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333 lines
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1 year ago
namespace addons\shopro\library\pay\provider;
use think\Log;
use think\exception\HttpResponseException;
use Yansongda\Pay\Pay;
class Wechat extends Base
protected $payService = null;
protected $platform = null;
public function __construct($payService, $platform = null)
$this->payService = $payService;
$this->platform = $platform;
public function pay($order, $config = [])
$this->init('wechat', $config);
if (isset($this->config['wechat']['default']['mode']) && $this->config['wechat']['default']['mode'] === 2) {
if (in_array($this->platform, ['WechatOfficialAccount', 'WechatMiniProgram'])) {
$order['payer']['sub_openid'] = $order['payer']['openid'] ?? '';
$order['amount']['total'] = intval(bcmul($order['total_amount'], '100')); // 按分 为单位
if ($this->platform == 'H5') {
$order['_type'] = 'app'; // 使用 配置中的 app_id 字段
$order['scene_info'] = [
'payer_client_ip' => request()->ip(),
'h5_info' => [
'type' => 'Wap',
unset($order['order_id'], $order['total_amount']);
$method = $this->getMethod('wechat');
$result = Pay::wechat()->$method($order);
return $result;
public function transfer($payload, $config = [])
$this->init('wechat', $config, 'sub_mch');
$code = 0;
$payload['total_amount'] = $payload['total_amount'] * 100;
foreach ($payload['transfer_detail_list'] as $key => &$detail) {
$detail['transfer_amount'] = $detail['transfer_amount'] * 100;
if (isset($this->config['wechat']['default']['_type'])) {
// 为了能正常获取 appid
$payload['_type'] = $this->config['wechat']['default']['_type'];
// $payload['authorization_type'] = 'INFORMATION_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE';
$payload['authorization_type'] = 'FUND_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE';
// $payload['authorization_type'] = 'INFORMATION_AND_FUND_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE';
$response = Pay::wechat()->transfer($payload);
if (isset($response['batch_id']) && $response['batch_id']) {
$code = 1;
return [$code, $response];
public function notify($callback, $config = [])
$this->init('wechat', $config);
try {
$originData = Pay::wechat()->callback(); // 是的,验签就这么简单!
// {
// "id": "a5c68a7c-5474-5151-825d-88b4143f8642",
// "create_time": "2022-06-20T16:16:12+08:00",
// "resource_type": "encrypt-resource",
// "event_type": "TRANSACTION.SUCCESS",
// "summary": "支付成功",
// "resource": {
// "original_type": "transaction",
// "algorithm": "AEAD_AES_256_GCM",
// "ciphertext": {
// "mchid": "1623831039",
// "appid": "wx43051b2afa4ed3d0",
// "out_trade_no": "P202204155176122100021000",
// "transaction_id": "4200001433202206201698588194",
// "trade_type": "JSAPI",
// "trade_state": "SUCCESS",
// "trade_state_desc": "支付成功",
// "bank_type": "OTHERS",
// "attach": "",
// "success_time": "2022-06-20T16:16:12+08:00",
// "payer": {
// "openid": "oRj5A44G6lgCVENzVMxZtoMfNeww"
// },
// "amount": {
// "total": 1,
// "payer_total": 1,
// "currency": "CNY",
// "payer_currency": "CNY"
// }
// },
// "associated_data": "transaction",
// "nonce": "qoJzoS9MCNgu"
// }
// }
Log::write('pay-notify-origin-data:' . json_encode($originData));
if ($originData['event_type'] == 'TRANSACTION.SUCCESS') {
// 支付成功回调
$data = $originData['resource']['ciphertext'] ?? [];
if (isset($data['trade_state']) && $data['trade_state'] == 'SUCCESS') {
// 交易成功
$data['pay_fee'] = ($data['amount']['total'] / 100);
$data['notify_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime((string)$data['success_time']));
$data['buyer_info'] = $data['payer']['openid'] ?? '';
$result = $callback($data, $originData);
return $result;
return 'fail';
} else {
// 微信交易未成功,返回 false,让微信再次通知
Log::error('notify-error:交易未成功:' . $originData['event_type']);
return 'fail';
} catch (HttpResponseException $e) {
$data = $e->getResponse()->getData();
$message = $data ? ($data['msg'] ?? '') : $e->getMessage();
format_log_error($e, 'wechatNotify.HttpResponseException', $message);
return 'fail';
} catch (\Exception $e) {
format_log_error($e, 'wechatNotify');
return 'fail';
* 退款
* @param array $order_data
* @param array $config
* @return array
public function refund($order_data, $config = [])
$config['notify_url'] = $config['notify_url'] ?? request()->domain() . '/addons/shopro/pay/notifyRefund/payment/wechat/platform/' . $this->platform;
$order_data['notify_url'] = $config['notify_url'];
$this->init('wechat', $config);
$order_data['amount']['total'] = $order_data['amount']['total'] * 100;
$order_data['amount']['refund'] = $order_data['amount']['refund'] * 100;
$result = Pay::wechat()->refund($order_data);
Log::write('pay-refund-origin-data:' . json_encode($result, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
// { 返回数据字段
// "amount": {
// "currency": "CNY",
// "discount_refund": 0,
// "from": [],
// "payer_refund": 1,
// "payer_total": 1,
// "refund": 1,
// "settlement_refund": 1,
// "settlement_total": 1,
// "total": 1
// },
// "channel": "ORIGINAL",
// "create_time": "2022-06-20T19:06:36+08:00",
// "funds_account": "AVAILABLE",
// "out_refund_no": "R202207063668479227002100",
// "out_trade_no": "P202205155977315528002100",
// "promotion_detail": [],
// "refund_id": "50301802252022062021833667769",
// "status": "PROCESSING",
// "transaction_id": "4200001521202206207964248014",
// "user_received_account": "\u652f\u4ed8\u7528\u6237\u96f6\u94b1"
// }
return $result;
* 微信退款回调
* @param array $callback
* @param array $config
* @return array
public function notifyRefund($callback, $config = [])
$this->init('wechat', $config);
try {
$originData = Pay::wechat()->callback(); // 是的,验签就这么简单!
Log::write('pay-notifyrefund-callback-data:' . json_encode($originData));
// {
// "id": "4a553265-1f28-53a3-9395-8d902b902462",
// "create_time": "2022-06-21T11:25:33+08:00",
// "resource_type": "encrypt-resource",
// "event_type": "REFUND.SUCCESS",
// "summary": "\u9000\u6b3e\u6210\u529f",
// "resource": {
// "original_type": "refund",
// "algorithm": "AEAD_AES_256_GCM",
// "ciphertext": {
// "mchid": "1623831039",
// "out_trade_no": "P202211233042122753002100",
// "transaction_id": "4200001417202206214219765470",
// "out_refund_no": "R202211252676008994002100",
// "refund_id": "50300002272022062121864292533",
// "refund_status": "SUCCESS",
// "success_time": "2022-06-21T11:25:33+08:00",
// "amount": {
// "total": 1,
// "refund": 1,
// "payer_total": 1,
// "payer_refund": 1
// },
// "user_received_account": "\u652f\u4ed8\u7528\u6237\u96f6\u94b1"
// },
// "associated_data": "refund",
// "nonce": "8xfQknYyLVop"
// }
// }
if ($originData['event_type'] == 'REFUND.SUCCESS') {
// 支付成功回调
$data = $originData['resource']['ciphertext'] ?? [];
if (isset($data['refund_status']) && $data['refund_status'] == 'SUCCESS') {
// 退款成功
$result = $callback($data, $originData);
return $result;
return 'fail';
} else {
// 微信交易未成功,返回 false,让微信再次通知
Log::error('notify-error:退款未成功:' . $originData['event_type']);
return 'fail';
} catch (HttpResponseException $e) {
$data = $e->getResponse()->getData();
$message = $data ? ($data['msg'] ?? '') : $e->getMessage();
format_log_error($e, 'wechatNotifyRefund.HttpResponseException', $message);
return 'fail';
} catch (\Exception $e) {
format_log_error($e, 'wechatNotifyRefund');
return 'fail';
* 格式化支付参数
* @param [type] $params
* @return void
protected function formatConfig($config, $data = [], $type = 'normal')
if ($config['mode'] == 2 && $type == 'sub_mch') {
// 服务商模式,但需要子商户直连 ,重新定义 config(商家转账到零钱)
$config = [
'mch_id' => $config['sub_mch_id'],
'mch_secret_key' => $config['sub_mch_secret_key'],
'mch_secret_cert' => $config['sub_mch_secret_cert'],
'mch_public_cert_path' => $config['sub_mch_public_cert_path'],
$config['mode'] = 0; // 临时改为普通商户
if ($config['mode'] === 2) {
// 首先将平台配置的 app_id 初始化到配置中
$config['mp_app_id'] = $config['app_id']; // 服务商关联的公众号的 appid
$config['sub_app_id'] = $data['app_id']; // 服务商特约子商户
} else {
$config['app_id'] = $data['app_id'];
switch ($this->platform) {
case 'WechatMiniProgram':
$config['_type'] = 'mini'; // 小程序提现,需要传 _type = mini 才能正确获取到 appid
if ($config['mode'] === 2) {
$config['sub_mini_app_id'] = $config['sub_app_id'];
} else {
$config['mini_app_id'] = $config['app_id'];
case 'WechatOfficialAccount':
$config['_type'] = 'mp'; // 小程序提现,需要传 _type = mp 才能正确获取到 appid
if ($config['mode'] === 2) {
$config['sub_mp_app_id'] = $config['sub_app_id'];
} else {
$config['mp_app_id'] = $config['app_id'];
case 'App':
case 'H5':
$config['notify_url'] = request()->domain() . '/addons/shopro/pay/notify/payment/wechat/platform/' . $this->platform;
$config['mch_secret_cert'] = ROOT_PATH . 'public' . $config['mch_secret_cert'];
$config['mch_public_cert_path'] = ROOT_PATH . 'public' . $config['mch_public_cert_path'];
return $config;