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111 lines
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return [
'Id' => 'ID',
'Supplier_id' => '供应商ID',
'Warehouse_id' => '仓库ID',
'Partition_id' => '库区ID',
'Billing_time' => '制单时间',
'Remark' => '备注',
'Reviewer_id' => '审核人ID',
'Money' => '退款金额',
'Totalnums' => '总数',
'Status' => '订单状态',
'Status 0' => '待审批',
'Status 1' => '待退货',
'Status 2' => '未通过审批',
'Status 3' => '退货成功',
'Status 4' => '退货失败',
'Admin_id' => '数据插入人',
'Createtime' => '创建时间',
'Updatetime' => '更新时间',
'Deletetime' => '删除时间',
'' => '供应商名称',
"Selected" => "选取",
"Serial number" => "序号",
"Sku" => "Sku",
"Commodity" => "商品",
"Specification" => "规格",
"Attributes" => "属性",
"Quantity" => "数量",
"Unit" => "单位",
"unit price" => "单价",
"Subtotal" => "小计",
"Remarks" => "备注",
"Prop" => "属性",
"Warehouse" => "仓库",
"Billing" => "制单日期",
"Total" => "合计",
"Amounts payable $" => "应付金额:¥",
"Area" => "库区",
"Info" => "添加退货单",
"Please select a warehouse" => "请选择仓库",
"Partition" => "库区",
"Select product" => "选择产品",
"Inventory" => "库存",
"Contact" => "联系人",
"Phone" => "联系方式",
"Description" => "备注",
"Illegal operation" => "非法操作",
"The same item in the same library area can only be added once" => "该库区该商品已选中",
'Insufficient %s stock' => '第%s个商品库存不足',
"Operation fail" => "操作失败",
"Please add product" => "请添加产品",
"Please add basic information such as suppliers" => "请添加供应商等基础信息",
"Please select a warehouse" => "请选择仓库",
"Please select a merchant" => "请选择供应商",
"nums" => "数量",
"The modified document does not exist" => "修改的单据不存在",
"Not editable" => "该单据不可编辑",
"reason of failure" => "失败原因",
"Please fill in the reason for the failure, can be empty" => "请填写失败原因,可空",
"Save changes" => "保存",
"Close" => "关闭",
"why" => "失败原因",
"Anti audit" => "反审核",
"Successful return" => "确认退货",
"Return failed" => "退货失败",
"examination passed" => "审核通过",
"not approved" => "未通过审核",
"Reason cannot be empty" => "原因不能为空",
"Please fill in the reason" => "请填写原因",
"look" => "详情",
"Reason for failure" => "失败原因",
'Supplier' => "供应商管理",
"information" => "基础信息",
"basisinfo" => "基础信息",
"purchase" => "采购管理",
"look" => "详情",
"Retire" => "退货单",
"Print" => "打印",
"Approved no" => "未通过审核",
"Approved yes" => "通过审核",
"Confirm storage" => "确认入库",
"Anti audit" => "反审核",
"Reason for failure" => "审核失败原因",
"Please fill in the reason" => "请填写原因",
"system" => "系统管理",
"Please select a warehouse" => "请选择仓库",
"output" => "数据导出",
"delete fail" => "删除失败",
"Getsalesman" => "业务员列表",
"Getsalesman2" => "仓库列表",
"UpdateStatus" => "更新状态",
"Selectpage" => "下拉列表",
'Supplier' => "供应商管理",
"information" => "基础信息",
"basisinfo" => "基础信息",
"purchase" => "采购管理",
"look" => "详情",
"Retire" => "退货单",
"Print" => "打印",
"Approved no" => "未通过审核",
"Approved yes" => "通过审核",
"Confirm storage" => "确认入库",
"Anti audit" => "反审核",
"Reason for failure" => "审核失败原因",
"Please fill in the reason" => "请填写原因",
"system" => "系统管理",
"Select supplier" => "选择供应商",
"look" => "详情",