You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

103 lines
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1 year ago
namespace addons\alioss\library;
use app\common\library\Upload;
class Auth
public function __construct()
public function params($name, $md5, $callback = true)
$config = get_addon_config('alioss');
$callback_param = array(
'callbackUrl' => isset($config['notifyurl']) ? $config['notifyurl'] : '',
'callbackBody' => 'filename=${object}&size=${size}&mimeType=${mimeType}&height=${imageInfo.height}&width=${imageInfo.width}',
'callbackBodyType' => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
$base64_callback_body = base64_encode(json_encode($callback_param));
$now = time();
$end = $now + $config['expire']; //设置该policy超时时间是10s. 即这个policy过了这个有效时间,将不能访问
$expiration = $this->gmt_iso8601($end);
preg_match('/(\d+)(\w+)/', $config['maxsize'], $matches);
$type = strtolower($matches[2]);
$typeDict = ['b' => 0, 'k' => 1, 'kb' => 1, 'm' => 2, 'mb' => 2, 'gb' => 3, 'g' => 3];
$size = (int)$config['maxsize'] * pow(1024, isset($typeDict[$type]) ? $typeDict[$type] : 0);
$condition = array(0 => 'content-length-range', 1 => 0, 2 => $size);
$conditions[] = $condition;
//表示用户上传的数据,必须是以$dir开始, 不然上传会失败,这一步不是必须项,只是为了安全起见,防止用户通过policy上传到别人的目录
//$start = array(0 => 'starts-with', 1 => '$key', 2 => $dir);
//$conditions[] = $start;
$arr = array('expiration' => $expiration, 'conditions' => $conditions);
$policy = base64_encode(json_encode($arr));
$signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $policy, $config['accessKeySecret'], true));
$key = (new Upload())->getSavekey($config['savekey'], $name, $md5);
$key = ltrim($key, "/");
$response = array();
$response['id'] = $config['accessKeyId'];
$response['key'] = $key;
$response['policy'] = $policy;
$response['signature'] = $signature;
$response['expire'] = $end;
$response['callback'] = '';
return $response;
public function check($signature, $policy)
$config = get_addon_config('alioss');
$sign = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $policy, $config['accessKeySecret'], true));
return $signature == $sign;
private function gmt_iso8601($time)
$dtStr = date("c", $time);
$mydatetime = new \DateTime($dtStr);
$expiration = $mydatetime->format(\DateTime::ISO8601);
$pos = strpos($expiration, '+');
$expiration = substr($expiration, 0, $pos);
return $expiration . "Z";
public static function isModuleAllow()
$config = get_addon_config('alioss');
$module = request()->module();
$module = $module ? strtolower($module) : 'index';
$noNeedLogin = array_filter(explode(',', $config['noneedlogin'] ?? ''));
$isModuleLogin = false;
$tagName = 'upload_config_checklogin';
foreach (\think\Hook::get($tagName) as $index => $name) {
if (\think\Hook::exec($name, $tagName)) {
$isModuleLogin = true;
if (in_array($module, $noNeedLogin)
|| ($module == 'admin' && \app\admin\library\Auth::instance()->id)
|| ($module != 'admin' && \app\common\library\Auth::instance()->id)
|| $isModuleLogin) {
return true;
} else {
return false;