You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
146 lines
5.5 KiB
146 lines
5.5 KiB
1 year ago
* Themes, rules, and i18n support
* Locale: Chinese; 中文
(function(factory) {
typeof module === "object" && module.exports ? module.exports = factory( require( "jquery" ) ) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['jquery'], factory) :
}(function($) {
/* Global configuration
//stopOnError: true,
//focusCleanup: true,
//theme: 'yellow_right',
//timely: 2,
// Custom rules
rules: {
digits: [/^\d+$/, "请填写数字"]
,letters: [/^[a-z]+$/i, "请填写字母"]
,date: [/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/, "请填写有效的日期,格式:yyyy-mm-dd"]
,time: [/^([01]\d|2[0-3])(:[0-5]\d){1,2}$/, "请填写有效的时间,00:00到23:59之间"]
,email: [/^[\w\+\-]+(\.[\w\+\-]+)*@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z\d\-]+)*\.([a-z]{2,4})$/i, "请填写有效的邮箱"]
,url: [/^(https?|s?ftp):\/\/\S+$/i, "请填写有效的网址"]
,qq: [/^[1-9]\d{4,}$/, "请填写有效的QQ号"]
,IDcard: [/^\d{6}(19|2\d)?\d{2}(0[1-9]|1[012])(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])\d{3}(\d|X)?$/, "请填写正确的身份证号码"]
,tel: [/^(?:(?:0\d{2,3}[\- ]?[1-9]\d{6,7})|(?:[48]00[\- ]?[1-9]\d{6}))$/, "请填写有效的电话号码"]
,mobile: [/^1[3-9]\d{9}$/, "请填写有效的手机号"]
,zipcode: [/^\d{6}$/, "请检查邮政编码格式"]
,chinese: [/^[\u0391-\uFFE5]+$/, "请填写中文字符"]
,username: [/^\w{3,12}$/, "请填写3-12位数字、字母、下划线"]
,password: [/^[\S]{6,16}$/, "请填写6-16位字符,不能包含空格"]
,accept: function (element, params){
if (!params) return true;
var ext = params[0],
value = $(element).val();
return (ext === '*') ||
(new RegExp(".(?:" + ext + ")$", "i")).test(value) ||
this.renderMsg("只接受{1}后缀的文件", ext.replace(/\|/g, ','));
// Default error messages
messages: {
0: "此处",
fallback: "{0}格式不正确",
loading: "正在验证...",
error: "网络异常",
timeout: "请求超时",
required: "{0}不能为空",
remote: "{0}已被使用",
integer: {
'*': "请填写整数",
'+': "请填写正整数",
'+0': "请填写正整数或0",
'-': "请填写负整数",
'-0': "请填写负整数或0"
match: {
eq: "{0}与{1}不一致",
neq: "{0}与{1}不能相同",
lt: "{0}必须小于{1}",
gt: "{0}必须大于{1}",
lte: "{0}不能大于{1}",
gte: "{0}不能小于{1}"
range: {
rg: "请填写{1}到{2}的数",
gte: "请填写不小于{1}的数",
lte: "请填写最大{1}的数",
gtlt: "请填写{1}到{2}之间的数",
gt: "请填写大于{1}的数",
lt: "请填写小于{1}的数"
checked: {
eq: "请选择{1}项",
rg: "请选择{1}到{2}项",
gte: "请至少选择{1}项",
lte: "请最多选择{1}项"
length: {
eq: "请填写{1}个字符",
rg: "请填写{1}到{2}个字符",
gte: "请至少填写{1}个字符",
lte: "请最多填写{1}个字符",
eq_2: "",
rg_2: "",
gte_2: "",
lte_2: ""
/* Themes
var TPL_ARROW = '<span class="n-arrow"><b>◆</b><i>◆</i></span>';
'simple_right': {
formClass: 'n-simple',
msgClass: 'n-right'
'simple_bottom': {
formClass: 'n-simple',
msgClass: 'n-bottom'
'yellow_top': {
formClass: 'n-yellow',
msgClass: 'n-top',
msgArrow: TPL_ARROW
'yellow_right': {
formClass: 'n-yellow',
msgClass: 'n-right',
msgArrow: TPL_ARROW
'yellow_right_effect': {
formClass: 'n-yellow',
msgClass: 'n-right',
msgArrow: TPL_ARROW,
msgShow: function($msgbox, type){
var $el = $msgbox.children();
if ($':animated')) return;
if (type === 'error') {
$el.css({left: '20px', opacity: 0})
.animate({left: '-4px', opacity: 1}, 150)
.animate({left: '3px'}, 80)
.animate({left: 0}, 80);
} else {
$el.css({left: 0, opacity: 1}).fadeIn(200);
msgHide: function($msgbox, type){
var $el = $msgbox.children();
.animate({left: '20px', opacity: 0}, 300, function(){