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248 lines
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namespace addons\shopro\library\activity\provider;
use addons\shopro\library\activity\traits\GiveGift;
use app\admin\model\shopro\Coupon;
use app\admin\model\shopro\order\Order;
* 满额赠送
class FullGift extends Base
use GiveGift;
protected $rules = [
"limit_num" => "number|egt:0",
"type" => "require",
"event" => "require",
"discounts" => "require|array"
protected $message = [
"discounts.require" => '请填写优惠规则',
"discounts.array" => '请填写优惠规则',
protected $default = [
"limit_num" => 0, // 每人可参与次数 0:不限制
"type" => "money", // money=满足金额|num=满足件数
"event" => "confirm", // 赠送时机 paid=支付完成|confirm=确认收货(必须全部确认收货才可以)|finish=订单完成(评价完成)
"discounts" => [] //{"full":"100",
// "types":"coupon=优惠券|score=积分|money=余额|goods=商品",
// "coupon_ids":"赠优惠券时存在",
// "total":"赠送优惠券总金额",
// "score":"积分",
// "money":"余额",
// "goods_ids":"商品时存在",
// "gift_num":"礼品份数"}
protected $giftType = [
'money' => '余额',
'score' => '积分',
'coupon' => '优惠券',
'goods' => '商品',
public function check($params, $activity_id = 0)
// 数据验证
$params = parent::check($params);
// 验证赠送规则字段
// 检测活动之间是否存在冲突
$this->checkActivityConflict($params, $params['goods_list'], $activity_id);
return $params;
* 获取 赠送的优惠券列表
* @param string $type
* @param array $rules
* @return array
public function rulesInfo($type, $rules)
$discounts = $rules['discounts'];
foreach ($discounts as &$discount) {
$discount['coupon_list'] = [];
if (in_array('coupon', $discount['types']) && isset($discount['coupon_ids']) && $discount['coupon_ids']) {
$discount['coupon_list'] = Coupon::statusHidden()->whereIn('id', $discount['coupon_ids'])->select();
$rules['discounts'] = $discounts;
return $rules;
public function formatTags($rules, $type)
$tags = [];
$discounts = $rules['discounts'] ?? [];
foreach ($discounts as $discount) {
$tags[] = $this->formatTag([
'type' => $rules['type'],
'simple' => $rules['simple'] ?? false, // 简单信息展示
'full' => $discount['full'],
'discount' => $discount
return array_values(array_filter($tags));
* 格式化 discount 折扣为具体优惠标签
* @param string $type
* @param array $discountData
* @return string
public function formatTag($discountData)
$discount = $discountData['discount'];
$gift_type_text = '';
foreach ($discount['types'] as $type) {
$gift_type_text = $gift_type_text . (isset($this->giftType[$type]) ? ',' . $this->giftType[$type] : '');
$tag = '满' . $discountData['full'] . ($discountData['type'] == 'money' ? '元' : '件');
$tag .= '赠送' . ($discountData['simple'] ? '礼品' : trim($gift_type_text, ','));
return $tag;
public function formatTexts($rules, $type)
$texts = [];
$discounts = $rules['discounts'] ?? [];
foreach ($discounts as $discount) {
$text = '消费满' . $discount['full'] . ($rules['type'] == 'money' ? '元' : '件');
$text .= '';
foreach ($discount['types'] as $type) {
$text .= ',';
if ($type == 'money') {
$text .= '赠送' . $discount['money'] . '元余额 ';
} elseif ($type == 'score') {
$text .= '赠送' . $discount['score'] . '积分 ';
} elseif ($type == 'coupon') {
$text .= '赠送价值' . $discount['total'] . '元优惠券 ';
$text .= ' (条件:活动礼品共 ' . $discount['gift_num'] . ' 份';
if ($rules['limit_num'] > 0) {
$text .= ',每人仅限参与 ' . $rules['limit_num'] . ' 次';
$text .= ')';
$texts[] = $text;
return array_values(array_filter($texts));
public function getPromoInfo($promo, $data = [])
$rules = $promo['rules'];
// 是按金额,还是按件数比较
$compareif = $rules['type'] == 'num' ? 'promo_goods_num' : 'promo_goods_amount';
// 将规则按照从大到校排列,优先比较是否满足最大规则
$rulesDiscounts = isset($rules['discounts']) && $rules['discounts'] ? array_reverse($rules['discounts']) : []; // 数组反转
// 满减, 满折多个规则从大到小匹配最优惠
foreach ($rulesDiscounts as $d) {
unset($d['coupon_list']); // 移除规则里面的 coupon_list
if (${$compareif} < $d['full']) {
// 不满足条件,接着循环下个规则
// 记录该活动的一些统计信息
$promo_discount_info = [
'activity_id' => $promo['id'], // 活动id
'activity_title' => $promo['title'], // 活动标题
'activity_type' => $promo['type'], // 活动类型
'activity_type_text' => $promo['type_text'], // 活动类型中文
'promo_discount_money' => 0, // 优惠金额 (赠送,不优惠)
'promo_goods_amount' => $promo_goods_amount, // 当前活动商品总金额
'rule_type' => $rules['type'], // 满多少元|还是满多少件
'discount_rule' => $d, // 满足的那条规则
"limit_num" => $rules['limit_num'], // 每个人可参与次数
"event" => $rules['event'], // 赠送时机
'goods_ids' => $goodsIds // 这个活动包含的这次购买的商品
return $promo_discount_info ?? null;
* 支付成功(货到付款下单),添加礼品记录
* @param array|object $order
* @param array|object $user
* @return void
public function buyOk($order, $user)
// 满赠送
$ext = $order->ext;
$promoInfos = $ext['promo_infos'];
foreach ($promoInfos as $info) {
if ($info['activity_type'] == 'full_gift') {
// 满赠,开始赠送
$this->addGiftsLog($order, $user, $info);
$event = $order->status == Order::STATUS_PENDING ? 'pending' : 'paid'; // 货到付款不是真的付款,不能发放礼品 event 改为 pending
// 检测并赠送礼品
$this->checkAndGift($order, $user, $promoInfos, $event);
* 促销购买失败(退款)
* @param \think\Model $order
* @param string $type
* @return void
public function buyFail($order, $type)
if ($type == 'refund') {
// 退款,将礼品标记为已退款,如果已经送出去的不扣除
$this->checkAndFailGift($order, '订单全额退款');
} else if ($type == 'invalid') {
if ($order->pay_mode == 'offline') {
// 只有线下付款取消时才需要标记礼品赠送失败
$this->checkAndFailGift($order, '货到付款订单取消');
} |