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1 year ago
namespace Yansongda\Pay\Gateways;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Yansongda\Pay\Contracts\GatewayApplicationInterface;
use Yansongda\Pay\Contracts\GatewayInterface;
use Yansongda\Pay\Events;
use Yansongda\Pay\Exceptions\GatewayException;
use Yansongda\Pay\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException;
use Yansongda\Pay\Exceptions\InvalidConfigException;
use Yansongda\Pay\Exceptions\InvalidGatewayException;
use Yansongda\Pay\Exceptions\InvalidSignException;
use Yansongda\Pay\Gateways\Alipay\Support;
use Yansongda\Supports\Collection;
use Yansongda\Supports\Config;
use Yansongda\Supports\Str;
* @method Response app(array $config) APP 支付
* @method Collection pos(array $config) 刷卡支付
* @method Collection scan(array $config) 扫码支付
* @method Collection transfer(array $config) 帐户转账
* @method Response wap(array $config) 手机网站支付
* @method Response web(array $config) 电脑支付
* @method Collection mini(array $config) 小程序支付
class Alipay implements GatewayApplicationInterface
* Const mode_normal.
const MODE_NORMAL = 'normal';
* Const mode_dev.
const MODE_DEV = 'dev';
* Const mode_service.
const MODE_SERVICE = 'service';
* Const url.
const URL = [
self::MODE_NORMAL => '',
self::MODE_DEV => '',
* Alipay payload.
* @var array
protected $payload;
* Alipay gateway.
* @var string
protected $gateway;
* extends.
* @var array
protected $extends;
* Bootstrap.
* @author yansongda <>
* @throws \Exception
public function __construct(Config $config)
$this->gateway = Support::create($config)->getBaseUri();
$this->payload = [
'app_id' => $config->get('app_id'),
'method' => '',
'format' => 'JSON',
'charset' => 'utf-8',
'sign_type' => 'RSA2',
'version' => '1.0',
'return_url' => $config->get('return_url'),
'notify_url' => $config->get('notify_url'),
'timestamp' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'sign' => '',
'biz_content' => '',
'app_auth_token' => $config->get('app_auth_token'),
if ($config->get('app_cert_public_key') && $config->get('alipay_root_cert')) {
$this->payload['app_cert_sn'] = Support::getCertSN($config->get('app_cert_public_key'));
$this->payload['alipay_root_cert_sn'] = Support::getRootCertSN($config->get('alipay_root_cert'));
* Magic pay.
* @author yansongda <>
* @param string $method
* @param array $params
* @throws GatewayException
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @throws InvalidConfigException
* @throws InvalidGatewayException
* @throws InvalidSignException
* @return Response|Collection
public function __call($method, $params)
if (isset($this->extends[$method])) {
return $this->makeExtend($method, ...$params);
return $this->pay($method, ...$params);
* Pay an order.
* @author yansongda <>
* @param string $gateway
* @param array $params
* @throws InvalidGatewayException
* @return Response|Collection
public function pay($gateway, $params = [])
Events::dispatch(new Events\PayStarting('Alipay', $gateway, $params));
$this->payload['return_url'] = $params['return_url'] ?? $this->payload['return_url'];
$this->payload['notify_url'] = $params['notify_url'] ?? $this->payload['notify_url'];
unset($params['return_url'], $params['notify_url']);
$this->payload['biz_content'] = json_encode($params);
$gateway = get_class($this).'\\'.Str::studly($gateway).'Gateway';
if (class_exists($gateway)) {
return $this->makePay($gateway);
throw new InvalidGatewayException("Pay Gateway [{$gateway}] not exists");
* Verify sign.
* @author yansongda <>
* @param array|null $data
* @throws InvalidSignException
* @throws InvalidConfigException
public function verify($data = null, bool $refund = false): Collection
if (is_null($data)) {
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$data = $request->request->count() > 0 ? $request->request->all() : $request->query->all();
if (isset($data['fund_bill_list'])) {
$data['fund_bill_list'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($data['fund_bill_list']);
Events::dispatch(new Events\RequestReceived('Alipay', '', $data));
if (Support::verifySign($data)) {
return new Collection($data);
Events::dispatch(new Events\SignFailed('Alipay', '', $data));
throw new InvalidSignException('Alipay Sign Verify FAILED', $data);
* Query an order.
* @author yansongda <>
* @param string|array $order
* @throws GatewayException
* @throws InvalidConfigException
* @throws InvalidSignException
public function find($order, string $type = 'wap'): Collection
$gateway = get_class($this).'\\'.Str::studly($type).'Gateway';
if (!class_exists($gateway) || !is_callable([new $gateway(), 'find'])) {
throw new GatewayException("{$gateway} Done Not Exist Or Done Not Has FIND Method");
$config = call_user_func([new $gateway(), 'find'], $order);
$this->payload['method'] = $config['method'];
$this->payload['biz_content'] = $config['biz_content'];
$this->payload['sign'] = Support::generateSign($this->payload);
Events::dispatch(new Events\MethodCalled('Alipay', 'Find', $this->gateway, $this->payload));
return Support::requestApi($this->payload);
* Refund an order.
* @author yansongda <>
* @throws GatewayException
* @throws InvalidConfigException
* @throws InvalidSignException
public function refund(array $order): Collection
$this->payload['method'] = '';
$this->payload['biz_content'] = json_encode($order);
$this->payload['sign'] = Support::generateSign($this->payload);
Events::dispatch(new Events\MethodCalled('Alipay', 'Refund', $this->gateway, $this->payload));
return Support::requestApi($this->payload);
* Cancel an order.
* @author yansongda <>
* @param array|string $order
* @throws GatewayException
* @throws InvalidConfigException
* @throws InvalidSignException
public function cancel($order): Collection
$this->payload['method'] = '';
$this->payload['biz_content'] = json_encode(is_array($order) ? $order : ['out_trade_no' => $order]);
$this->payload['sign'] = Support::generateSign($this->payload);
Events::dispatch(new Events\MethodCalled('Alipay', 'Cancel', $this->gateway, $this->payload));
return Support::requestApi($this->payload);
* Close an order.
* @param string|array $order
* @author yansongda <>
* @throws GatewayException
* @throws InvalidConfigException
* @throws InvalidSignException
public function close($order): Collection
$this->payload['method'] = '';
$this->payload['biz_content'] = json_encode(is_array($order) ? $order : ['out_trade_no' => $order]);
$this->payload['sign'] = Support::generateSign($this->payload);
Events::dispatch(new Events\MethodCalled('Alipay', 'Close', $this->gateway, $this->payload));
return Support::requestApi($this->payload);
* Download bill.
* @author yansongda <>
* @param string|array $bill
* @throws GatewayException
* @throws InvalidConfigException
* @throws InvalidSignException
public function download($bill): string
$this->payload['method'] = '';
$this->payload['biz_content'] = json_encode(is_array($bill) ? $bill : ['bill_type' => 'trade', 'bill_date' => $bill]);
$this->payload['sign'] = Support::generateSign($this->payload);
Events::dispatch(new Events\MethodCalled('Alipay', 'Download', $this->gateway, $this->payload));
$result = Support::requestApi($this->payload);
return ($result instanceof Collection) ? $result->get('bill_download_url') : '';
* Reply success to alipay.
* @author yansongda <>
public function success(): Response
Events::dispatch(new Events\MethodCalled('Alipay', 'Success', $this->gateway));
return new Response('success');
* extend.
* @author yansongda <>
* @throws GatewayException
* @throws InvalidConfigException
* @throws InvalidSignException
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public function extend(string $method, callable $function, bool $now = true): ?Collection
if (!$now && !method_exists($this, $method)) {
$this->extends[$method] = $function;
return null;
$customize = $function($this->payload);
if (!is_array($customize) && !($customize instanceof Collection)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Return Type Must Be Array Or Collection');
Events::dispatch(new Events\MethodCalled('Alipay', 'extend', $this->gateway, $customize));
if (is_array($customize)) {
$this->payload = $customize;
$this->payload['sign'] = Support::generateSign($this->payload);
return Support::requestApi($this->payload);
return $customize;
* Make pay gateway.
* @author yansongda <>
* @throws InvalidGatewayException
* @return Response|Collection
protected function makePay(string $gateway)
$app = new $gateway();
if ($app instanceof GatewayInterface) {
return $app->pay($this->gateway, array_filter($this->payload, function ($value) {
return '' !== $value && !is_null($value);
throw new InvalidGatewayException("Pay Gateway [{$gateway}] Must Be An Instance Of GatewayInterface");
* makeExtend.
* @author yansongda <>
* @throws GatewayException
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @throws InvalidConfigException
* @throws InvalidSignException
protected function makeExtend(string $method, array ...$params): Collection
$params = count($params) >= 1 ? $params[0] : $params;
$function = $this->extends[$method];
$customize = $function($this->payload, $params);
if (!is_array($customize) && !($customize instanceof Collection)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Return Type Must Be Array Or Collection');
Events::dispatch(new Events\MethodCalled(
'extend - '.$method,
is_array($customize) ? $customize : $customize->toArray()
if (is_array($customize)) {
$this->payload = $customize;
$this->payload['sign'] = Support::generateSign($this->payload);
return Support::requestApi($this->payload);
return $customize;