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292 lines
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namespace app\admin\controller\ykjp\sell;
use app\common\controller\Backend;
use think\Db;
* 销售出库单
* @icon fa fa-circle-o
class DeliveryFinancial extends Backend {
* DeliveryFinancial模型对象
* @var \app\admin\model\ykjp\sell\DeliveryFinancial
protected $model = null;
protected $searchFields = "id";
public function _initialize() {
$this->model = new \app\admin\model\ykjp\sell\DeliveryFinancial;
$this->view->assign("typeList", $this->model->getTypeList());
$this->view->assign("statusListList", $this->model->getStatusListList());
* 默认生成的控制器所继承的父类中有index/add/edit/del/multi五个基础方法、destroy/restore/recyclebin三个回收站方法
* 因此在当前控制器中可不用编写增删改查的代码,除非需要自己控制这部分逻辑
* 需要将application/admin/library/traits/Backend.php中对应的方法复制到当前控制器,然后进行修改
* 查看
public function index() {
return parent::index();
* 查看详情页
public function detail() {
$ids = $this->request->param("ids");
if ($ids == "") {
$this->error("fail", "sell/DeliveryFinancial/index");
list($where, $sort, $order, $offset, $limit) = $this->buildparams();
$list = Db::name('ykjp_delivery')
->where('firmid', $this->auth->firmid)
->where("id", $ids)
// halt($list);
$dModel = new \app\admin\model\ykjp\sell\deliveryPro;
$strProduct = $dModel->with(['products'])->where("delivery_id", $ids)->where('products.firmid', $this->auth->firmid)->select();
foreach ($strProduct as $key => $val) {
$pro = json_decode($val['products']['prop']);
$val['products']['prop'] = $this->model->object_array($pro);
$wp_id = $strProduct[$key]['wp_id'];
$arr = Db::name('ykjp_wp_relationship')->where('id', $wp_id)->where('firmid', $this->auth->firmid)->field('warehouse_id,partition_id')->find();
$w_name = Db::name('ykjp_warehouse')->where('id', $arr['warehouse_id'])->where('firmid', $this->auth->firmid)->field('name')->find();
$strProduct[$key]['w_name'] = $w_name['name'];
$p_name = Db::name('ykjp_partition')->where('id', $arr['partition_id'])->where('firmid', $this->auth->firmid)->field('name')->find();
$strProduct[$key]['p_name'] = $p_name['name'];
// halt($strProduct);
$this->assign("detail", $list);
$this->assign("product", $strProduct);
return $this->view->fetch();
* 审核
public function audit($ids = null) {
list($where, $sort, $order, $offset, $limit) = $this->buildparams();
//判断通过还是驳回 (pass 通过 reject 驳回)
if ($this->request->param("act") == "pass") { //通过
$data = array("status_list" => 5, "reviewer_id" => $this->auth->id, "updatetime" => time());
$update = $this->model
->where("status_list", 3)
->where('firmid', $this->auth->firmid)
->where("id", "in", $ids)
if ($update) {
$this->success(null, null, array("result" => "success"));
$this->error("operation fail");
} elseif ($this->request->param("act") == "reject") { //驳回
// 获取数据
$cause = $this->request->param('cause'); //审核失败原因
$time = time();
$data = array("status_list" => 4, "reviewer_id" => $this->auth->id, "updatetime" => $time, 'cause' => $cause);
$wp_arr = Db::name('ykjp_delivery_product')
->where("delivery_id", "in", $ids)
->where('firmid', $this->auth->firmid)
// halt($wp_arr);
// 启动事务
try {
Db::name('ykjp_delivery')->where("status_list", 3)->where('firmid', $this->auth->firmid)->where("id", "in", $ids)->update($data);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($wp_arr); $i++) {
->where('firmid', $this->auth->firmid)
->where('id', $wp_arr[$i]['wp_id'])
'freeze' => Db::raw('freeze-' . $wp_arr[$i]['nums']),
'inventory' => Db::raw('inventory+' . $wp_arr[$i]['nums']),
'updatetime' => Db::raw($time),
// 提交事务
$this->success(null, null, array("result" => "成功"));
} catch (PDOException $e) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->error("Illegal operation");
// public function audit($ids=null){
// list($where, $sort, $order, $offset, $limit) = $this->buildparams();
// //判断通过还是驳回 (pass 通过 reject 驳回)
// if($this->request->param("act") == "pass"){ //通过
// $time = time();
// $data = array("status_list" => 5,"reviewer_id" => $this->auth->id,"updatetime" => $time);
// /*
// 首先修改出库单状态,然后
// 通过前台传递过来的ids列表查询销售出库单的‘销售单ID’字段和《销售出库单副表》,获取销售出库单副表中的‘出库数量’、‘关联表id’和‘产品ID’字段。
// 根据获取的字段:
// 更新销售单表
// 插入流水表
// 更新关联表
// 更新商品表
// 更新仓库表
// 更新库区表
// */
// //获取 销售出库单的‘销售单ID’字段
// $sell_id_arr = Db::name('ykjp_delivery')->field('sell_id')->where("id","in",$ids)->where('firmid',$this->auth->firmid)->select();
// // 处理结果为列表
// for($i=0; $i<count($sell_id_arr); $i++){
// if($i == 0){
// $sell_id_list = $sell_id_arr[$i]['sell_id'];
// }else{
// $sell_id_list .= ',';
// $sell_id_list .= $sell_id_arr[$i]['sell_id'];
// }
// }
// //获取销售副表的关联表参数
// $wp_arr = Db::name('ykjp_delivery_product')
// ->alias('d')
// ->join('wp_relationship w','d.wp_id =')
// ->field('d.nums,d.wp_id,d.product_id,w.warehouse_id,w.partition_id')
// ->where("d.delivery_id","in",$ids)
// ->where('d.firmid',$this->auth->firmid)
// ->where('w.firmid',$this->auth->firmid)
// ->select();
// // 启动事务
// Db::startTrans();
// try{
// //一、更新销售出库单状态
// Db::name('ykjp_delivery')->where("status_list",3)->where('firmid',$this->auth->firmid)->where("id","in",$ids)->update($data);
// //二、更新销售单状态
// Db::name('ykjp_sell')->where("status_list",5)->where('firmid',$this->auth->firmid)->where("id","in",$sell_id_list)->update(['status_list'=>6,'updatetime'=>$time]);
// //三、
// for($i=0; $i<count($wp_arr); $i++){
// //插入流水表
// Db::name('ykjp_inventory_statement')->insert([
// 'firmid' => $this->auth->firmid,
// 'product_id' => $wp_arr[$i]['product_id'],
// 'warehouse_id' => $wp_arr[$i]['warehouse_id'],
// 'partition_id' => $wp_arr[$i]['partition_id'],
// 'number' => $wp_arr[$i]['nums'],
// 'type' => '销售出库',
// 'updatetime' => $time,
// ]);
// //更新关联表
// Db::name('ykjp_wp_relationship')
// ->where('firmid',$this->auth->firmid)
// ->where('id',$wp_arr[$i]['wp_id'])
// ->update([
// 'freeze' => Db::raw('freeze-'.$wp_arr[$i]['nums']),
// 'updatetime' => Db::raw($time),
// ]);
// //更新商品表
// Db::name('ykjp_product')
// ->where('firmid',$this->auth->firmid)
// ->where('id',$wp_arr[$i]['product_id'])
// ->update([
// 'inventory' => Db::raw('inventory-'.$wp_arr[$i]['nums']),
// 'updatetime' => Db::raw($time),
// ]);
// //更新仓库表
// Db::name('ykjp_warehouse')
// ->where('firmid',$this->auth->firmid)
// ->where('id',$wp_arr[$i]['warehouse_id'])
// ->update([
// 'inventory' => Db::raw('inventory-'.$wp_arr[$i]['nums']),
// 'updatetime' => Db::raw($time),
// ]);
// // 更新库区表
// Db::name('ykjp_partition')
// ->where('firmid',$this->auth->firmid)
// ->where('id',$wp_arr[$i]['partition_id'])
// ->update([
// 'inventory' => Db::raw('inventory-'.$wp_arr[$i]['nums']),
// 'updatetime' => Db::raw($time),
// ]);
// }
// // 提交事务
// Db::commit();
// $this->success(null,null,array("result" => "成功"));
// } catch (PDOException $e) {
// Db::rollback();
// $this->error('提交失败');
// } catch (Exception $e) {
// Db::rollback();
// $this->error('提交失败');
// }
// $this->error("提交失败");
// }elseif($this->request->param("act") == "reject"){ //驳回
// // 获取数据
// $time = time();
// $data = array("status_list" => 4,"reviewer_id" => $this->auth->id,"updatetime" => $time);
// //获取销售副表的关联表参数
// $wp_arr = Db::name('ykjp_delivery_product')
// ->field('nums,wp_id')
// ->where("delivery_id","in",$ids)
// ->where('firmid',$this->auth->firmid)
// ->select();
// // halt($wp_arr);
// // 启动事务
// Db::startTrans();
// try{
// //一、更新销售出库单状态
// Db::name('ykjp_delivery')->where("status_list",3)->where('firmid',$this->auth->firmid)->where("id","in",$ids)->update($data);
// //二、更新关联表
// for($i=0; $i<count($wp_arr); $i++){
// Db::name('ykjp_wp_relationship')
// ->where('firmid',$this->auth->firmid)
// ->where('id',$wp_arr[$i]['wp_id'])
// ->update([
// 'freeze' => Db::raw('freeze-'.$wp_arr[$i]['nums']),
// 'inventory' => Db::raw('inventory+'.$wp_arr[$i]['nums']),
// 'updatetime' => Db::raw($time),
// ]);
// }
// // 提交事务
// Db::commit();
// $this->success(null,null,array("result" => "成功"));
// } catch (PDOException $e) {
// Db::rollback();
// $this->error('提交失败');
// } catch (Exception $e) {
// Db::rollback();
// $this->error('提交失败');
// }
// $this->error("提交失败");
// }
// $this->error("Illegal operation");
// }