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11 months ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2022 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\controller\merchant;
use app\common\repositories\system\CountRepository;
use app\common\repositories\user\UserRepository;
use crmeb\basic\BaseController;
use app\common\repositories\store\order\StoreOrderProductRepository;
use app\common\repositories\store\order\StoreOrderRepository;
use app\common\repositories\store\product\ProductRepository;
use app\common\repositories\user\UserRelationRepository;
use app\common\repositories\user\UserVisitRepository;
use crmeb\services\ImageWaterMarkService;
use crmeb\services\UploadService;
use Joypack\Tencent\Map\Bundle\Address;
use Joypack\Tencent\Map\Bundle\AddressOption;
use think\App;
use think\facade\Cache;
use think\facade\Db;
* Class Common
* @package app\controller\merchant
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/6/25
class Common extends BaseController
* @var int|null
protected $merId;
* Common constructor.
* @param App $app
public function __construct(App $app)
$this->merId = $this->request->merId() ?: null;
* @param null $merId
* @return mixed
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/6/25
public function main($merId = null)
$today = $this->mainGroup('today', $merId ?? $this->merId);
$yesterday = $this->mainGroup('yesterday', $merId ?? $this->merId);
$lastWeek = $this->mainGroup(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('- 7day')), $merId ?? $this->merId);
$lastWeekRate = [];
foreach ($lastWeek as $k => $item) {
if ($item == $today[$k])
$lastWeekRate[$k] = 0;
else if ($item == 0)
$lastWeekRate[$k] = $today[$k];
else if ($today[$k] == 0)
$lastWeekRate[$k] = -$item;
$lastWeekRate[$k] = (float)bcdiv(bcsub($today[$k], $item, 4), $item, 4);
$day = date('Y-m-d');
return $merId ? compact('today', 'yesterday', 'lastWeekRate', 'day') : app('json')->success(compact('today', 'yesterday', 'lastWeekRate', 'day'));
* @param $date
* @param $merId
* @return array
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/6/25
public function mainGroup($date, $merId)
$userVisitRepository = app()->make(UserVisitRepository::class);
$repository = app()->make(StoreOrderRepository::class);
$relationRepository = app()->make(UserRelationRepository::class);
$orderNum = (float)$repository->dayOrderNum($date, $merId);
$payPrice = (float)$repository->dayOrderPrice($date, $merId);
$payUser = (float)$repository->dayOrderUserNum($date, $merId);
$visitNum = (float)$userVisitRepository->dateVisitUserNum($date, $merId);
$likeStore = (float)$relationRepository->dayLikeStore($date, $merId);
return compact('orderNum', 'payPrice', 'payUser', 'visitNum', 'likeStore');
* @param StoreOrderRepository $repository
* @return mixed
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/6/25
public function order(StoreOrderRepository $repository)
$date = $this->request->param('date') ?: 'lately7';
$res = Cache::remember(self::class . '@order' . $this->merId . $date, function () use ($repository, $date) {
if ($date == 'year') {
$m = date('m', time());
$time[] = $m;
do {
$time[] = '0' . ($m - 1);
} while ($m > 1);
$time = array_reverse($time);
} else {
$time = getDatesBetweenTwoDays(getStartModelTime($date), date('Y-m-d'));
$list = $repository->orderGroupNum($date, $this->merId)->toArray();
$list = array_combine(array_column($list, 'day'), $list);
$data = [];
foreach ($time as $item) {
$data[] = [
'day' => $item,
'total' => $list[$item]['total'] ?? 0,
'user' => $list[$item]['user'] ?? 0,
'pay_price' => $list[$item]['pay_price'] ?? 0
return $data;
}, 2000 + random_int(600, 1200));
return app('json')->success($res);
* @param UserRelationRepository $repository
* @param StoreOrderRepository $orderRepository
* @param UserVisitRepository $userVisitRepository
* @return \think\response\Json
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/9/24
public function user(StoreOrderRepository $orderRepository, UserVisitRepository $userVisitRepository)
$date = $this->request->param('date', 'today') ?: 'today';
$res = Cache::store('file')->remember(self::class . '@user' . $this->merId . $date, function () use ($orderRepository, $userVisitRepository, $date) {
$visitUser = $userVisitRepository->dateVisitUserNum($date, $this->merId);
$orderUser = $orderRepository->orderUserNum($date, null, $this->merId);
$orderPrice = $orderRepository->orderPrice($date, null, $this->merId);
$payOrderUser = $orderRepository->orderUserNum($date, 1, $this->merId);
$payOrderPrice = $orderRepository->orderPrice($date, 1, $this->merId);
$userRate = $payOrderUser ? bcdiv($payOrderPrice, $payOrderUser, 2) : 0;
$orderRate = $visitUser ? bcdiv($orderUser, $visitUser, 2) : 0;
$payOrderRate = $orderUser ? bcdiv($payOrderUser, $orderUser, 2) : 0;
return compact('visitUser', 'orderUser', 'orderPrice', 'payOrderUser', 'payOrderPrice', 'payOrderRate', 'userRate', 'orderRate');
}, 2000 + random_int(600, 1200));
return app('json')->success($res);
* @param StoreOrderRepository $repository
* @return mixed
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/6/25
public function userRate(StoreOrderRepository $repository, UserRepository $userRepository)
$date = $this->request->param('date') ?: 'today';
$res = Cache::store('file')->remember(self::class . '@userRate' . $this->merId . $date, function () use ($userRepository, $repository, $date) {
$uids = $repository->orderUserGroup($date, 1, $this->merId)->toArray();
$userPayCount = $userRepository->idsByPayCount(array_column($uids, 'uid'));
$user = count($uids);
$oldUser = 0;
$totalPrice = 0;
$oldTotalPrice = 0;
foreach ($uids as $uid) {
$totalPrice = bcadd($uid['pay_price'], $totalPrice, 2);
if (($userPayCount[$uid['uid']] ?? 0) > $uid['total']) {
$oldTotalPrice = bcadd($uid['pay_price'], $oldTotalPrice, 2);
$newTotalPrice = bcsub($totalPrice, $oldTotalPrice, 2);
$newUser = $user - $oldUser;
return compact('newTotalPrice', 'newUser', 'oldTotalPrice', 'oldUser', 'totalPrice', 'user');
}, 2000 + random_int(600, 1200));
return app('json')->success($res);
* @param StoreOrderProductRepository $repository
* @return mixed
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/6/25
public function product(StoreOrderProductRepository $repository)
$date = $this->request->param('date', 'today') ?: 'today';
$res = Cache::store('file')->remember(self::class . '@product' . $this->merId . $date, function () use ($repository, $date) {
return $repository->orderProductGroup($date, $this->merId)->toArray();
}, 2000 + random_int(600, 1200));
return app('json')->success($res);
public function productVisit(UserVisitRepository $repository)
$date = $this->request->param('date', 'today') ?: 'today';
$res = Cache::store('file')->remember(self::class . '@productVisit' . $this->merId . $date, function () use ($repository, $date) {
return $repository->dateVisitProductNum($date, $this->merId);
}, 2000 + random_int(600, 1200));
return app('json')->success($res);
* @param ProductRepository $repository
* @return mixed
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/6/25
public function productCart(ProductRepository $repository)
$date = $this->request->param('date', 'today') ?: 'today';
$res = Cache::store('file')->remember(self::class . '@productCart' . $this->merId . $date, function () use ($repository, $date) {
return $repository->cartProductGroup($date, $this->merId);
}, 2000 + random_int(600, 1200));
return app('json')->success($res);
public function uploadCertificate()
$file = $this->request->file('file');
if (!$file)
return app('json')->fail('请上传证书');
validate(["file|图片" => [
'fileSize' => config('upload.filesize'),
'fileExt' => 'jpg,jpeg,png,bmp',
'fileMime' => 'image/jpeg,image/png',
]])->check(['file' => $file]);
$upload = UploadService::create(1);
$data = $upload->to('attach')->move('file');
if ($data === false) {
return app('json')->fail($upload->getError());
app()->make(ImageWaterMarkService::class)->run(public_path() . $upload->getFileInfo()->filePath);
return app('json')->success(['src' => tidy_url($upload->getFileInfo()->filePath)]);
public function uploadVideo()
$file = $this->request->file('file');
if (!$file)
return app('json')->fail('请上传视频');
validate(["file|视频" => [
'fileSize' => config('upload.filesize'),
'fileExt' => 'mp4,mov',
'fileMime' => 'video/mp4,video/quicktime',
]])->check(['file' => $file]);
$upload = UploadService::create();
$data = $upload->to('media')->validate([])->move('file');
if ($data === false) {
return app('json')->fail($upload->getError());
return app('json')->success(['src' => tidy_url($upload->getFileInfo()->filePath)]);
public function config()
$data = systemConfig(['tx_map_key', 'delivery_status', 'delivery_type', 'rmargin_emind_switch']);
$data['mer_id'] = $this->request->merId();
return app('json')->success($data);
public function getMerchantCount()
return app('json')->success(app()->make(CountRepository::class)->getMerchantCount($this->request->merId()));
public function getMerchantTodo()
return app('json')->success(app()->make(CountRepository::class)->getMerchantTodo($this->request->merId()));
public function getProductSalesPriceTop()
$date = $this->request->param('date') ?: 'lately7';
return app('json')->success(app()->make(CountRepository::class)->getMerchantProductSalesPriceTop($this->request->merId(), $date));