
// 不是交易成功的通知,直接返回成功
return Pay::alipay()->success();
$data['pay_fee'] = $data['total_amount'];
$data['transaction_id'] = $data['trade_no'];
$data['buyer_info'] = $data['buyer_logon_id'];
return $callback($data);
} catch (HttpResponseException $e) {
$data = $e->getResponse()->getData();
$message = $data ? ($data['msg'] ?? '') : $e->getMessage();
format_log_error($e, 'alipayNotify.HttpResponseException', $message);
return 'fail';
} catch (\Exception $e) {
format_log_error($e, 'alipayNotify');
return 'fail';
* 退款
* @param array $order_data
* @param array $config
* @return array
public function refund($order_data, $config = [])
$this->init('alipay', $config);
$result = Pay::alipay()->refund($order_data);
Log::write('pay-refund-origin-data:' . json_encode($result, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
// {
// "code": "10000",
// "msg": "Success",
// "buyer_logon_id": "157***",
// "buyer_user_id": "2088902485164146",
// "fund_change": "Y",
// "gmt_refund_pay": "2022-06-21 15:53:32",
// "out_trade_no": "P202203305611515511002100",
// "refund_fee": "0.01",
// "send_back_fee": "0.00",
// "trade_no": "2022062122001464141435383344"
// }
return $result;
* 格式化支付参数
* @param [type] $params
* @return void
protected function formatConfig($config, $data = [])
$config['notify_url'] = request()->domain() . '/addons/shopro/pay/notify/payment/alipay/platform/' . $this->platform;
if (in_array($this->platform, ['WechatOfficialAccount', 'WechatMiniProgram', 'H5'])) {
// app 支付不能带着个参数
$config['return_url'] = str_replace('&', '&', request()->param('return_url', ''));
$config = $this->formatCert($config);
return $config;
* 拼接支付证书绝对地址
* @param array $config
* @return array
protected function formatCert($config)
$end = substr($config['app_secret_cert'], -4);
if ($end == '.crt') {
$config['app_secret_cert'] = ROOT_PATH . 'public' . $config['app_secret_cert'];
$config['alipay_public_cert_path'] = ROOT_PATH . 'public' . $config['alipay_public_cert_path'];
$config['app_public_cert_path'] = ROOT_PATH . 'public' . $config['app_public_cert_path'];
$config['alipay_root_cert_path'] = ROOT_PATH . 'public' . $config['alipay_root_cert_path'];
return $config;
} |